The first weapon you get in the game is the strongest if you upgrade it to the max

>the first weapon you get in the game is the strongest if you upgrade it to the max

What trickery is this

I prefer it this way
I like sentiment

Androids can't eat mackerel. Stop it 2B.


best example of this is black ops zombies.

will i like this game if i don't jerk off to hentai


Yeah i hope you like frogs.

Depends on what you do like.

Not him but I like A2. Should I get it if I only care about her?


Yeah, it's a great game. It's a shame that 2B and A2 are as sexualized as they are, because the game deserves to be played.

She plays a strong role in things, but it's late into the game. So I guess that's up to you.

>not jerking off to hentai

what are you, gay?


are you talking about the whita sword that 2b starts with? i was using it until i upgraded ancient overlord and got that crit bonus, it seems like crit damage is busted

I guess not then, that's a shame. She seems perfect.

I don't jerk off to frogs either

This isn't true for Automata though
The Beast weapons are pretty great at 4.

the pistol/rock breaker from dead space 1

>implying anything is stronger than the machine weapons maxed out

Its a sjw filter who don't deserve good games.

I'd still prefer the most amount of people possible to play it because it might teach something to people seeking to make a game in the future or inspire them to do something.

>its a shame they are sexy

Kys fag

>make exceptional combat
>limit character to 1 weapon and a hackign tool

Yeah, androids only eat arbys instead.

>weapons increase your attack by flat numbers instead of percentages
>weapons don't have perks to justify using one over another

Arbys is the worst fastfood I ever eaten.

If only the hacking stages were better and the hacking chips were shit like spread shot, homing shot and other types of shmups power ups 9S would actually be fun.

actually click the image next time