Nocturne will always be the peak turnbased JRPG kino experience

>Nocturne will always be the peak turnbased JRPG kino experience

>atlus have never tried as hard since

More like Sadayo SHITwakami.

Make me a cup of coffee you whore, just one isn't enough. Do my laundry too you cunt.

>want to replay Nocturne
>remember everything before Ikebukuro
It's so shit

Nigga what?

You mean the tunnels? Because everything else there is smooth

>Want to play an older SMT game
>Remember Fusion without the search function and choosing inherited skills
It's so shit

More like autistic.

>want to fuse a level 99 Scathach in Nocturne
>spend two hours getting the right skills on her
>fuse her
>fusion accident
>get Slime

The true nocturne experience is normal mode
If you played on hard you endured shitty artificial difficulty.
Prove me wrong


Atlus should have never dumbed down their games

I never said it was bad son of man. It felt satisfying to get those moves on them after all that time but I just called it autistic to save time.


Please explain to me how having to select and reselect the same demons for hours at a time is compelling gameplay.

SMT is shit. when will this stupid meme die

I love Nocturne's beginning. From Forneus in the Hospital all the way to meeting Gozu tennoh is pretty fun.
Opening the same menu 50 times to get the skills you want doesn't make the game more difficult.
Unless you enjoy using Black Frost with a bunch of status ailments or Skadi with all zio attacks and a force amp or something.

You don't have to.

You either keep that demon or make do with your fusion unless you wanna force it by being an autist and waste time.

Being able to select what you want effortlessly is easy mode

not only is nocturne not even CLOSE to being the best turne based jRPG, it's not even the best turn best jRPG in its series

There is no "Artificial difficulty." Everything in the game plays by the same rules as you fair and square. Stop making excuses for your inferior skills.


To be honest, I loved the game, but to me, everything up to thor was complete shit.
After that jail bullshit the pacing speeds up a bit and things get fucking cool

Wrong one friendo. Atlus's trying to ruin their best game instead

>no artificial difficulty
>make everything 3x more expensive, forced grinding, and enemies deal a fuckload of damage

You are no supposed to reroll your skills
if you fuse and the game doesn't give you the skill you want, too bad.
If you want to reroll you can, but that's more exploiting the game than anything else.

>3x more expensive, forced grinding, and enemies deal a fuckload of damage

SJ will always be the shittiest title and the remake killing it is gonna be hilarious

>defending bad game design
either they should commit to being hardcore by autosaving or just let you pick

>anime poster

opinion disregarded and discussion stopped here

If you're not supposed to, then why does the game allow you to reroll in the first place? Why does it show you what skills it's gonna inherit? Why does the Minister literally tell you that you can reroll? The only thing not letting you choose skills does is make the game less intuitive and waste the player's time.

>SJ will always be the shittiest title
SMT IV exists

personacucks are so casual that they love the new negotiations because there is no wrong answer

If you were not supposed to reroll the fusions would give the same result every time.

Persona 5 did the inheritance right
Why let you reroll if you're just going to keep going in and out until you get exactly what you want. Keep the guesswork out of it and let players just choose the inheritable skills

so then you don't save and restart the game and load your save and fuse again

SMT I exists.

I never grinded a single time and it's easy to do as much or more damage than the enemies do. You might as well go play Pokemon or persona if your too much of a casual plebian to play SMT on hard.

There are wrong answers though?

>There is no wrong answer
Did you literally not play the game?

Yeah, agreed. What other SMT games are like that? P4G is, so I imagine 4 and 4A are too. Anything else?


IVA did it the best as it actually balanced what you could pick so it isn't broken

This. I loved the hospital especially. Going there as a human and then exploring those creepy ritualistic lower floors was fucking cool.

>wrong answer
>Hey Joker is stupid , let me handle this!!11
sure personacucks

The problem is you have to spend hours rerolling skills again.
>I never grinded a single time
I flat out don't believe you. Nocturne on hard isn't impossible, but you definitely need to grind at parts.
It's a pretty low proc chance on those, and even still, lots of times they'll just give items after that.

