Hello Bob!

Hello Bob!
Join me in a game will you?

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90s CGI was a mistake

Does it have that creepy as fuck tank T-Rex again?

i miss best VA ;_;

I like the virtual fighter cgi.

Except for this part.

USER wins... USER wins...

That part was really great. It surprised me.

>When SSJ Bob came back fused with Glitch


Fuck yeah! The mad max episode was great! Also the later seasons where dark as fuck. Also lol at Enzo for losing the game!

Reboot is getting another season? Or is it a reboot?

Love this thing

Did this show ever get a game?

WARNING: Incoming Game

Still a little fucking creepy when I hear it. Also, the game where it's like a dungeons and dragons is fucking awesome as hell.

The fucking ending tho.

A crappy live action show.

it's funny because I can tell you are at best 19 or 20 years old, but more likely underaged.

ReBoot was the pinnacle of CGI animation and really a huge pioneer in the industry for a long time. fantastic team worked on it and basically you are dumb

I'm 24 nigger.

It's supposed to be live action. It's going to be shit if so.

Got a very mediocre PS1 game.

>A crappy live action show.

you have the brain or intelligence of someone MUCH younger. be worried.

Nice to mitcha, nigger.

cgi wasn't even the best part

Good god! I would love an open world reboot game where you have to defend viral sector take overs and have to race your ass off to random gamecubes or risk sector nullification.

Pigs are delicious.

Open world action rpg.

Certain parts are racers or fighters or dungeon crawlers or anything.


god, how was reboot able to pull off all those references without paying a thing?

Parody. And it was the 90's

90s were an amazing time.

everything was great until 9/11

Reboot ain't got shit on Bump in the night!

Nobody remembers this show, but god fuck it was amazing. The people who created it honestly had to been on drugs.

>tfw I own the series on DVD + the christmas special

Hiky shit that's what it was called! I remember it freaked me the fuck out and used to come on after Dragons of the square table on disney.


Nobody ever remembers PJ Katie's Farm

She must have been high as a kite when this used to come on at like 1-3am on YTV. Also, the whole show wasn't even scripted.



meant this link. the actual show.

>yfw you found out he was not, in fact, voiced by Fraiser Crane

He even fucking looked kinda like him.

Fuck yes! I do, I was a little after my time though. I main'd PJ phil and paul, then later snit.


I always skipped it because it was too young a show for me.


>not knowing who Tony Jay is

Poor dude is rolling in his grave.

Reboot was kinda shit by CGI standards. Every TV CGI "cartoon" was. Fuck, remember Beast Wars? It was laughably bad, although they were able to get away with more because robots and shit, they didn't have to do much facial animation.

Reboot reminds me nowadays of those creepy as fuck CGI videos people make on youtube.

PJ Phil used to shop at the Price Chopper by my house (must have lived near by) would see him quite bit.


>Ytv late night. Stay up late to watch are you being served.

>Going to zeller's and ask mom for a game, Then she's out raged that is $100 CAD. End up getting chester Cheetahs Wild, Wild Quest for $30.

> Pogs and shit

>Talk to all yer school buds about that chick getting fingered on ninja scroll when Teletoon went on air and played hardcore anime movies at midnight on fridays.

Fuck man, My childhood was awesome

>being a leaf

>Big Fucking Guitar

how did he died?


I still fucking love pogs.

That game is worth fucking bank now!

By one last double cross.

>live action


I always wanted to be on Video and Arcade: Top 10

Yeah and it's apparently already filming which started in Feb. It's going to be so fucking weird.

>take fallout 4
>turn the "this settlement needs your help" into "WARNING: INCOMING GAME"

Even Bethesda couldnt screw it up

Do you have the Apollo 13 Pog tower from Burger King?

I was on Uh Oh

Stay jealous

Glad there are still anons here who are 25+ and remember those days. I miss when Teletoon and YTV aired anime.

Fuck yes Teletoon. I watched so much Duckman. I used to main "what the hell are you staring at!" all the time with arseholes at school.

Best episode pre-Bob going missing.



I was so pissed when this happened when I was like 8 or 9.

>game bugs can be literal features
its so easy

I never got ReBoot. I didn't get it as a kid and I didn't get it when I tried it again recently. Gotta love that Tony Jay voice though.

I hope you got molested by shaun majumder!

>Reboot was kinda shit by CGI standards
Reboot was literally the first CGI TV show. There were no standards. At least not within the TV space.

This was almost shot for shot the ending of the first season of Beast Wars.


This guy became such a faggot. Everyone on 22 Minutes should be raped anally.


Both shows were made by the same studio and yeah they were pretty much exactly the same except Optimus comes back right away next season.

this, they actually paved the way for new cgi methods.

This gave me a ton of uncomfortable boners as a lad.

It was the first full length CGI show ever produced. And they really didn't try to go overboard with trying to be realistic. They made a damn good attempt at imagining what computer data and terms would look like in physical form. To me the character design and art fit the technology of the era.

Rewatch reboot. You'll see how awful it really is.

That and it was the 90s so everyone was still watching on shitty SD CRTs. Of course it's going to look like shit if you're watching it full-screen on an HDTV or monitor comparing it to today's CGI.

I see him from time to time walking around downtown St. John's. He's actually a really nice guy. It's also weird seeing a brown man with a full on newfie accent being a mainlander. Also Born and raised newfie asians with the accent are also lol

>The Beast Wars are over Optimus...and YOU. LOSE.

GOAT show. I've never been able to get into the other Transformers series except that one.

Ahh...those were the days...

Get away from her YOU BITCH!

>tfw im enzo

>I see him from time to time walking around downtown St. John's.
>The city I was born in.
He fucking lives there now?
My mom committed suicide there not long ago. I'm definitely not visiting that place again.

It always amazed me that the User was so fucking bad at games.

I had, last year.
It's a kid's show, but a fucking good one with a nice, engaging story and characters and some unexpected developments. What were you expecting?

Cameltoe at 0:52

>My mom committed suicide there not long ago

Damn dude...

Greatest children show villain of all time?

He's from baymen West coast newfoundland. His dad was brown and his mom was a baymen. He was literally raised by a single mother in a white, catholic newfie town of maybe 400 people. Also yes, St. John's is still the asshole of Canada.

Sorry to hear user. Was your mother sick or depressed?

More like 14, nig-nog ping-pong walla-walla bing-bang.

God that was so cool.

>Also yes, St. John's is still the asshole of Canada.
I told her not to go back there, that it's a shithole but herp derp her friends live there!
She seemed pretty happy when she left my dad to go live there, but she had a history of attempted suicide. I knew something like this would happen and kept trying to convince her to come back.

I could swear I hear Satriani...

You can easily be both in St. John's! It's the city standard! Classy People live in Mount Pearl

Reboot worth going back and watching if I never seen it before? Only reason I know about it is because of Woolie.

Yes, and if you hate it you can blame Woolie.


Kill yourself and go back to plebbit. in that order.

as much as it is worth watching a children's show.

It was great, but it wasn't like watching 90s X-Men that stayed true tot he comics.

watch it, but don't expect neverending action. there was an awful lot of talking and shitty gags all around, but the parodies make it worth.

Damn man, life is so fucking surreal at times. I don't even get how people try to make sense of it all.

Watching him going down the rabbit hole of suffering and playing that shitty Reboot game was great. Too bad that he brought on that one guy who added absolutely nothing of value and ruined the later part of that series.