Who are the niggers of Skyrim?

I vote falmer

>They literally never advanced technology wise despite being around for thousands of years
>Every thing they have is made out of scraps of dead pets (which can be be compared to pitbulls) or stolen
>Takes over structures superior races built, ruins them with squalor
>prob thinks WE WUZ DWEMER
>hated by all other races and treated like animals.

Jews are the thalmor I guess

You make a solid point.
Now explain the Time-Traveling Cyborg and why he hates Merfolk so much.

Main difference is that Falmer actually wuz Kangz at one point in their past unlike nogs.

I vote redguard becaue they are niggers.

Thalmor are nazis
Shit thread

Aren't they raghead sandniggers with their curvy swords ?


>turban-wearing dark-skinned people who use curved swords and blew up their own continent with a nuclear explosion
really makes you think

Ulfric and stormcloaks I think are generally considered Nazis by the general bluepilled public
>white Nationalists
>God fearing
>Want to hang on to their culture
>Anti nwo and globalism
>Want to make Skyrim great again

I love skyrim, wish I didn't need steam to play remastered on PC.....


Stormcloaks are delusional antifa

Falmer were a decently advanced race until the nords genocided them and the Dwemer betrayed them, making them blind slaves.

Argonians are the niggers of the series, they are all drug addled thieves living in ghettos complaining about the locals they leech off of.

I thought that was the Khajit?

>the mental gymnastics of tumblr
Jesus Christ, I'd love to get you into an asylum and scribble down your autistic thoughts. You can probably make Stalin himself into a Nazi if you try hard enough.


I always thought of argonians and khajit as gypsies

>drug addled thieves
That's the Khajiit

Stormcloaks are spastic idiots and the Legion are kow-towing toadies. Only the Gestapo Elves benefit from the conflict, so you ignore the civil war bullshit and go for the real enemy instead.

>benefits from civil war
>Are there real behind the scenes enemy
So Jews

Shut the fuck up, autist.

A long time ago there was a robot from later.

He was fucking nuts.

There were no survivors.

poo wee cum and shit.

Khajiit are more gypsies than niggers in that they are superstitious as fuck, and am actually decent at crime. They travel from town to town selling ill gotten goods to the locals at a high mark up, and sell drugs on the side.

Argonians steal to feed their crack addiction, while being good at nothing. Crack they get from khajiit.

Tumblr's a pretty cool place actually. Just a load of alt porn.

People who watch sargon on the other hand... lel


Get out

>Admits to being a tumblr using, Sargon hating, XXL wearing autist
Consider staying there next time.

>Proto elves ruled world.
>They were all literally mega Hitler.
>Human slaves were treated about as well as you'd expect.
>Slave priest bitch is all like "DRAGON GOD TOLD ME TO EMANCIPATE" and goes to war/rebellion.
>They're getting there asses kicked or something.
>Dragon God send a fucking robot from the future to save their asses.
>This robot was named Pelinal Whitestrake.
>This fucker had a crystal core for a heart and a hand made of "Killing light" or something.
>One day he saved a little slave boy from the bad guys.
>They ended up with some mad homo lust which might not count as homo lust cause he's a fucking robot with hate for a penis.
>One day his fuck toy was killed by an arrow.
>Pelinal rampaged alone to WHERE THE ARROW WAS MADE and ERASED IT FROM THE MAP.
>It was literally just gone.
>The Gods tried abandoning the world but the priest lady begged them to stay.
>The Gods personally reached down to calm him "Until he no longer had the will to kill the earth."
>This was like the scene where the main character unlocks his cool power, because he learned how to rampage like that whenever he needed to.
>He described the feeling as being "Like when the dream no longer needs the dreamer."
>This is pretty fucking terrifying considering the cosmology of the ES universe.

Falmer got fucked due to circumstances outside of their control, the real answer is the Khajiit

>Dumb as rocks
>Half of the continent keeps them as slaves
>They're best known for stealing everything that isn't nailed down, producing and selling drugs, and getting addicted to drugs

Shit opinion, they were forced into it. They literally were kings and shit.

Shit opinion, they obviously aren't. Bladesinging nuclear scientists.

Correct answer is Nords.

Literally both the lowest technologically and magically advanced race.
Hostile as fuck to any non niggers trying to improve their life.
Too dumb to see the big picture, thinking they can fight all of the thalmor.
Shit I can keep going, but obviously Nords.


kek. Do you even lore? It's the imperials. Their basic trait is literally money.

Also the falmer are lower than niggers. They're basically really smart apes. Niggers are a single step above and are hence khajiit.

Gypsies. They move around in fucking caravans.

Redguards, despite their skin colour, cannot be equivalent to irl niggers because they're simply too smart and too skilled. They have (or at least had) an understanding of tonal manipulation. They were literally a step below the dwemer at the time.

Stormcloaks are literally Tumblr riots.

>muh talos
>you can't tell me who I want to worship!
>hates elves because of arbitrary reason (tumblr hates white people because of rape or whatever)

If Stormcloaks were tumblr they'd be sucking elf dick while saying that the Nords are the assholes.

>denying the existence of an actual god
I heard those thalmor torture chambers are really effective
talos definitely on the same level as the rest of the gods, not some lorkhan-given godhood like the tribunal
he speaks to you in oblivion and gives blessing like the rest of the gods in both oblivion and skyrim
elf-lovers are just jealous a human ascended to godhood after all the mer got stuck on mundus and have been jerking off doing fuck-all for the past few millenia, and got passed over for the position

>he speaks to you in oblivion
When was this? The only divine I remember doing anything was Akatosh at the end of the main quest.

waifu mods where? I need to jack it

>elves were persian empire
>pelinal was alexander


Its funny how in all those fantasy games niggers are some super duper ultra smart people, organised, brave and honorous... and never ever in any way simmilar to real niggers. In almost any aspect, take architecture, clothing or culture. Almost like devs want to show how non racist and tolerant they are, but cant find anything interesting among real africans so they are giving them european, asiatic or arabic/middle eastern features.

Sup Forums can't make a thread without breaking a GR.

It's also possible that they don't want to use anything of African culture because people will call them racist.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

do not respond to leaf posters

Nord manlets detected, your women crave the BAC

You don't even try to hide it.

Stormweenies are equivalent of modern CIA funded Al Qaeda and Jihadist rebels.

Their successes weaken the empire and further help the Thalmor.

Tiber Septim was a nord and founded the empire.

The empire and Nords are eternally linked a Skyrexit is suicide for Skyrim and empire.

t. the Dunmer

why? cos it to primitive?

Yeah it's almost like redguards are based off of berbers and not subsaharan africans you immense retard

Well Redguards are becoming more and more middle eastern looking in the newer games.

Is hating leaves also exclusive to Sup Forums now?