Why did this game die so damn fast?

Why did this game die so damn fast?

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because dawn only lasts a few hours every day, user


>$60 for f2p quality

>He fell for the DoW3 meme
Not to late to get a refund

Very short campaign with no replayability
Multiplayer sucks

RTS is a dying genre and they didn't try hard enough, there's nothing new or innovative in this one and it's not particularly well done. I honestly think their best bet would be to try to be the best single player or co-op RTS on the market but they went full esports mode which doesn't work.

dark crusade and soulstorm are backwards

A mix of lack of content, issues with the source material and a really autist fanbase.
That too.

>It's a W40k licensed game
>It's not grim or dark


>I honestly think their best bet would be to try to be the best single player or co-op RTS on the market but they went full esports mode which doesn't work.
All my this.

This this this

Holy Fuck I don't even care if they make the gameplay good and fix everything with future expansions and updates. At the end of the day, this game doesn't look or feel like fucking 40k so I refuse to play it.

>angelos doing somersaults

It hurts

Poor campaign
Oversimplified game with overcomplicated mechanics
No Last Stand
Only one multiplayer game mode.
Uneven voice acting.

At least the other termies use teleports.
It seemed the guy doing the soundtrack was the only one who did read the memo.

>orks are loading themselves into catapult trucks to be launched at the enemy like fucking circus performers
>everyone is ok with this
>space marine chapter master does a backflip
>this is unacceptable and beyond the bounds of human decency

I don't understand people.

>reddit humor

Terminator Armour is notoriously bulky and slow. Running and sprinting in it is practically impossible.

Orks doing stupid shit is just orky though.

lolno DC was utter shit while SS is widely regarded as the best game in the series, stop trying to be so contrarian.

>SS is widely regarded as the best game in the series

By memelords on Sup Forums

SS was garbage, kid

inb4 Angelos was a primaris so he can somersault. It was gifted by Cawl

>Terminator Armour is notoriously bulky and slow. Running and sprinting in it is practically impossible.

Nigger, the tabletop rules directly contradict you. Terminators are just as capable of making making a Run move as a Guardsman squad.

I agree that backflips and the like are retarded, but any claim that it hinders your ability to move and run is based on nothing.

Either those cyber part are really strong, Goto was right on the "God-Splitter had a piece of Khaine on it" bit, the Blood Ravens stole Harlequin stuff or Bluddflagg spread the word that da magpies boss was so 'ard that he could run on Termie Kan.

I literally posted a counter example.
>inb4 BL is not canon

He's way too big to be a Primaris. Plus nothing in DoW 3 references their magpie like tendencies.

>the much needed balance patch is delayed by a fucking week
jesus christ

>I literally posted a counter example

Are you retarded? You literally posted an example of a guy RUNNING AND JUMPING in Terminator armor, while claiming that doing so was "practically impossible."

>BL overrules the tabletop

Tertiary fans are adorable.

Also if you read that book and weren't just spouting shit that someone else posted, you'd know that Hyperion was a retard and generally a shit tier Space Marine. He also hadn't spent nearly as much time in Terminator armor as, for example, a Paladin.

Why the fuck take his word as gospel as to how impractical it is to move while wearing Terminator armor?

You're an idiot.

SS was outright the best version of DoW1, this isn't even up for debate.

Logan Grimnar could run on Termie armor in one of the Grey Knights books.
Then again, he is one of the oldest loyalists not put on a Dreadnought.

Ork psychic powers of belief enable gabriel's frontflips. This is fantastic idea.

Just going to leave this here.


Reread the picture, and understand what is written in it.

That's what I posted yes. Its an achievement, as noted.

It worked on Yarrick.

>Reread the picture, and understand what is written in it.

I do, and apparently better than you do. Grimnar is pushing the armor to its limit, which means he's moving even faster than someone in Terminator armor usually can - which is already normal speed.

And you already got btfo by Feel free to stop posting.

I'm not against it at all. I can't take wh40k seriously at all so when shit like this actually happens i can appreciate it. Ork psychic powers is one of my favourite things about wh40k.

Remarkable freedom and agility is not the same as running around at full speed in it.

But feel free to take your own advice.

Me too. It helps that my introdution to 40K was Deff Skwadron, The Redeemer the TTS series and LCB.