>play Nocturne
>the demons don't solve the puzzles for me

You told me P5 was harder wtf

>hamaons ur demifiend

too bad the gallows is still random bullshit despite them letting you choose normal inheritance, and you need to use it to make anything cool.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>wrong answer
>Hey Demi-fiend is stupid , let me handle this!!11
>Dionysus used Wine Party
You're just a salty cuck that hasn't played any SMT apparently

>Want to replay Nocturne.
>Haven't completed the compendium for 50% off costs.
>Haven't finished all graveyard time trials because they're a pain in the ass.
>Refuse to start NG+ without doing these.

>I flat out don't believe you. Nocturne on hard isn't impossible, but you definitely need to grind at parts.

You don't need to grind, literally as soon as you get war cry, daisoujou and debilitate your level becomes irrelevant

Devil Survivor. In IV and IV:A you can fully customize the skillsets of your demons, which is kinda broken in IV but absolutely necessary in the highest difficulty of Apocalypse.

I really want to like Nocturne, but I always think it's so boring when I play it.

So, level 53? The game does get easier over time, but the beginning, when you have shit for skill choices can be brutal.

>1 exclusive skill vs literally every guy in your partty
>is a makoto fag
personacucks lmao

IV:A limit skill inheritance through affinities, which is kind of redundant on higher level but pretty balanced in mid-game

>So, level 53?

You still have fog breath and the other shit i said. It's only difficult until Thor and Dante's first fight. Then you get used to debuffing fuckers.

I would say nocturne doesn't need 'grinding' but you still often find yourself running back and forth like a retard trying to get demons to fuse for the next boss fight. Its less about XP and more about making the thing you need to fight the boss that just demolishes the party you've been using the whole dungeon.

You can still pick almost any skill you want, it just won't be the most optimal moveset.

There's billions of those negotiation skills though, Wine Party is just the best one that always works and you can inherit into anyone else.
And when you want to recruit just swap the guy in. You have a much better chance of activating them than P5.

Affinities was the best shit they added to IVA. I hope SMT V has skill affinities and skill inheritance rules.

makes me appreciate his persona 5 model

Don't talk shit about OG. No other game has the same level of fucking despair in the atmosphere as SMT I

How do i get to level 99 in nocturne quickly?

>implying there's any atmosphere with BING BING WAHOO graphics

Play the PS1 remake if you care about that.

SMT I has a fuck lot of charm and atmosphere that rivals old school CRPGs

But otherwise it's surpassed by its sequels in other aspects. Those encounter rates don't help


translation when

>beat nocturne 6 times
>get to the second kalpa and get the 250k
>summon bez, meta, Vishnu.

and they all hit for 450 on a normal attack and turned the game into super easy mode.

Fucking never. Unless someone wants to port the aeon genesis one over to ps1. Don't know if they added dialog though

For the most part, people who don't like OG and II are kids who didn't grow up with the medium. It's hard for the contemporary gamer to appreciate with the direction games ended up taking.

Go the the final floor in the Labyrinth of Amala and use a attract bell. You should level quickly.

No other game has the same level of fucking auto-battling everything and pointless fusion system either.

How valid is the fan theory about Hijiri being the reincarnation of Aleph?
I just heard about it and it sucks if that scrub is what they turn him into.

Mechanics are kinda shit by modern day standards sure. If you judge it by the time it was released though it was easily among the best out there. An SMT I/II remake on the SMT IV engine would fucking blow my mind though. With some mechanic fixes, but maintaining the difficulty it could be amazing

People will rail on you for hating on this, but honestly, Nocturne's flaws based on its exact fusion mechanics and its main character build balance are all fixed by looking shit up online. Unlike say....Diablo 2 or World Of Warcraft before Cataclysm, the game's challenge doesn't get watered down by being able to look stuff up online; instead in a modern sense it only makes that better.

But an SMT game that makes builds more open ended and fusion mechanics less weirdly random would easily top any Persona game. Mainline SMT is arguably the ONLY JRPG worth playing in terms of the traditional JRPG gameplay style. Turned based JRPGs are otherwise too brain dead levels of simple despite the "customization" offered to the player to really get any truly in-depth use of it. As someone who has always disliked JRPGs due to them being watered down takes on much more complex PnP systems, the SMT press turn system is the perfect system to fully take advantage of getting depth out of what is otherwise a very limited take on turn based combat in any medium.

