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jej why do people do this

I don't come to Sup Forums to be reminded that i will die one day.


Shouldn't have played with respawns off, m8.

you were a cool guy, matt hew

>making fun of kids who died
Is this really what Sup Forums has become? Smdh



People have been laughing about cod caksets since 2014 when all those beaners died and one got a casket saying the kid had been 'called to duty'.

You guys make fun of kids for these things but no one will ever remember you as anything other than weird guys that play video games all day.

At least kids have the excuse of being kids.


>having a funeral
>actually allowing other people to use your death - the absolute end of your existence - as an excuse to hold a social event around your rotting body
I don't understand why people do this. Just have your body burnt in private; no one there to abuse your death, and no chance of getting buried alive

Jokes on you.

I'm living forever.

Prosthetic body and/or alcor cryonics.

More like matthewthedead

Funerals aren't for the dead, they're for the living and allow the bereaved to mourn the loss and start moving on with their lives.

he died doing what he loved
please donate to his family so they can cover the xbox live expenses


Why are atheists such existential little bitches?

The only way you could this is dying in such a way that no one could ever find the body. Even then they could use your death as a reason to hold a funeral with an empty casket, you can't manipulate it user.
Unless ghosts are real and you can bomb people from beyond the grave like Bomberman.

>Call of Duty franchise is crumbling down so badly that Activision has resorted to advertise on dead children's caskets.

if anything just burn your body so you aren't taking space on the earth that actual living people need.
burials are the most selfish shit.

>chance of getting buried alive
Honestly my biggest fear. Even if there are skilled doctors by my side or whatever to confirm my death, I still can't shake off the idea of it happening

>he still hasn't figured out what death is yet

roflmaoing at you right now duder

We're probably gonna live forever desu.

>you can't manipulate it user
Put stipulations in your will that if any funeral is held no one gets squat. Cremation must take place only under the eyes of any legally needed technicians and the lawyer who is taking care of the will and related legal requirements.

When I die it's in my will that there will be a god damn party and fucking everyone is invited. I want people to have fun, who cares if I'd dead or if my death is the excuse being used for that fun to be had, I certainly don't, I'm dead!

How do you know that he was a kid?

>tfw your funeral will never be this off the hook

>giving a shit about other people
>not wanting the moment of your death to be the end-all of everything that was ever related to you and be forgotten forever

>Be american
>Get shot
yep yep yep
Tfw too intelligent for death

I don't get you. I want my death to be as memorable as possible honestly, just because it's the one time I can do whatever the fuck I want and create something ultra-unique and memorable that people can look back on and laugh at.

I'm still working on the specifics but I'm hoping to figure out something memorable enough to hit the news internationally by the time my death is approaching when I'm older.

This was for some kids that died in a fire. No one asked for a COD coffin, a local artist made it for free and donated it to tje family. One of the other kids had a WWE one.

it won't happen. They pull out all of your organs and embalm you before the funeral.

If anything, you'll be in danger of being dissected and drained of blood while alive and aware (like sleep paralysis), and die from that.

Don't have to contemplate anything if you dismiss it all as human construct my dude



>they don't sprint out with the coffin with their free arms behind their backs

Ruined wishes t b h.

based watts

>wanting to be remembered
Low tier.


I didn't even smile.

>He didn't make a Deus Ex one with "I didn't ask for this" printed on the side

I am disappointed in this so-called artist.


we all die one day, going to my grandpa's funeral tomorrow and here I am posting on Sup Forums, feels like I should do something, but really there's not much anyone can do in the face of death

You're paying a fortune for a casket anyways, might as well make sure the funeral home doesn't ditch your body, then save the casket for the next presentation.

Guy had a terminal illness, he decided to play videogames to get his mind off it instead of whining like a little bitch.

I didn't ask for a feels thread

your broke ass can't even afford video games

my main slice
i miss that show

Underrated post

Where did you get Atheism out of that post?

Does anyone else like to think they have no impact on others? I think it's nice to know noone will be hurt when I die.

Would you prefer making fun of kids who are alive? Who gives a fuck, he is dead and gone.

He would of most likely laughed at it himself if it was someone else.

>wanting to be forgotten
literally-degraded-back-to-animal-tier to be quite honest

>actually wanting to leave a legacy
normalfag get out

only correct way to have a funeral

It's more of making fun of the parents. Why they felt the need to make such a strange casket is weird

anyone else have this deep desire to wake up one day being many years in the past?
I always wish that to happen, 10 years behind wouldn't be so bad


I can understand that, but I also know I'd probably just waste my life again because I'm still fundamentally the same person I was back then

> some grieving parent will buy that thinking the child loved minions but in reality they were into sounding and light dildo play.

please show more photos from different angles

have fun with poor internet connection, chump.

On the plus side, less copyright strikes and cancer due to internet being less available for uneducated dumbshits

"When I die, just throw my body in the trash"-Frank Reynolds

Wasn't impressed till the front guy held the casket up with his neck and shimmied.

It's John CENA!!

Different coffin. Dead kids coffin was a black CoD coffin with a different quote.

Gotta get back
back to the past
samurai jack