Model made for you to see, how do you feel about a Goblin, yee?
Second character in process here's a strawpoll to see who the 3rd should be.
Comment here if you want something outside of those vote parameters and what types of fetish stuff you want added.
Her tits are way too fucking big. They're comical. Half that, more cleavage and they'll look good. Need to see her ass though, more important.
This. Tits are LoL worthy.
>plagiarizing honey select
>have only 1 life
>be black
im so sorry
The vote was for an extra thick goblin. Give her a bit of a reduction then.
>blacks are less than 13% of the US population
>but they are somehow 100% based on this image to some people
>tfw to intelligent for ass
>people are not picking the extra thick tanned slut
why even live?
>i recognize that thick goblin
Is this a Honey Select card?
She would be a total slut you know it.
holy shit are you one of those pathetic faggots that makes VNs from illusion assets?
You like that version or the new one ;)
Oh no, not a slut! It isn't like I fap to bimbos all day already.
All girls here are P U R E.
Until you're done with them.
Someone Post the damn cards please!!!