>Soulstorm being better than Dark Crusade and Winter Assault
>DoW2 not being objectively ok with Chaos Rising being great and Retribution being irredeemable shit

>Remarkable freedom and agility is not the same as running around at full speed in it.
>Terminators cannot run at full speed, except for when they can

Amazing argument. So just to summarize.

>both the actual rules and a black library snippet that YOU posted support my argument
>you have posted nothing that supports your argument

I'm curious as to how you came to the conclusion that running in Terminator armor is
>practically impossible
seeing as that's not something you would have read anywhere. Are you just parroting some shitty meme you saw in one of these threads?

>Shit curade
>better than Soulstorm
Make your samefagging less obvious

Lack of content and 1v1 is complete shit because there's no build diversity since balance is complete shit.

How about you prove any one of us wrong instead of being a retard

ITT: angry nerds argue over a fantasy universe where green men launch themselves with catapults

> previous game has insanely successful Last Stand game mode
> it's played far more than any other multiplayer mode
> don't include it in the sequel

Relic is absolutely retarded.

But I have. Work on your reading comprehension.

Even better, consider that if Guardsmen, Marine and Terminators move at the same speed on the tabletop, it makes marines extremely slow. Whatever pattern of armour they wear.

Don't bother, this memelord posts this image and his awful taste every dow thread for juicy (you)'s

I agree with this

At least we have Total Warhams 2 to look forward to

Post your tits, woman.

>But I have. Work on your reading comprehension.

Shit argument. Do better.

>consider that if Guardsmen, Marine and Terminators move at the same speed on the tabletop, it makes marines extremely slow
>nigger who doesn't play tabletop tries to use it to support his argument
>just makes himself look dumber

The 6" move is used because that's the "average" move anyone can make (whether it's a guardsman, an ork, or a termaguant) when they still want to shoot/charge at something. It has nothing to do with them being slow, it's about being careful and ready to engage a target.

The run move is made when you aren't going to shoot/charge at anything, and all infantry can do it if they so desire. Your claim that running in Terminator is practically impossible (your words) is supported by nothing.

And you know what makes you look even dumber? There's actually a rule in the tt game that prevents a unit from running (Slow & Purposeful). Surprise, Terminators don't have this rule.

You're really bad at this.

I can't speak for everyone, but here's why I've dropped it
>Campaign isn't interesting with very limited choices in terms of gameplay, most missions only allow you to produce a handful of unit types with a straight shot to the objectives
>Multiplayer is very constricting with 5 out of the 6 viable ways to play being a spam of singular unit early on and then bringing down Elites to carry for rest of the game
>AI is CoH2's older cousin with an even higher amount of bullshit (not to mention Casual and Normal are too easy and Hard is ballbustingly insanely difficult due to how much of a boost the AI gets in all fields)
>The grind is not fun nor enjoyable with no reward in the end
>lack of modes
>lack of maps (was their plan to rely on the community?)
>too much of a focus on eSports and MOBA shit

>any claim that it hinders your ability to move and run is based on nothing
In TT, pretty much everything moves at the same speed, barring speed-increasing equipment. The closest there is to discreet speed measurements for various units is the FF rules (GW sanctioned!), in which Terminator armour gives a speed malus.

DoW1: Vanilla
Classic squad based RTS game utilizing cover with a heavy focus on map control, agression and micromanagment. A solid game, had some balance problems and hickups along the way but most of it got ironed out throught the games lifespan.

Winter Assault
Released in a very poor rushed out state, game was clearly unfinished, was extremly buggy with units shooting in melee and various other game breaking glitches. Not bad when Relic got round to fixing it though.

Dark Crusade
HORRIBLE game, some of the worst balance in any RTS game to date, random changes for no rhyme or reason, extremly buggy, was absolutley hated by the community, fire on the move bug crippled the game and online was plagued with connection problems that would drop people from games mid match and rampant hacking. Relic promised a patch was coming but it never happened.

Fixed many of the broblems with DC, saved the DoW1 community which was on its deathbed after the mess that was DC, had a few minor problems on launch but not as bad as WA or DC and they were patched out with updates, best balance out of all the DoW games. Still has an active community that plays the game regularly online stood the test of time, great game.

Are you on Sup Forums every day?

>In TT, pretty much everything moves at the same speed, barring speed-increasing equipment

See specifically
>There's actually a rule in the tt game that prevents a unit from running (Slow & Purposeful)

Also CW Eldar have Battle Focus that represents their superior speed in combat.

