What games did you play today?
P5 and hearthstone
How did you get this picture of me?
Someone is butthurt.
did whoever drew this really think to themselves that this would become the next big meme? more importantly why did OP save it?
you have to be over the age of 18 to post on this site
Mother 3, Etrian Odyssey 3, Legend of Grimrock
>someone actually took the time to draw this
Out There Ω Edition
About to play HotS for lootboxes
who the heck makes these silly pictures?
nice pic, i'm taking it
Thumper on switch and a few minutes on Bloodborne. Didn't have much time to play vidya today.
This picture makes me think of Newgrounds
LMAO that fucking pic. Can't believe some people actually get peeved over it.
I really like the mental image that all Nintenbros have a full Mario costume that they wear when they play games or post on Sup Forums
Puyo Puyo Tetris
>it's a console wars thread
just beat BotW. now on to titanfall 2. sony and nintendo only babbies like you retards give me life
wait, is that really how it works?
so is the shit coming out of the wii or going into
please help me understand, this is worse than cwc
Any other fellow Nintenbros find these kinds of pics hilarious?
I do appreciate the butthurt that Sony posters put into their posts. Who would be in a bathroom long enough to discharge a Switch's battery? No one. Stay mad, gents.
These over exaggerated pictures are always hilarious.
Someone post more
>animal Crossing New Leaf
>Smash Bros Melee with my nine year old cousin
>now playing puyo puyo Tetris
Steel Diver. Controls are bad. It's easier to just run past enemies than fight them and split second decisions are impossible.
>that pikman reggie
Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
and breath of the Wild :^)
why is luigi giving golden face a blowjob
Mario kart
I hate this image for the sole reason that Bloodborne doesn't have any jav ass anywhere in the game.
honestyly go fuck yourself with that stupid ass picture
only a literal and actual nitenyearold would find this funyn and think "yeah this is going to make my fellow Sup Forumsedditors laugh so hard"
unironically kys
Poop is funny tho
8ball pool on my phone
Dude that literally made me sick. Fuck you, you disgusting faggot.
should be invent a pc
I played Lotro and had fun exploring the lone lands despite being desolate and barren
bloodborne is better than porn