ITT: Games Sup Forums likes that you just couldn't get in to

ITT: Games Sup Forums likes that you just couldn't get in to

It's not that Sup Forums liked MH4U, it's that there was no alternative.

It's a steep learning curve if you've never played a MH game before, but I love it. Play it with three of my lads and we have a ball every weekend.

How do you feel about the following?

4U sucked worse than generations imo.
>Here lemme just shove this story down your throat.
4U is literally unplayable.
Granted, Generations was trash too.

MHFU was the only good MH game I've played.

>4U is bad because it added a story
>Text can still be mashed through at the speed of sound
Don't make me say it.

It looks like Dragon's Dogma and that is a very good thing.

I only played a bit of it, and the combat was fun. Despite obvious Alpha bugs.

I'm just worried about the item drop rates since its going for f2p.

Steep learning curve, Obnoxiously high difficulty, Everything being really slow, Extremely low drop rates for any decent items, etc. stops me from enjoying MH. They're well made games, they're just not fun to me


Well fuck there went my hopes and dreams. It was a nice minute though.

Some f2p games aren't total jewfests. I'm cautiously optimistic.

From what I played in the alpha those are my webms the grinding wasn't much different than MH at the start. Later I'm sure it will get worse. I believe most of the pay wall is going to be the end of match loot.

You get an item at the end of match that drops random loot and the items to let you upgrade that loot item (make items it drops rarer) were pretty hard to come by.

Outside of that though I didn't see any major problems.

>I believe most of the pay wall is going to be the end of match loot.

That'd probably be the kinda total jewfest I wouldn't be about. But it it's all in the numbers. If it's a small boost and the game is balanced for free players then fine, if that shit speeds the grind up by 2x or 3x then fuggit, I'm out.

So they added blood to the hit effects. Looks a bit better. Did they fix the sounds? Also, you have any full vids or solo vids? The videos I've seen are all of retarded journos getting stomped.

Do the hit effects still sound like quiet farts that completely and utterly remove all feeling of weight?
I mean, the animations already do that with crappy effects, but the the last time I heard the game the sounds were even worse.

I have a few videos but haven't gotten around to removing my ID tag yet.

Hits felt better in the last alpha, but still buggy. The creatures don't react to a heavy hit which bothers me. The sound wasn't terrible. I only bothered to use the hammer so far, it really felt like when you swung you were committed to it all the way.

My biggest complaint was the lack of escapes that should be there but don't work because of wonky controls.

Best MH

I didn't like the combat at all.

Seriously? no one has said it yet? well.

Git gud.

I didn't have a problem with difficulty, i just wasn't having fun with the game

so, what weapons are there in this? im looking for the IG or Bow equivalents, if there are any