So, who is excited for Destiny 2? Lemme hear the shit you gotta say or the good shit you gotta say. Nerf Hunters more

So, who is excited for Destiny 2? Lemme hear the shit you gotta say or the good shit you gotta say. Nerf Hunters more

Anyone who falls for this bullshit after the travesty that was the first Destiny deserves to be sad and have buyers remorse til they rot in the ground. How can you be so fucking stupid? These cunts rewrote the book and shady bullshit gaming industry practices.


shit wrong image

Since it's gonna be on does that mean Blizz has some sway in development?

Yes hello, I would like to purchase one Halo with good level design, interesting ai, and engaging gameplay replaced with stat grind bullshit and bullet sponges. Throw in unnecessary character build nonsense to replace fighting over interesting power weapons while we're at it. Oh and it's gotta have ultimate moves because League of Legends.

So wait is that the new Sunsinger Super or are there two Fire Warlock subclasses now?

if i had to guess i'd say they changed sunsinger

hunter main here:
may the pole dancing being

I never played the first one, but I've been craving a grindy health bars and floating numbers FPS on PC so I'm interested in 2

It doesn't even really matter how good or bad it is, as long as the gunplay doesn't feel like total shit I'll enjoy it

Are they going to do something interesting with elemental damage this time or is it still strictly relegated to extra damage on corresponding shield types?

Gunplay is the only thing everyone agrees to be perfect about Destiny, it's pretty much the main reason why people play the game.

>Lemme hear the shit you gotta say or the good shit you gotta say. Nerf Hunters more

Us gamers huh bro?!

Activision, please, know your audience. Take this shit to reddit where people fall for it. Don't pull this fellow kids tier crap here.

5/10 if bait.

Then Destiny is the game for you, as long as you don't mind paying a subscription fee under a different name.

Its like everyone forgot how useless warlocks were until they finally gave them grenades that increased dps for other team members. And even then people wanted tether hunters and bubble Titans.

It's nice warlocks don't have to suck dick this time around.


Destiny's gunplay is solid as fuck but enjoy a population consisting 100% of hackers since there are no dedicated servers and even though it's gonna be sold at, Blizzard won't have anything to do with it, it's just Bungie with their age old shitastic management.


He is right. Destiny is the most expensive game out there if you want to keep up with it. If you don't buy the DLC when it hits you might as well not even bother logging in anymore. It's 60 for the game, 20 for each dlc, then year 2 comes and they sell some overpriced shitty dlc for 30 or 40 bucks, and so on and so forth. It's expensive as fuck. And it has microtransactions.

this could be easily a new expansion... shit looks exactly the same as destiny 1

Gonna be playing on console for that exact reason.

destiny 1 ($60) came with 2 DLCs, both of which were $20, then for year 2 it was a single $40 DLC and then year 3 was a single $30 DLC.

i'm not sure why you brought up microtransactions as they're completely avoidable and don't give you anything worthwhile in the slightest.

Each class now has six subclasses, two of each element.

Striker, Defender, Hammer Brother, Sentinel, ???, ???

Bladedancer, Gunslinger, YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY, Darth Maul, ???, ???

Voidwalker, Sunsinger, Sheev, Dawnblade, ???, ???

no they don't. don't be a shitposter.

$60 for base game

two expansions every few months for $20 or one big one for $40

If you buy in a year later you get everything for just $60.

Good. I like D1. It could use an expansion.

I'll go ahead and pre order it right fucking now if they confirm match making on endgame content this time. I dont care about raids but just getting to do dungeons and the arena at max level was a fucking chore.

I'm pretty interested to see if it does just replace it or if all classes now have a weapon based super, each with a unique element.

Cause we see a player titan using the new sentinel super, which is void, but then the Titan Vanguard uses the bubble.
So it could be we get both, or we get one and that was just story based, cause they have yet to show it but we know during/right after that first mission guardians lose their powers, they showed quick snippets of all the vanguards falling over and our player guardian stumble walking.

I was considering picking up Destiny 2 solely due to the pc version. The FOV on consoles is fucking disgraceful, plus I've got an ultrawide monitor. This shit is a glorified expansion from what we've seen. But no dedicated servers? I'm noping the fuck out of it.

