What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It has a lot of good and it has a lot of bad, but it just shat the bed in the end, if you ask me. The one thing that stood out were the weapons, and how the enemy came at you
>enemy comes in waves
>you can either sit there and let them come or you move forward to stop the advance
I've always thought that was fucking cool as hell. I hate these room of enemies bullshit sometimes, it's a war game, I want them to come at me. Killzone does that perfectly.

Plus it helps that they really did a good job giving that war zone feel. 2 and 3 were OK in that aspect.

I've only played the most recent one (and thought it was bad), what game shat the bed and how?

it was on a console and you had to play it on a controller
That's pretty much my only gripes with the games, at least 2
There a couple FPS games I'd love to play through, Killzone 2 and Resistance 3 come to mind, but everytime I remember I'd have to use a fucking controller I stop myself
PS3 emulation can't come fast enough

ISA were terrible, couldn't play as the Helghast.

Rico a shit.

The gameplay was shit


This. They made the antagonists cooler than the protagonists. We're supposed to hate the antagonists not want to join them.

>dude, halo in space without pew pew or aliens lmao, space Nazis, nigga!

I still find it funny that the original killzone is the only game to get female soldiers right.

Luger felt natural and not objectified or sexualized at all, this is how you do women properly in games.

by pretending she doesn't exist?

It was the controls, the controls were garbage for three straight games. They focused so much on making it as brown as possible that they had to add a load of smoothing effects which ruined the responsiveness of the controls

Anyone else remember the fucking hype for this?


Resistance 3 is in my top 5 all time favorite fps games. I'd say bite the bullet and just play it if you can it's so fucking good.

>Le ebin halo killer
>Worse than halo in every way
Kinda funny halo ended up being the halo killer

2, 1 and Mercenary are greta games, 3 is meh, Shadow Fall is pretty bad and Liberation is not a FPS.

Unironically yes.
Women become shit-tier if given attention, if they have no spotlight they are completely chill

>the controls were garbage for three straight games
the fuck you on about? the controls were what made it so good. guns had a lot of weight and felt different from each other. shadow fall fucked up and went the complete opposite way by just making it CoD in the future

idk m8 they always felt super sluggish to me

I loved the controls. Each gun felt different and had weight. To me that's what made it so different.

I'd say 1>2>Shadow Fall>garbage>3

I've only played 2 and Shadowfall and ended up disliking them both quite a lot.

The guns in these games usually have a really good feel to them but everything else felt like it came up short. The level design is forgettable outside of that one train sequence in 2. The characters are unlikable assholes, which like the user earlier said, just makes you want to root for the Helghast even more.

Everything about the movement in these games feels so stunted and clunky. If they wanted to make me feel like I'm a solider with a lot of heavy armor then they've accomplished it. Because it feels like I'm steering a fucking tank most of the time.

Fuck this series. I'm so surprised that this studio was able to churn out something as good as Horizon.


The story, when you think about it the Helghast were actually the good guys. Plus, they had the best weapons.

>only game to get female soldiers right
Does this mean Killzone made them entirely useless in military combat application?


I remember buying it and hating the controls. I even got that ps3 gun thing, but then I found out you still had to MOVE your camera around with the little joystick!

What a cop out

They fucked up and made the Helghast likeable instead of them being seen as evil space nazis as intended, it also doesn't help that the lore states Vekta used to be their world, thus giving them a legitimate reason to declare war and giving people a reason to side with them instead of the ISA.

Also, nuking Helghan probably wasn't the most wisest of moves.
Bravo dumbasses, give people even more reason to dislike you.

>one of the early adopters of KZ2
>fucking amazing graphics for the time
>badass multiplayer

It was rough but the game itself was awesome. I would replay in a heartbeat if it was ported.

Awful developer only capable of pushing graphics.

I think the biggest is you made your primary pro-tag faction be so completely devoid of character, personality, or flavor, you make the 2D villain faction look positively brimming with personality in comparison.
Oh sure, there are factions with the good guy one is kind of bland, but shit man, even GDI has some meat to them, they get shit like mammoth tanks and superfighters, what the hell does ISA have?
Kit that looks like it came out of Operation Desert Storm?

>Resistance 3
>I'd have to use a fucking controller
I still keep my PS3 around because of the PS Move. Motion controls are a gimmick, but the pointing lightgun-esque controls are worth it. Killzone 3 uses them as well.

Shame it's a dead franchise, 1 and 3 are tons of fun.

But they're the good guys! That means they're allowed to commit genocide on the evil baddies!

I dunno. Only played one game.
Yeah, I fucking loved Mercenary.
Fuck the ISA dogs.
Helghast 4 lyfe.

Personally I thought using the Move controller online was almost cheating. It made LMGs fucking amazing lasers of death.