>Hard is ballbustingly insanely difficult

Hard AI is still ridiculously easy to beat.

Things don't change because you don't believe them, you know.

second quote was meant to be

Thats orky as fuck what are you on about?

Can they no longer run?

>Gets BTFO

It caters to no one.

It's not lore adherent to appease the auticstic fanbase
The narrative/voice acting isn't all that special or meme-worthy
Synch kills are gone so no spectacle fags to pander to
anemic gameplay mode and balance is off so no one cares for competitive play
base building and economy control isn't deep so it doesn't appeal to macrofags
cover is a bubble area instead of position based so no appeal to micro/realismfags
Aesthetic that no one likes
It feel like a game made by billions of tiny independent developers who came at the last week of production and shoved everything together.

Every time I see a Dawn of War thread on Sup Forums, I see these exact posts every time.
It's odd to me, this rote repetition. Every Dawn of War thread is the exact same, beat for beat. I'm curious as to the reason for this. I have to assume it's just one person, but perhaps it's more.

DoW 3 is bad. simple as that

I must have said this a dozen times by now but SM/Eldar/Orks is stale as fuck at this point.

If the devs felt they absolutely had to go with 3, it could have very easily been IG/Necrons/Tau.

>bugs and that's it
Good for you that it's all you care about. But aside from the fact that Soulstorm received the lowest critical reception out of the three, check this out
>DoW1: Vanilla

>Winter Assault
Great expansion that shifted the focus towards units that are basically meant to die, creating a new type of gameplay where positioning and creating frontlines while maintaining defenses is key and not favoring unit survivability

>Dark Crusade
Ok game with a clearly unbalanced new faction that had to be smoothed out, never really quite caught on since anything they did could be done better by a different faction. Tau were cool though.

Didn't really do anything new aside from a faction and those dumbasfuck aerial units. Always paraded by waifu fags.

There's a lot of criticism you can levy at DoW2 but one thing I think they nailed was the setting and the factions in play.
What would the setting be for an IG vs Necrons vs Tau game?

All they had to do was either rehash 1 or 2 again or mix them together and it would have been totally fine, but no. They just had to do some dumb bullshit.

>Im just going to ignore all these game breaking bugs, horrific balancing issues and the fact that half the game literally didn't work in a desperate attempt at damage control.

You might be able to make a more compelling argument if you had actually played any of these games more than 20 min.

not that user but just spitballing, but maybe an unknown Necron tomb gets woke because the tau are trying to take a planet from the IG.

>but muh bugs
Good for you that you think Soulstorm would've been the only means for Relic to introduce bug fixes and patches. If you're that desperate.
>horrific balancing issues
And you ignore Soulstorm's aerial units and retarded waifu faction why?
>Half the game literally didn't work
Worked on my machine

Like points out, you are the only person posting these retarded opinions in every DoW thread with nothing to back them up.

>What would the setting be for an IG vs Necrons vs Tau game?

Shit writes itself.

>Imperial Guard are sent in to reclaim a section of space that the Tau have colonized
>Tau are getting their asses kicked
>in desperation they start unearthing ancient alien ruins they have found on the planets in hopes of adapting the technology to their own ends
>wake up a slumbering dynasty, which begins a genocide campaign of the entire planet/solar system/subsector

And this is just off the top of my head. Give it to any writer with half a brain and they can come up with something better.

A lot can be switched around, too.

>Tau are the aggressors, IG are getting their asses kicked
>local Mechanicus explorator fleet is the one who breaks into the tomb to try and aid the campaign

>maybe the Necrons are in the shit - their reawakening protocols are fucked and half the legions are barely functional
>can barely fend off the advancing Tau expansion forces
>IG show up to kill absolutely everything, so now the Tau and Necrons need to work together to not die
>just need to buy enough time to plug in the Tesseract Vault and let their shard go to work

And we could have main characters that aren't just
>proud space marine commander
>enigmatic Eldar farseer
>brutal Ork warlord

A conversation where a naive and energetic Fire Caste commander tries to convince a million year old jaded as fuck Necron Overlord of the benefits of the Greater Good would be pretty neato.

As long as faggy space weeb commies get killed i am happy

Ok but only if the Necrons have Australian accents

Orks gonna Ork. It's what they do. But when Terminator armour, otherwise known as Tactical DREADNAUGHT armour is doing flips a dozen meters in the air, that is when I call bullshit. Stick with the flavor of the IP, or get left in the cold by those that love that flavor.

