He fell for the tripwire meme

>he fell for the tripwire meme

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That's one weird Killing Floor.

if i wanted to play a shitty vietnam "game", i would play project reality with mods

realismfags have the worst taste

you missed
git gud

Yeah I don't get the AK either honestly, I refuse to believe it was that inaccurate.

also this user hasn't played the game. If OP had an m16 he would have got him easily.

>Boot game up
>It ain't me starts playing.

I don't understand, is the game free now?

never happened to me in two dozen hours of playing aside from a time or two when i forgot to turn torrents off and they were downloading fast

It's in open beta right now

until monday

yeah but it's being offered through the main product page on steam as if it was the base game. after the beta, will it no longer be in my library? I've never seen something like this on steam before

learn about sight alignment and how it is handled in RS2 and you are fine.

tldr OP is a faggot noob

The guy is like 100 meters away, why wouldnt it be accurate

happened to me so many times during my 3 hours or so of playing. won't be purchasing

>full auto

That looked fine. You missed, recoil kicked I'm your gun around, and you got him near the end.

If anything, that's an improvement to RO2, where everyone was deadly accurate at all times with very little recoil except for a few guns.

they are all in full damage control over a game they are emotional invested in for no reason. some guy above me literally said to "git gud" by adjusting your aim to this game's fucked up and bugged sight alignment. BUT, even that wouldn't work, netcode is shit and doesn't register often

You obviously missed, your sights went to his left right before you fired, and the full auto burst made it go right over his head.
Have you never played STALKER or anything like that? You should be using semi-auto at all times unless you're inside a building.

>sight alignment 40 meters

your aim is shit m8

Well I've never played the game before and I'm not interested in it but I can tell you that he just flat out missed the first shot and then got unlucky with recoil.

The only thing wrong in this WebM is that OP is a retard for using full-auto at that range. Have any of you ever fired a gun before?

>sprint in a "realistic" game


I like the cover system where you can only shoot your cover but other people can still shoot you.

LOL. its even less defense able slowed down. you can literally see him get three solid body shots before the guy even fires back a single time.

OP was just running through the jungle mate.

>full auto

what the hell is wrong with you.

>why isn't my gun a perfect laser?

the character is under stress
the sight alignment isnt on-point
thats why op is missing


Dude you missed. Its not the game it was you. It was obvious he moved right just before you fired.

Git Gud

Are you seeing the same vid as me? Cause the first shot is to the left of the target then it draws over it.


You're wrong and have never used a gun before. The only time the gun fires when the front site post is on target, it's not aligned with the rear site, meaning the shit went above



fix your shit aim you faggot
also notice how the front sight is pointed upwards...

>Full auto
>Body shots

yes, and had the rare pleasure of shooting full autos. if you were that range from a person in real life, and managed to control your burst that well and got the drop on the person, they would be down if not dead. no question



Sup Forums talking bout guns is cringeworthy

>tfw I fell for it


i noticed the US sniper fires exactly fucking 5 feet higher where you aim if you shoot at a distance as close as just the second or third farthest target in the shooting range

and the adjust sight button just changes the zoom of the sniper so there is no apparent way of adjusting height of shots like with the assault rifles...

the fuck

Okay but he didn't control the burst that well because you'll notice every shot went above the target, his sights weren't aligned because full auto so he was shooting high

you're retarded.
If you adjust the sight you adjust the zeroing
lowest zoom is 100m, highest zoom is 500m


>full auto all over the place from a distance
>waahhhhh shitty netcode
The game does have shitty netcode so you're not wrong about that, but as shows, you also have shit aim.

there's literally a zero at the bottom right of the HUD.
You can zero the rifle you fucking noob

>misses target
>"what! that was right on him"
>"Am I not as good as I think I am? no, it's the video games that are wrong"

Unless you can go into some kind of debug mode and see EXACTLY where the bullets are going and if they are indeed not working properly then this is just a bunch of people whining that they aren't laser accurate in a game designed with realism in mind and trying to pawn it off as if all gun fights play out this way.

>first spray misses
>the next actual hits are just leg shots
>the shot that puts him down is when OPs camera gets popped up from being shot
everything looks good on my end, OP just aimed a little too low, should've been on single fire for the AK too that thing kicks hard.

Nah, the sprays starts wrong but he clearly goes diagonally across the body and at full spray some of those bullets definitely should have made contact.

Considering AKM has 100 rds/min, which equates to 1.6 bullet per second.


>gun is only aiming at the target for maybe two rounds

Because you're a retard who sprays and prays.

