Duel Links

*blocks your path*

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Heh, nothing personnel kiddo

Fuck this faggot

>A monster card that can function as a quick play magic card that can also be used to ritual summon and that has no real disadvantages in just about any deck
Why isn't this card at least limited to one per deck? If your opponent has 3 there's almost fuck all you can do about it aside from wasting one of your limited cards just to counter it.

>You can only summon 1 fusion if you don't have a Link monster thanks to these faggots

Sometimes I look at the new monsters and just wonder where the hell the series went after syncro.

I got in of these but not sure how to incorporate in my deck

I still remember fusion and elemental hero bullshit.

I miss the first series and the game became way too convoluted as fuck compared to MtG. I got tired of reading wall of texts and getting 1 turn killed



>not sure how to incorporate in my deck
You literally add the card to your deck and you're done. Congratulations, now whenever you draw this card you can sacrifice it to avoid an attack and most likely destroy the card trying to attack you next turn. Bonus points if you're running a fiend/ritual deck because it's doubly useful there.

What are you struggling with about it?

i thought it was an extra deck monster.

If I should have this gay looking card in my deck

I downloaded that stupid mobile app because I actually kinda like Yu Gi Oh and thought being able to play it on my phone would be nice.

Deleted it two days later. I could deal with the stupid "Speed Duel" system with 3 monsters and 3 spells/traps, what I couldn't deal with however was how many pointless extra mechanics had been tacked on to the game to create a shameless skinner box pseudo-rpg system.

Fuck you Konami, was it that hard to create a mobile app that just let people play the card game on their phone and buy cards through packs like other phone based card games? No, but you just had to add all this stupid shit like character levels and skills and other shit that completely ruins the aspect of playing the card game in favour of creating an endless grind to try and shamelessly milk money from people who get addicted to that shit.

Download duel generation

Have you never had it used against you? This this would be beyond broken if you could just put three in your extra deck and use them whenever you want.
If it's going to bother you then yeah don't use it.

>Have you never had it used against you?
no where i am i have yet to see them released.
>This this would be beyond broken if you could just put three in your extra deck and use them whenever you want.
you can only have one on th efield at once though as well as the wiki states it's an extra deck monster.

Synchros, Xyz, Pendulum and Links killed the game, or rather, Konami's stupid ass broken cards pandering to those methods killed them, there's no way to fight with just your main deck unless you play duel links which is casual among casual

whats that thing people use to duel?
YGOpro was it?

Duel Links follows different rules. They don't deal with any of that link shit and at the moment there are no forbidden or limited cards.

does higher mission stage give higher rewards when defeating a duelist?


They bump up the number of duelists gradually and the only advantage is you can duel more of them a day. Problem is by level the time you hit the mid 40s you start to get burnt out on auto-dueling and it's hard to find the time and energy to auto-duel that much.

>implying the game wasn't always broken as fuck

>never amounts to anything and inevitability disappoints you.
no one gets shafted like fubuki.

>unless you play duel links which is casual among casual
You say that like it's a bad thing. The abundance of complicated and broken strategies that are impossible to counter with one deck are why people like stuff that filters out the bullshit.

Speed dueling is the best thing to happen to yugioh

>reading wall of texts
Holy fuck this.

>Monster has super situational ability or about 10 different abilities that can wipe the field and take away 70% of your LP

You must have never seen Makyura FTK if you think one turn duels are exclusive to post-Synchro era.

Why do I only get the URs I don't care about?

Because the drop rates of cards aren't based on their class of rarity, Konami manually enters them. For example, all SRs aren't say a 3% drop while ultra rares are a .5%. They can make it so a particular SR has a 5% drop chance and another has a 1% of whatever fucking values they want.

It's impossible to know how rare cards truly are into you look at the net total of all players or you work at Konami.

Just put it in and use it.
It's like mirror wall where everyone runs it because it's universally good.

>Synchros, Xyz, Pendulum and Links killed the game
every time I see this shit I could tell that you never played pass grade school.

Post meme decks

Destroys your boss monster

Explain me the lore behind this card

post your warrior deck pls.


>edgy characters amounting to anything ever

KYS shitter.

It's a paleozoic creature in the duel monsters universe. It's was near the top of the food chain

Help me make her at least decent, I have two copies

LITERALLY impossible unless your playing against old shit

I don't have one man, but I do have this

I use it to send stuff like Phoenix Gearfried and Darkstorm Draco to the grave so I can summon them with Blazewing. Unless you have a better suggestion for sending shit to the grave, I'm not going to take it out because of MEMES

being totally edgy would have been better what he got. He has no peak.

Sorry man, but foolish burial don't exist so I gotta use that shit


Does it have some potential, at least?

Since she is a ritual, no not really. With the amount of effort you put into her to use her effect well, you can pull a lot better card for less resources in other decks.

I want to like this game but it's just so stupidly grindy and Konami is stingy with the gacha currency compared to pretty much all other mobile games out there

Inferior dragon.

It's not that good though, there are way better hand traps.

Finally something interesting.

You're like a little baby, watch this

>tfw only have one super joey card
How the fuck are people so lucky with the draw? I get 6-7k most of the time

My kaiba won't cough up a 3rd meme eyes

when will they add trading

>After Syncro
My life got better after Baxia, the one and only syncro came out. Love this card.

Soon I'll be unstoppable.

What kind of deck is this supposed to be?