>destiny 1 ($60) came with 2 DLCs, both of which were $20, then for year 2 it was a single $40 DLC and then year 3 was a single $30 DLC.

And you call that cheap, specially with the on-disc DLC fiasco? Give me a break.

>i'm not sure why you brought up microtransactions as they're completely avoidable and don't give you anything worthwhile in the slightest.

You have got to be most naive idiot on the world to fall for this crap. Activision did the exact same shit with call of duty and destiny is already creeping up with the microtransactions. They ALWAYS start off with "it's only cosmetic guyze!" and then keep getting more aggressive. They were already selling instant level ups on the site, hope you enjoy your exotic loot crates soon. Besides, locking away cosmetic shit behind microtransactions in a game with heavy emphasis on shaders, emblems and what not is a shitty practice no matter how you put it, the game is already expensive enough that it certainly doesn't justify having this shit tacked on it. But do keep on justifying it like the good shill that you are.

I feel like you guys got shafted.

Warlocks can fly and shoot fire blasts, Titans got a shield which can block damage, charge people and thrown.
You Hunters just got an electric spear to swing around instead of an electric knife.

its already been confirmed.

dawnblade replaces sunsinger, just like sentinel replaces defender and arcstrider replaces arcblade.

In game group finder for end game content is confirmed. Pre-order away

But now that we got the buff/heal we will be delegated to cleric/bard role, thats some bull.

>If you buy in a year later you get everything for just $60.

Which renders all the content until then useless because the newest expansion always makes the older raids and equipment completely pointless. Gotta keep following that carrot on the stick, good goy.

>If you buy in a year later you get everything for just $60.
and you miss out on experiencing the most enjoyable aspect of the game

Better than being left out all together.
Personally I like the idea of being a bad ass Angel cleric.

This is also true, there's nothing better than experiencing a raid for the first time and trying to figure out how to get through all the mechanics and having everyone coordinate together at the same time.

>And you call that cheap, specially with the on-disc DLC fiasco? Give me a break.

don't remember saying it was cheap in my post. i also think people freaking out about on-disc DLC are loonies though so whatever.

>They ALWAYS start off with "it's only cosmetic guyze!" and then keep getting more aggressive. They were already selling instant level ups on the site, hope you enjoy your exotic loot crates soon. Besides, locking away cosmetic shit behind microtransactions in a game with heavy emphasis on shaders, emblems and what not is a shitty practice no matter how you put it, the game is already expensive enough that it certainly doesn't justify having this shit tacked on it. But do keep on justifying it like the good shill that you are.

well they haven't fallen down your supposed slippery slope yet, as its been nearly 2 years with them still selling nothing but cosmetic armor sets, shaders, emotes, weapon skins and ships.

the "instant level ups" you're talking about only level you to the max level, they don't level up your subclass or armor or gear in anyway and are in fact actually quite useless. they exist to make money from idiots but i suppose that fact goes beyond you.

you wanna argue selling cosmetic stuff in a game about collecting sucks then sure, i can meet you half-way there but the rest of your post crying about the eventual turn to p2w is ridiculous and completely unfounded.

if you don't think that stuff is worth the money than don't buy it, simple as that.

Seeing the changes they made to Fists of Havoc I really wanna see what they did to other supers if anything.

I wanna see if they changed anything with the other warlock supers.

its about $5 more expensive than usual. that's not a "subscription fee" though, not even fucking close 3 years is $150, 3 years of wow is $468.

I have 1000+ hours in Destiny and never spent a dime on microtransactions, your suffering over them is purely self inflicted

Omolon Weapons the best.

All others can fuck off.

Only thing I'm worried about is pvp maps.

We only saw 1 but it had no verticality bar the top of a few archways, we'll see.

I think PC will have low player counts
like xbone-tier during Destiny 1

>dawnblade replaces sunsinger, just like sentinel replaces defender and arcstrider replaces arcblade
Source? That's gayer than AIDS if true; Defender was GOAT.

Your sentinel shield can still be used to block.

PC games always have low player counts; Mustards play something for like two days; wank to it on max settings, and move on.

The instant level ups is for people who don't have time to play through the easy enough story and just wants to jump into max level content. It's piss easy to reach max level anyways in the first place so it's designed for people with more money than time.

the source is the gameplay reveal. why would each class get 6 supers, thats retarded. dawnblade, sentinel and arcstrider are reinterpretations of the sunsinger, defender and arcblade, the other 2 for each class are getting reworks.

