What drugs do you use while gaymen?

What drugs do you use while gaymen?




something about this made me really sad, I just feel so sad and lonely looking at this

Just weed. Sometimes beer on weekends.

Weed and beer.

weed and cigarettes


I snort water

dude drugs haha

None because I'm not a degenerate.


this is art.

weed bro


Same drug I use for everything else in my life


Weed is the only drug I can keep my shit together on when playing games
Anything hard like LSD or DXM will destroy my concentration.

phenibut or adderal when im tryharding

hydrocodone/oxycodone and weed mainly
Don't fuck with coke since it messes with my heart pretty bad. I've dropped acid while playing vidya before and that was pretty damn fun too. I plan on grabbing some crack for the first time this next weekend when I get paid too so I'm excited.

Heroin or meth , or both depending on the game.

Used to do meth, xtc and benzos.
Now onlysmoking weedyalmoa

You're a retard and I hope you die.

any advice for a first time crack smoker?

ooga booga where da white women at

>le drugs are bad and only bad!
I know from experience that no drug is addictive the first time, I simply want to experience the high one time to see what the fuss is, nothing more douchebag


Do a real drug . It's not fun dropping 50 bucks to be high for like an hour . Plus it makes you stink like shit

Kratom. Red Bali.

>t. future crackhead

if coke messes up your heart rate, crack will do the same or worse senpai.

Well Ive been wanting to try a hard drug for a while now just to say I did one and see what the fuss is, only one I really won't touch is shit like krokodil. My buddy has some meth but not a big upper person. How's it compare to say adderall?

I heard turning it into a freebase made it into a downer like heroin though not an upper what you mean? Also like I said I can't get addicted to anything first time I've tried lotsa shit

copious ammounts of alcohol.
I need to find a hookup, weed may help cure mu alcoholism

Difficult, sterile. Decent if life feels like shit. Can make it worse. Didnt happen to me but can happen to youor anyone. Stay clean smoke weed drink beer be useless

spironolactone and estradiol

>Also like I said I can't get addicted to anything first time I've tried lotsa shit

Glad to see your getting into the druggie spirit of bullshiting yourself.

>I heard turning it into a freebase made it into a downer like heroin though



Sometimes twice a day...


>I plan on grabbing some crack for the first time this next weekend when I get paid too so I'm excited.


It help my depression when I do anything in general, especially gaming. Anything I play while stoned turns into a whole new experience for me, then I sleep, wake up and forget about everything I did that night. I used to it

Dude cannabis brah. I also usually take Adderal. I also fell for the SIP meme and have been consuming lots of Monster. Took them both together once and I was jittering like Radical Larry.

Acid is fun to play games on, but makes it hard to concentrate and play well. Plus I feel like I'm wasting my trip if I sit inside and do nothing all day. Shrooms I couldn't even send a text on my phone, much less play a video game.

Just cannabis, and I don't smoke every time I play. Smoking makes me sleepy so I usually only smoke at night when I plan on playing vidya high.


Thanks, I'm working on a tumbler page as we speak

>How to Tell Who's Underage: The Thread
Bet most of you never set foot in an actual arcade before. No, "barcades" don't count.

>doing drugs

DUDE _____(?) LMAO

Planning on buying a bunch of weed for my upcoming long weekend. That and Total War or Driveclub

>have one life
>decide to never experience any drug because society shames it
>im the definition of a braindead sheep but I somehow feel smarter than any person that ever had an interest in drugs
>ignore that the smartest scientifics and artists all used drugs because it's extremely interesting to open-minded intellectuals