Why are there no current gen dinosaur games Sup Forums?

Why are there no current gen dinosaur games Sup Forums?
Why are there no dino games where i can live in the Jurassic Period and re-enact the brutal life of both reptiles and mammals?

pretty sure there are a few on steam

>Early Access
>Not complete garbage

Come on user, if they're not survival, multiplayer games they're none-existant or not worked upon.


they are doing one, called Mezozoica, its like Jurassic Park Operation Genesis.

I've thought about them before, never really played any of the few out there. What the heck do you do in a "dino game"? Make them fight? Hunt them? It seems like something hard to make a game centered around.

Alright buddy but what pc do you need to run this 1080p 60fps?

i got a 970 i7 and it runs awesome.

You need a high end rig for it to look like that AND not run like ass
I have a 970 that does 1080@60 but its on med-high settings
Also it's another rust/open world anything survival clone but with dinos, it's fun as hell but again, early access survival

tame them, ride them, feed them, use them to gather meat or other resources, build platforms on them with structures so you can smelt on the go n stuff

one from the year 2020, unless they added SLI support or you can force it maybe with AFR 2, maybe, or maybe not, or maybe somewhat but with crashes or some artifacts

Release date is late 2016. Seems like someone clumped together a bunch of assets without any game there.
Too bad there's extremely minimal AI to them in ark. No going to get food/water. No herd movement. No sleep cycles. Carnivores literally "gorge -> attack -> gorge -> attack -> die -> from cumulative damage" if there's any valid targets in sight. Really should have focused on making an awesome hunting/survival game instead of a pvp shitfest around ultra tedious taming and progression.

>Too bad there's extremely minimal AI to them in ark.

well theres hundreds or thousands of animals roaming around in a map, they dont despawn just because you walk away, which seemed pretty cool to me, idk if any CPU could handle that much more than that, idk anything about video game programming though

Literally this.
What games that feature dinosaurs have great ai interaction?
Only one i can think of is operation genesis but that game is all about park building./

i dont really know of any games with great AI like the guy was describing except maybe that new hunter: call of the wild game but i played for hours and never even saw a single deer

They should just remake Trespasser or release the original, non-watered down version. It might be able to run on our current technology.



Trespasser was a tech demo with dinnosaurs.




Because Battlefield 3 dropped the ball.