Yeah, but it can't really be used to protect others that well. Defender was more damage mitigation/support, whereas Sentinel seems like a literal tank.

Dawnblade does strike me as "Sunsinger, but not boring as shit" and Arcstrider? looks like the exact same thing as Bladedancer, so you may be right, but still, has Bungie said, *anywhere* the new subclasses replace anything?

But I want my Buffin' Bubble.

yes, in the gameplay reveal.

Actually it can be used to block for other people, there is a small snippet in one of the gameplays of a hunter shooting a hancannon while behind a sentinels shield.

You also get the Barricade Class Ability that any Titan Subclass can use which has 2 variants, a low barricade that can be popped out from that autoreloads or a bigger barricade that is twice as high/wide that also blocks enemies walking through it.



>titan got the ability to make chest high walls

I never played Destiny 1, and Destiny 2 hasn't really been on my radar. What makes it so compelling a game? I heard the story is exceptionally obtuse, and gameplay feels a little slow.

>hype up the stream by saying there's new sub classes
>they're literally just retconned supers from Destiny 1
>only new things to the table is Sunsinger is now offensive and almost exactly like the Titan's sun breaker and ward of dawn is now just a throw able shield
>arcstrider is just arcblade but more "acrobatic"
>old sub-classes return as well
Please tell me there's at least one other new subclass to even out the element arch types for each class

We don't know, could be, could not.
Other classes could have also got chanced up.

Dawnblade is quite different from Sunsinger beyond its super, and we've seen the strider titan and golden gun hunter have also been changed a bit, so it stands to chance void hunters and elec warlocks are also changed a little.

>gameplay on a bungie game is slow
Glad to hear it. I can't think of many other shooters besides the halo series that aren't twitch shooters. It's nice that they're keeping with the style of their previous games. It's what I like bungie for.

I'm coming from Titanfall 2, for point of reference.

>no dedicated servers
>probably a straight i.e. shitty port from console to PC
>probably high DLC costs
>already got superior gameplay from Halo CE co-op on fucking xbox
>played Destiny on PS4 for two months and got bored out of my mind and sold the system and game
>would rather get Halo CE PC co-op than Destiny 2

wow what a game

I like a little slowness to my shooters now and again, dont get me wrong I love titanfall and twitchy shit. But Destiny feels nice, can't wait for 2.

People at the event are saying the pc version is really good, was running 4k 60fps at the event.

But I think I also read it comes out after the console release.

I've got Destiny and all DLC up to Taken King.
It's just not good.

I am willing to give it another chance if any of you can explain the appeal to me.

Looking at all the gameplay, it is slower then Destiny 1, but its not as slow as halo.
For example one of the more notable things I saw is that melee will no long take shields to 0 in 1 hit, it takes the shield bar down to about 1/4 remaining.
I think I also remember someone saying there are no 2 body shot snipers now.

Damage overall is down, but crits still deal big damage so precision hits are more important now, 1 shot to the head with a handcannon will take shields to 0 and a second will kill

Don't buy it and wait for more information before you buy it.

>People at the event are saying the pc version is really good, was running 4k 60fps at the event.
user I think you are maybe a little bit dumb. All this means is they have beastly machines behind the velvet curtains to make sure everything is running silky smooth and as pretty as possible. The exact same thing all these companies do at press events.

Oh I plan on not buying it at all.

If you don't like it dont get it man, you shouldn't need to be convinced to buy something you don't like.

But saying you got the game and all the DLC up to Taken King you must have liked SOMETHING about it, cause I think there was only 1 more dlc after Taken King.

Not excited at all.

Bungie screwed the pooch with Destiny. It lacks the personality that Marathon or Halo had. Enemies are just targets and don't communicate with you or one another. Guns and sparrows feel good, but enemies don't drop their guns, ammo is just different colored polygons, switching weapons or pulling out the sparrow during a mission makes them fade in or whatever, so everything feels simulated and unattached to the world. The world itself feels uninteresting and instanced, like an MMO's, something static and dead. Missions are repetitive and are not articulated to the player very well. Other players don't make the world feel connected, they make it feel even more instanced and static and lifeless, because they remind you that all this shit is just a video game and everyone else is doing the same exact story but their own version of it because it's not really a story. None of the interesting lore made it into the game. The music is good, and the concept art was nice, that's about it.

