What's his name again?
What's his name again?
Fiddle Fiddlesticks the Fiddler of Fiddleshire
Kazuhira "Did this shit seriously start just because he hit that kid in the side with his cane" Miller
Kaz "A Non-White Race Will Not Set Foot On Mother Base" Miller
>Snake, did I ever tell you about the time I formed a mercenary group with Big Boss's body double? He was a good friend.
McDonald's Mallard
Kaz "Fulton a black, I'll send him back" Miller
Kaz "Fulton a kike, you're taking a hike" Miller
Kaz "Fulton a coon, i'll pop the balloon" Miller
Kaz "Fulton a nig they go to the brig" Miller
Game Theory:
are mcdonnel miller and kaz from the metal gear franchise the same characters!?
McDonald's Miller
Kaz "Jiggaboos in the Zoo" Miller
Kaz "If it's brown, flush it down" Miller
shit his name is mcdonald and he's obsessed with making burgers?? mind blown
Kaz "Killing Spree in KFC" Miller
But that's Liquid Sanke, he's just wearing glasses, god damnit. Are you people blind?
Is it possible to operate a white supremacist Mother Base?
Burger king
Kazahuri McDonald Jefferson Lavernious Tucker Harley Davidson Miller.
>Macdonell Miller
It was in our face the whole time.
But Liquid doesn't wear sunglasses, Kaz does. Did you eat a bit too much glue as a kid, user?
greatest of all time
They're two different people you idiot
I still don't know why we never saw him after MGS1 :(
Master Benedict Arnold "Kazuhira" McDonald's Miller
Stopped playing MGS after 3, who the fuck is Kazuhira Miller.
the same Master Miller from MGS1, go home user you know nothing yet, the series has gone places
for you
Why do people think Kaz is racist? Am I missing something?
Yeh, shitty places.
Kaz has a personal army of African child soldiers in MGS5. Canonically, not a joke.
>Snake did I ever told you how I met your father Big Boss?
He murdered my entire platoon, thew a parachute over my incapacitated body which flew my body upwards, fracturing many bones to airlift me to a helicopter. Where upon waking up from this traumatic ordeal he talked me into starting a mercenary army in Costa Rica. After which we built a base and foreign legion by kidnapping soldiers in active war zones, forbidding them from letting their loved ones know of their status, and crafting a cult personality built grossly exagerrated feats of your father.
And after spending 15 years of my life he fakes his death and leaves me with a body double to take the fall for everything. He never even sent me a postcard when he returned to America to plot out the seeds of Metal Gear 1 and 2. He was a good friend.
Liquid was a great villain in this series, it's sucks he got shafted in the worst way.
Liquid had the most fitting end you could conceive for someone so powerful, being betrayed by his own ego
I fucking hate mgs4
Kojima played us all like a damn fiddle
>memeing so hard people start looking for deep meanings behind your messages because of course all of this couldn't simply turn out to be nonsense
>this keeps going on for years, even replicating the same phenomena to other games like Silent Hills and Death Stranding
the ride never ends
It's all true
Kazuhira "We're called Diamond Dogs, not Welfare Hogs" Miller