Who is the ultimate Dark Souls W*ifu?
Who is the ultimate Dark Souls W*ifu?
Other urls found in this thread:
The farting pygmy
Muffdiver Mildred
>tfw forced to play through DaS2 multiple times for all cheevos and there aren't even any cute girls
DaS3 Firekeeper
wtf. "waifu" is censored now?
What about "pee-cee-cux" ...."PCbros"
p c cucks
p c u c k s (with no spaces) is censored.
What did you tell her Sup Forums when she asked you if you could fly?
>"Amazing chest ahead"
i honestly wouldn't mind if waifu was censored
Illusory Chest ahead
This, waifu posters are pathetic
Of course.
"waifu" in OP autosages the thread.
Trapfu best waifu
imagine the chosen undead overpowering the god so powerful, and making him kiss his dick, it would be nice, why no one has modded it yet
Those tits are wayyyyy too big
waifu in the OP triggers autosage
Any SFMs of her
would you use your whole body as a dick for gwen? basically jump up and down in her pussy? fat guys have a huge advantage here for a change.
how come dark souls 1 character faces are much prettier than bloodborne's and dark souls 3's?
huh, I never thought about it
Where's the giantess fags we need them to weigh in
What happens if you kill her? Never played the game.
anor londo goes dark and you have new enemies and a boss to fight
>never played the game
shit son
Would tall people have more of an advantage as well? Because I could just wear a big body suit.
You can actually fight Gwyndolin without killing Gwynevere.
The more you know.
pcbros ?
pcbros ?
is T b h filtered too?
Only in exchange for her to give me the giantess blowjob I always wanted.
For reference; The giant sandworm girl from MGQ always gets me going.
the fair lady
engyi the eggs bro
Older engine, so faces are generally a little more angular and the textures are cleaner.
They did a good job all around visually in that game; goes to show that style easily trumps technical quality and poly count when it comes to graphics.
OP is evading all the filters other fags have on. You're clearly new.