But people enjoy it just like they enjoy World of Warcraft, so I guess it's fine for them. I can't stand that shit myself, I just see a loot-grinding treadmill that is as immersive and engaging as watching a goldfish swim around an empty fish bowl.

Bungie is dead to me since the website redesign

Yeah it was the wolf one. After I bought the second DLC, I thought it was garbage and didn't wanna play it more. My friend got me Taken King, but I never ended up playing it after I realised how much of a cunt he was.

I fail to see how that refutes his point. the fact a game can run at 4k and 60fps on current hardware is great.

Destiny should have ended their expansions with The Taken King. Rise of Iron was fucking mistake

How is the class customization now ? 1 was really barebones about that and every class felt the same minus the main power

Destiny 1.1 + marvel universe humor????
Nah I'm good, let me know when they make a new halo

Still the same. Everyone just got 1 more ability slot, and 6 out of the 9 subclasses are the same abilities/grenades.

They really are going to reuse all the grenade skills

>had a chance to go full bleak sci-fi
>especially in an era where Nihei stuff is doing extremely well on Netflix
>instead go guardians of the galaxy when we could have had Bio-Mega Sidonia Blame with a touch of LOGH and Iria
At least BLAME was better than I expected given how hard it would have been to adapt that to a film format.

Fuck m8. Fucking borderlands did it better

I thought this shit would die, left it for a few hours and came back to this. I feel like everyone should just flood Bungie's social media and say warlock too OP balance now just to ruin the class before beta begins.

Anybody in this complaining about the first game is either retarded for bashing a dead game or salty that they missed the train for the HYPEST GAME THIS GENERATION. Destiny 2 is going to be amazing. I cannot wait to see my Hunter again. I'm gonna be playing this game for duration of it's lifespan. Hopefully if God is willing I'll even be able to help in development for this game if I land a gig at Bungie. 7 more years to go.

It'll never happen. Warlock is the main class so to speak and the majority of the Bungie devs that play the game play Warlock. Even the main artists all have a boner for warlock.

Fucking kill yourself.

>salty that they missed the train for the HYPEST GAME THIS GENERATION

Year 1 players will never recover from the anal raping we received.

Some people just wanna see the world burn, let's burn their world.

True. My ass was never patched because I was a warlock.

Best way to do that is to not buy the game and not play.

There's no fun in that

Patrol features makes or breaks whether or not I get at launch. Hoping for some fun exploration that extends the fun.
Destiny scratches the same itch that playing Monster Hunter does for me. As long as there is more stuff to do, I am down. I'm just not really sure if I should just wait till a bundled edition comes out. If they include microtransactions for cosmetics like emotes, I'm skipping it out of principle.

Sure there is. Ace Combat 7 is coming out. Buy that and fly with your brothers in the sky instead.

How's about I go back to WW2 and fly with the Japs into Pearl Harbor

Datto please leave. Sure the pre release season generated huge excitement. But pre expansion/patch Destiny was fucking awful. Hell even the last DLC for the game was a disappointment. Anyone who disagrees with that are people who want to defend their purchase and themselves wasting money on pre orders, merchandise, and micro transactions. Destiny 2 can still fuck up big time and "muh cinematic story since vanilla didn't have one!" shouldn't cloud your decision for giving this franchise another chance. The game will still have shitty RNG loot, and a shitty unbalanced PvP.

oopsie! forgot you were shilling for the wrong thing! no worries mate

edit: thanks for the gold!

Datto is gonna quit Destiny, bet.

I wanted to play the first Destiny but not enough to shell out for a console.

Might buy into this no other interesting shooters come out later this year.

Its 10/10 as bait. but i dont think its bait.

Not baiting, wanted to hear honest opinion cuz no shit on here was about Destiny (not till later)

I just realized there are no dubs or trips in my thread. Well fuck

>making it a point that no meme numbers are in a shitty destiny thread
Either you're a newfag or underage. Probably both

I don't come on much because I am a degenerate fuck who doesn't care about shit but I just brought that up because fuck you I can.

My God. You really are underage aren't you?