So since they abandoned the fans of the IP with their choices, the only option was to make a game that blew everything else out of the water. Evidently they didn't do that. That is why it failed.

But to be honest, I wouldn't know. I didn't buy it because I didn't like the way it was looking during development.

Vote with $$

>Good for you that you think Soulstorm would've been the only means for Relic to introduce bug fixes and patches.
And yes DC still remains a broken pile of shit to this day

>And you ignore Soulstorm's aerial units and retarded waifu faction why?
Probably because neither of these things are unbalanced and are good aditions to the game.

Something you would actually know if you know had actually played the game for longer than 20 min

>Worked on my machine
No, it literally doesn't.

You have literally just been BTFO, theres a reason why Soulstorm STILL has an active community and DC is dead, this has been backed up with evidence multiple times.

No matter how hard you samefag or link to yourself you have literally nothing.

Actually in older versions of the tabletop, they couldn't move as fast as other units. GW just got rid of those rules at various times they were "improving" the game by getting rid of rules.

Therefore Nigger, you are, like all Niggers, under educated about what you speak and should get your ass back in school.

>Welcome to Lorn V, cunt

Actually you are wrong, and right. Originally, BC was superior. SS had alot of bugs and balancing issues that were flat out pathetic, when released. But it had more factions, and a few more toys available for modding. Therefore the modding community jumped onto it and never let go.

Mostly because Relic could not program something better. They just kept dropping the ball with later games. For christ's sake, they were getting shown up by a modding community. But they went back and integrated a few of the tweaks the modder made as a pathc and fix the glaring bugs. So NOW SS is a better game. But originally, it was Black Crusade.

Learn your history scrub. Else you look like an idiot.

>Actually in older versions of the tabletop, they couldn't move as fast as other units

You also couldn't move and shoot Rapid Fire weapons beyond half range, and models that Go to Ground couldn't contest. But nobody gives a shit about what the rules used to be.

Get the fuck out.

Because it's shit.

I got it for free with my motherboard, but haven't had the desire to play past mission 4. All the stuff that took skill has been removed from the game. It's literally build blob then attack move. That's all there is to this game.

They do for fluff jackass, as seen by the fact that the community remembers the shit you can't. But it help that they have a brain and you, well you have mush. Keep up the pot, I'm sure it doesn't hurt cognitive functions...

I really like the game - it hit a lot of the spots I really wanted it to - but it's suffering from lack of content. It needs another game mode desperately, and the map variety is exactly the opposite - not varied.

With some content patches, it'll be a solid game. The problem is, if they take too long, it'll be truly dead before then and just fade away no matter what content they pump into it.

>They do for fluff jackass

Nope. And you won't find one person who agrees with you.

Try harder.


Even on release SS was less broken than DC, DC was plagued with problems that were never fixed including the notorious fire on the move accuracy bug and was extremely prone to desyncs and dropping players from online games.

It wasn't just "a little buggy" it was unplayable.

And if you are going to call someone a scrub or an idiot, get the fucking name of the game you are trying to defend right.

>hey Jim, lets give everyone a new unit that defies all rules and forget to include a proper counter unit, lets just hope the player racks up on armor
>oh yeah and lets put a faction in that's boring as all get out with a new unique resource that brings nothing to the table
>Oh yeah and just because we have to match Dark Crusade and it's 2 factions, lets throw in the Dark Eldar but they're not on the cover so lets only make the SoB viable but still shit
>Oh hey, Jim, almost forgot. So Dark Crusade had a campaign that everyone seemed to love so lets copy that but remove some of the best aspects like persistent base building since we're trying to be new, but lets keep those missions that take place right after each other where you have to defend your base but make you start from scratch each time because...you know...we're different
>Oh and almost forgot, lets rebalance the game by nerfing everyone else except the SoB (because like I said we made them shit) and lets also give them hero units that are easy to acquire early on that will wipe out everyone else
But please, keep on crying as if it will erase the fact that Soulstorm was obviously a cheaply made expansion that was made by a small team while Relic worked on DoW2.

Oh and I almost forgot
>falling for the "worked on my machine" line
You have to fucking retarded. Of course DoW1 is buggy in itself and it's expansions. But seeing as how that's the only thing you complain about as if the entire series was a borken mess beyond repair until your precious soulstorm came along, it's obvious how much of a retard you are.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, fag.