Meme deck

What kind of memes does it do though?

Best deck in the meta right now doesnt even use extra a lot of the time. They dont even run extra deck at all for dat Domain of the Monarchs. Phantasm Spiral decks also rarely use extra, and they dont even maindeck effect monsters.

Destroys people who like using strong atk monster or ritual summons all I need is wind of esua and some enemy controller and it will be complete.

>It's not that good though
It's a near must-pick if you have it. Some cards might be better but that doesn't change the fact there's zero cost to putting this in your deck and no real downside to using it. If you're losing and need a monster card, this lets you negate an attack and possibly destroy your opponents strongest card by beating it in defense mode. If you're winning you can keep it as a trump card for if your opponent turns things on you. If you're running a Relinquished deck, using this card once gives you an instant summon for it and because it's a fiend type it can be used to help bring out Necrofear.

I'm not saying it's the best card ever but it's too fucking useful to not be limited in some way.

damn that must be nice

Konami needs to make more normal support.
Make some shit that prevents you from using effect monsters at all but has busted effects.
Make Phantasm Spiral even more weirdly legit than it already is.

>want to play Amazon deck
>Amazon Village doesn't exist yet

Its awful. True Draco is complete cancer.

If that's your only criteria half the cards relevant to the current game would be limited. All the ghost hand traps are better. Big whoop you change a monster to defence and negate to attack. That barely matters at all. Most relevant boss monsters now also have defences that are close to their attack or have effects that make it not a problem at all. That kurioboh is just a saving grace at best. I'd much rather a winged kurioboh if I had to deck a kurioboh.

>not called Kuriball

No, here is how it's REALLY done!

. . .sorta
I wish I had another Econ to round out this deck. Also it sucks that BEUD doesn't count as a normal monster for champion's vigilance.

Then they'd have to add a "including Kuriball" line of text for any future Kuriboh support cards.


Is there some consistent way to set up Escape from the Dark Dimension?

I miss being able to use DN as a card database.

we're talking about duel links my lad

Ghost Ogre is not obtainable, the most "meta" card viable is Twister

> All the ghost hand traps are better.
Are those in the game? I've never seen them.
>Big whoop you change a monster to defence and negate to attack. That barely matters at all.
How is not having your monster destroyed and having the other monster switch positions not an incredibly fucking useful move? That's two separate card effects rolled into hand trap with an extra effect thrown in just to make it even more viable.
>Most relevant boss monsters now also have defences that are close to their attack or have effects that make it not a problem at all.
It doesn't matter how close their defense points are to attack as long as it's lower. Your odds of destroying most monsters instantly improve by reducing the points needed to do it, and even if you can't you still managed to negate an attack that'll inevitably keep you alive longer.
>That kurioboh is just a saving grace at best. I'd much rather a winged kurioboh if I had to deck a kurioboh.
Yeah but we're talking about Duel Links. There's no point fantasizing about cards that aren't in the game.

Got a deckbuild for me?

Google it. I dont play True Draco. I only play decks I can afford and Draco is fucking expensive.

If you couldn't get over a boss monster in attack, chances are you won't get over in defence. Next turn it'll switch back to attack and attack you all the same. Best you do is bought yourself a turn. That is in no way worth of being limited. It was never limited in the real card game, it won't be limited on an app


oops i forgot

Bazoo + Miracle dig

I wouldn't have a problem with Links if it didn't change the base rules of the game to incorporate them.
HEROs and Metalfoes are basically dead in the water now and those were the only two decks that kept my interest in the game. And they weren't broken aside from some """"Masked Hero"""" decks that were only called that because they just shat out Dark Law ASAP and did nothing else. I'm talking actual HERO decks.

Minerva getting a reprint means I can still run a lightmeme deck to win some casuals but nothing beyond that. Links are cool in concept but creating a new zone for them and locking all extra deck play behind them is horrible.

Not a meme deck but here

why the fuck can't I see the full 30 card spread, I had to manipulate this shit so you could BARELY see the bottom row of my deck

>Minerva getting a reprint

Are you for real??

How do you feel about the new ways KoA is shortening effect text?
Graveyard –> GY
When monster Types are mentioned in card texts, “-Type” is now excluded
“during either player’s turn” –> “(Quick Effect)” before the colon in a card’s text

I don't like GY but the others I like. Quick Effect especially.

>30 card deck
>unironically horn imp
jesus christ that's a mess. if I were you I'd go and hit that red trash can button desu

Yup. She's getting a reprint for a new expansion coming in July.

Releasing a staple card for a popular archetype as an extremely limited tournament prize only was so monumentally, unbelievably stupid even Konmoney realized it and fixed it...

...Way later. But hey, I won't have to shell out $4000 to build a good lightsworn deck now.

Yeah 30 cards, I like having shit. Also horn imp is good for sacrificing user-kun

I haven't found a card I like to replace him yet

How to fill the grave with DARKs worth returning then?

posting the deck senpai I'm aspiring to be but will never reach


you don't need to replace him, get rid of all your trash cards and keep your deck to your 20 best cards. that way you have a better chance of drawing good cards


should've done it a long time ago

I always figured if I kept my deck to 20 cards then I'm more likely to pull shit that I can't summon without sacrifices, or magic cards without any decent monsters to attach them to

damn that deck is trash. you just put random shit together.

why does no one use this seems nuts

Because tributes aren't as common as you'd think.