Controlled bursts motherfucker

like i said, the sight adjust buttons just fucking zoom in the scope...

and the sight zoom buttons dont do anything...

how do you do that after zooming in the scope automatically sets it to fucking 700 meter range

He goes diagonally ABOVE the target, stop looking at ONLY the front sight. The front sight is above the rear sight meaning the shot goes even higher than he front sight

I fell for the antimatter games meme. I'm having shit loads of fun. The game is goddamn good. Some shit I hope they fix, but goddamn is it great. movement is tight. Graphics are decent, nothing outstanding but they look great on my monitor. Gameplay is great though, that's the most important thing.

>"realistic" game
>3 7.62 rounds to down a guy with no body armor
tripwire shills at full force itt

He actually took one round to the legs and one round to the chest and OP kept shooting at him once he was already dead and falling over

Stop being shit. Literally drop everyone with a single bullet. Dropped faggots with one bullet with my pistol.

yeah seems like its one shot for anything if you hit in the upper torso or head or neck

looks better than ro2's tame sway and recoil

Normally you can drop someone with a single shot.

Normally. It's a tripwire game, after all.

Only shots #8 and #9 hit the target. #8 was a leg shot and #9 was a chest shot, and #9 was the killing blow

I can't explain being able to survive some shots or bleeding out though. But generally when I aim and shoot at someone, they're dead.

Looks more like #9 missed and #10 hit

No... not really... not even from point blank..

this bitch took like 3 or 4 center mass and still runs off

>thinking 7.62 is inherently better because it's bigger
Lol read up on Ballistics, noguns fagboy. The round the Russians and Chinese supplied to the NV was phased out because it was discovered that while being reliable and cheap to make, it was making little to no wound cavitation. A big round going pretty fast would hit hard but then stop before going deep or really causing more damage. Whereas the 5.56 round the Americans were using would shred the shit out of whatever it hit because it's going much faster, and due to it's smaller size has an easier time passing through material and creating a larger wound.

Looks to me like he missed the first 7 shots, hits the 8th, missed the 9th, hits the 10th, then fires an 11th for no apparent reason.

whats this scope illumination keybind, it doesnt seem to work for any guns with scopes, and theres no use for it really since theres no day/night cyle in maps

night ops DLC confirmed?

Did she kill?

If you don't hit the head or heart there's a chance they will be able to bandage.
For all we can tell one of OP's shots did connect and the enemy was bleeding out but kept shooting before finally taking another hit and going down.


oh yeah. She died.. that was live tv

he coulda laid down to heal himself

yeah, didn't see one hit from the original. op shouldn't be using auto unless you're within 10m

Yes, but from blood loss.
9mm cant kill anything right away.

Are you suggesting that organ failure is not possible? Or shock? That statement is retarded.

isnt this the fake shooting in north carolina that was reported as some black dude chimping out and it turned out to be fake? kek



>you don't die from getting shot, you die from death that's a scientific fact

It takes several seconds to bandage, not wise to do when there is still an enemy shooting at you. Plus it happened so fast I imagine it was pure reaction without thinking on his part.

Unless you're talking about whether he actually died or not, in which case you can clearly see his ragdoll going limp in the slo-mo, so yea he died.

>humans can't sprint

No... It happened.. on live TV... It only looks fake because she gets shot point blank and runs off. 2 people died.



nigga you dumb, if she died from the gunshots she died from the 9mm

>the shooting was a preexsting condition

More please


This never fails to make me laugh.



a shot in the leg is already enough to incapacitate someone in real life

thanks for the useless information no one asked about

>in real life
>disregards user bringing factual scienece into the discussion
Pick one

AKMs aren't anywhere near as inaccurate as RS2 would have you believe. In single shot, I've NEVER had issues hitting targets with any of the AKs I've fired. The AKs in RS2 are fucking retarded.

True, but for the purposes of gameplay I don't think it's too awful to allow someone to survive a single leg shot. They "incapacitate" in the sense that you're slowed down when you take a leg shot, just not forced to crawl.

Which now that I think about it, could be a cool feature too.




kek didn't know 9mm was this much of a meme bullet

>would shred the shit out of whatever it hit
It makes fucking pinholes...
5:25 shows single bullet to cinder block
7:00 shows full auto damage

tell that to trayvon

Voice acting is very underwhelming. I expected more, but I never played any ROs and I heard it was top notch. DOI blows this one out of the water, arguably. Even I refer the VA of Insurgency over this. Gunplay is okay, just need to get the handling of it. Sounds are just meh, I expected more too.

I want to buy the game from the start, but I'm glad the free weekend gave me second thoughts