Don't need to. Look at sales. The 40k fan community rejected it. They saw the bullshit they were pulling and said "No. Thank you."

You on the other hand, have got... well it looks like nothing, but as you are are naked from the waste down and have your hands near your vagina, I would say you have dick all. But it doesn't really apply to you.

>so anally obliterated at long range they have to kamikaze against the crisis suits
gue'la, pls

>this nigger trying to talk about fluff
>starts talking about sales, of all things

Are you retarded? I'm actually curious to try and see where you take this argument.

Yeah, the White Scars (and the Raven Guard) got absolutely BTFO in that campaign.

Good read :)

Yes, notice how the game sold for shit? Yeah, that is the fans saying "You really are trying to push this bullshit as grimdark 40k? This bright shiny piece of rehashed dogshit that you want me to buy with flipping dreadnaughts and marines larger then Primarchs? Yeah... NO. I'll be over here with my money, thanks."

But you are very slow. So I understand that you can't help not getting it. It's ok. Go find an adult to read this to you. It will help.

>Actually in older versions of the tabletop, they couldn't move as fast as other units
Which older version, Rogue Trader? In 2nd ed+ they're as fast as a tactical marine at M 4.

>new unit that defies all rules and forget to include a proper counter unit

> boring as all get out with a new unique resource that brings nothing to the table

>only make the SoB viable but still shit
Contradictory and false

>not on the cover
Is this supposed to be an argument?

>Dark Crusade had a campaign that everyone seemed to love
DC campaign was widely disliked as just skirmishes, also

>remove some of the best aspects like persistent base building since we're trying to be new, but lets keep those missions that take place right after each other where you have to defend your base

>lets rebalance the game by nerfing everyone else except the SoB

>(because like I said we made them shit)

You clearly know absolutely nothing about DoW, let me guess you got the entire series in a steam sale and played it like once?

or have you just never played the game at all?

>Yes, notice how the game sold for shit?

Mate, are you talking about the video game or the TT game?

If this is bait, it's a godamn 10/10 you fucking got me

Because it's shit

The soundtrack is worse than the previous games though. They don't even have any fucking MP multiplayer music. The Eldar theme is the most lazy jingle bell bullshit. The composer is trash desu

How autistic can one samefag be? You really fucking can't find someone to argue with?

I like how all you can say is "False" like just saying "no" does anything.

Bonus for
>only make the SoB viable but still shit
>Contradictory and false
And yet a few sentences later you would have read
>lets rebalance the game by nerfing everyone else except the SoB (because like I said we made them shit)

Try reading and putting merit to your arguments instead of just putting your hands over your eyes and going LALALALALA because you're a part of the minority that thinks Waifustorm was the best

They need to fucking up their game. Copy Total War's strategic map and add in faction management for fuck sake. No one is playing DoW games for the multiplayer. It's a very small segment of the rts community just like the small amount of rts players in Total War.

It's mostly a singleplayer series and they keep trying to shove that's fucking shit down our throats. not every rts needs to be some hyper competitive multiplayer dotalite.

RTS games are not dying. People are dying for a good rts game, but they are being made a lot less well.

Fuck take CoH1's cover sytem with the CoH 2 improvements and add in vehicle facing for all sides. Add in the epic scale of DoW1 and the over the top acting of older school rts games.

Make conquering the map the focus.

Add in multiplayer as a tertiary supplementary thing.

How fucking retarded to RTS devs have to be today. If there are any rts developer anons seeing this for the love of god look at the Wargame series and Steel Division 44. Look at the Total War games on how to do good involving singleplayer.

I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills.

The alternative rout is to go one single campaign that is linear, but have a lot of good cheesy acting. Command and Conquer and DoW1 were both loved for the grim dark setting with humor. Like holy shit does every rts game HAVE to be serious MC Serious face.

Throw out balance out the window for singleplayer. With singleplayer you can add in modifiers for faction on a strategic map level to help balance out how they play on the maps.

Add in sieges.

RTS game developers and publishers are some of the laziest and least innovate or boundary pushing genre in eons.

Up your god damned game. The internet and publishers memed that no one bought single player rpg's before SKkyrim and even when it was a mega hit they said it was one off. Then Witcher 3 fucking drop kicked their throat out and now everyone wants to make one.

Gawd I feel like the only sane man.