>inb4muh story and characters
Only Persona 3 had characters that subverted the generic anime cliches they were assigned, and even then those were subverted with other generic anime cliches. Playing video games for very shallow storytelling that also happens outside the actual gameplay is playing an objectively inferior experience as it takes very little if any advantage at all of the video game medium.

>maintaining the difficulty
So... zero? The only difficulty in that game is navigating the dungeons if you let Hero die.

>Nocturne is the peak of turn-based JRPGs

What a shitty genre.

>an SMT game that makes builds more open ended and fusion mechanics less weirdly random

So anything after Nocturne? IV's a bit weird with only reverse search, but IV:A's fucking addicting with affinities and shit. Demon whisper make MC builds pretty interesting too

The fucking encounter rate was retarded user, that alone made dungeons a pain in the dick if you weren't prepared.
Also, leave in the gamebreaking sequences near the start to filter out casuals

I hate Persona only babbies, But I absolutely Loathe Nocturnefags, which are subpar with Soulsfans at this point.

While I pretty much agree with what you're saying, you can only play a game so many times before you want a different take on it. P5 & P4 have a lot of cliches sure, but it's still a fun new take on the SMT style (in my opinion).
You can enjoy the serious atmosphere of apocalyptic Tokyo then go and enjoy the modern day Tokyo portrayed in Persona.

>SMT press turn system is the perfect system to fully take advantage of getting depth out of what is otherwise a very limited take on turn based combat in any medium.
It's the same shit as any other turn based game with weaknesses and resistances, it justvrewards you more for doing the obvious.

Fucking wrong lad, apply yourself

The encounter rate was just an annoyance, after you get bullets with ailments you can leave auto-battle on all the way to Gabriel.

Dragon or FF don't play like this with press turn

>this enemy uses fire attacks and is weak to ice, oh gee should I use fire resistant armor and ice attacks?

go and tell me how you're costing your next turn for missing a attack in those game

user, that just makes it more RNG based, not deeper. Either way you're still punished for missing your attacks because you wasted a turn.

There are still some subtleties to it like being able to get 8 full turns despite only hitting weaknesses twice and skipping turns to give the next party member one without losing an action.

I also prefer it when entire teams take their turns independently, unlike Persona's (non-ambush) mixed immediate turns and EO's mixed queued turns. It allows you to get into this nice state of flow after being in an area for a while learning how to deal with different packs where you're able to either completely win in one turn or kill enough enemies that you won't get hurt much, without needing new equipment or levels or skills to do so.

Shit meant for

>Amala Network

Yeah, but IV's got its own set of problems. Still better than other JRPGs though.

While this is true, those other JRPGs don't exactly offer that same thing, ya know?

Not just weaknesses, but also the actual presses of turns (ex. not doing anything at all with a certain party member to attain half a turn, then timing your attacks to hit during a certain turn where they can potentially optimize the hurt on the enemy). Just weakness exploitation is what Persona does, which is a far more watered down take on what this system brings. Not perfect, but definitely the only approach in JRPGs worth expanding on into greatness. The rest is all fluff.

>(ex. not doing anything at all with a certain party member to attain half a turn, then timing your attacks to hit during a certain turn where they can potentially optimize the hurt on the enemy).
That's only ever a case if you can't hit a weaknesses, otherwise you're wasting a turn. It only exists because unlike most turn based RPGs Press Turn has no guard command, because being able to get an extra turn and then guard at no cost would be mad broken. That's really what Press Turn boils down to, matching colors.

I was giving an example of no action, though there are other ways to manipulate presses (negotiation results, dodging, etc.). Not to mention that there's also DDS games which have combos which require multiple presses to do the most effective form of damage.

>Best Turn Based
Hell just playing SMT2 side by side with the SNES titans just shows how lacking atlus is. I played Trails in the Sky 3rd a couple of weeks after Persona 5 both on hard mode and one was significantly better designed gameplay wise