Why did Sup Forums stop talking about the greatest Platinum game of all time?
Why did Sup Forums stop talking about the greatest Platinum game of all time?
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Because it's not out yet and no one's actually played it.
it really is a great game
Because it's confirmed on pc. Time to choose another one to idolize
This game isn't too memorable to me but I liked it and played through in one day so that's saying something.
It's not out for 6 days.
Because its a re-release?
People were only excited because it was announced. You can't be excited forever until it releases.
What if it was announced a year ago? Would you expect daily threads until it came out?
It's coming out PC so i dont want to look like i was telling everyone it was the best shit ever when PC fags realize its mostly just gears of war with sliding
What's so good about this game, cocksuckers?
PC release and they're too upset.
Amazing game. got it day one and never regretted it.
Only thing that bugs me is that it becomes a little repetitive mid/end game. Would have loved a sequel.
It's nothing special, but it is one of the best TPS games ever released. It is at the very least worth on playthrough and doing the challenge missions.
The shooting in Binary Domain was so much better
Because it isn't Armored Core
This game is terrible. It fits under every single Japanese game stereotype: Random techno music CONSTANTLY, highly exaggerated and unrealistic-looking movement, over-the-top, unecessarily bright, flashy visuals, too much action, highly implausible technology, and a cheesy, 90's arcade look and feel.
Aside from the total cheesiness, its gameplay is just a copy of Lost Planet mixed with a copy of Gears of War.
Why would we talk about good games? This is the internet hate machine, no matter how many times we get raides by Reddit.
>Nothing special
>But its one of the best TPS ever
This is bait
When it's released on Steam, should I play with mouse and keyboard or controller?
>the only thing PC gaymen [master race] can look forward to are 7 year old ports
I'm saying that being one of the best TPS games ever released isn't an impressive feat considering the competition. TPS didn't really take off as a genre until the ultra casual gears of uncharted generation. The only real competition Vanquish has is with RE4/5/6/Rev2. Almost everything else in the genre is a bad joke.
>playing a fast paced shooter with controller that uses almost none of the benefits of analog movement nor is it even needed
If your balls feel big play God Hard using controller
Because the PCfags didn't know it existed prior to a PC re-release being announced
We're waiting for may 25th
>TPS didn't really take off as a genre until the ultra casual gears of uncharted generation.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>its mostly just gears of war with sliding
Well it is a third person shooter, but the sliding changes the entire gameplay.
Such a unique opinion, you must be some kind of special boy.
If this is the internet h8 machine then where are my exploding yellow vans, you pussy.
So how good is this compared to Bayonetta? Is the replayability as good?
bayonetta came out last month op
How's prey working on your bloodborne box?
>So how good is this compared to Bayonetta?
It's a shooter but with platinum pacing. It's nothing like Bayonetta.
It's short and sweet and everyone should play through it at least twice.
RE4 and the Max Payne games were the only truly popular or even well known TPS games until westerners started pumping out crap like gears of war and uncharted and making them console exclusive and getting rich because of it. After that a billion other TPS one offs trying to get that call of duty audience.
In the time since the release of RE4 and MP very few TPS have been released with anything resembling quality.
You have the sequels to Max Payne, the sequels to RE4, Stranglehold, MAYBE fucking Mass Effect 1, and Vanquish. Vanquish is essentially just another flavor of Max Payne game, some would say it's better, some wouldn't, so the competition is really limited here.
>gta 3 never existed
You act like the same thing hasn't happened to every single genre bar the most niche
>After that a billion other TPS one offs trying to get that call of duty audience.
COD is an FPS
It's really really short and there's not a lot to talk about.
There's also not much depth to it despite the game having substance, it's just alright.
GTA 3 relied heavily on lock-on and shooting was a tiny portion of the game. TPS hardly defines it.
Wait it has all that? Sold
I left out the Tomb Raider games as well, and for good reason.
The gears of war audience basically was the call of duty audience before 4 released. To be accurate it was the massive console audience. Uncharted which originally wasn't a shooter at all went after that console shooter audience along with a billion other games. The choice between going for an fps or a tps I imagine was mostly the result of executives spinning wheels in their meeting rooms while looking at graphs meant to predict what people are likely to buy.
Lock on makes them not third person shooters somehow?
If you judge it on its tps mechanics its a terrible game
Considering most of the game you're driving, I wouldn't define it as a third person shooter.
Neither of those were even the point of your argument.
Syphon filter sold 2 million as well.
Then you have
>ghost recon
>metal gear solid
>armored core
>ace combat
I think it's quite accurate to say that it disqualifies them. Lock-on shooters should be compared to other lock-on shooters, not just every game with guns and a third person perspective.
>Uncharted which originally wasn't a shooter at all
t. I have never played uncharted 1
Right off the bat it's a shooter. A really lame one at that.
>ghost recon
Literally who ever cared? Rainbow Six was where it was at.
>metal gear solid
Not a TPS until 4/Peace Walker.
>armored core
Lock On
>ace combat
A fucking (unrealistic) flight sim
I'm talking about during it's initial development. They were originally making a tolkienesque game and then they were like "ah shit, look at those console shooter sales"
It's not moving the goalposts when you're categorically wrong.
the game is 4 hours long, there's not much to talk about
>they arent TPS even though the main form of combat is third person shooting
>the main form of combat
Now who's moving the goalposts?
No they aren't you idiot. Same way smash isn't a fighting game, Portal isn't an FPS, and Castlevania isn't a beat em up.
why come bayonetta and vanquish get pc port but not ps4
>no Binary Domain
>no Winback
>no Killswitch
>no Brute Force
>no Freedom Fighters
Inb4 "those games were shit because they didn't sell!"
No dumbass, they were unpopular, so they didn't sell.
>binary domain
Might as well play gears of war.
Just because it did cover shooting first doesn't mean it did it well.
A bit more advanced than winback but just as boring honestly.
>brute force
Never even heard of it. I'll look it up.
>freedom fighters
Eh, it's not terrible I guess. If you think I'm going to put it on the same level as the likes of Vanquish, and Stranglehold, or even RE4, you're out of your damn mind.
Because there's still 4 days before release. This is just the calm.