People who call power/av cables "wires"

>People who call power/av cables "wires"
>People who call controllers "remotes"

>people who prefer MGS3 to 2

>people who call screws, nails
>people who call nails, screws

2 is my favorite I just had the end pic laying around on my hard drive

>people who call levels "boards"

>people who prefer 2 to MGS3
you're alright

don't bully the elderly

Pass me the Wii controller.

>people who call levels "episodes"

>people who call this blue

I'm shit at subcolors but want to say teal.

>people that say "twenty-five hundred" instead of "two thousand five hundred"

This is weird to me too, I mean they only do it for thousands. They don't say 320 as thirty-two tens.

But it's literally twenty-five instances of one-hundred, user.


This shit pisses me off the most or shit like "It's half past 10" or "a quarter till 5" just say the time you fuck!

They did, it's not their fault you're stupid.

Sounds like you're just unintelligent fucks.

Okay user, technically you are ten-ten percent correct.

no u

Thanks, I know.

Those are longer than the original, twenty five hundred uses fewer syllables and is faster to say.

I only do this when I'm reading too fast and accidentally say "twenty-five" before realizing it's not twenty-five thousand.

>getting mad at people saying half past or quarter past
This is the stupidest thing I have ever read on this site what the fuck

>People who call controllers "clickers"

>A cable is a beefed up wire
>REMOTE CONTROLLER either word works for abbreviations you mong

you're retarded

faster to say

>people who don't call the X button ecks
I always laugh

>people who call a platformer game 'jump n run'

Fuck you germany

never liked this

>people who call it square instead of box
>people who call it circle instead of "oh"
>people who call it triangle instead of dunce hat

>people who call extra lives, 1up or man

Mee lee
Mary oh

You can't do math can you Squidward.


pretty good joost

>people who call "brown and dark surgery twazlebottems" chocolate

The areola is the area around the nipple that one is totally okay and you're a faggot.

PEOPLE who refer to the NIGGERS as BLACKS.

But they're less syllables and shorter to type. You're wasting life and breath on the longer phrases.

"Wiimote" is short for Wii Motion controller

>niggers who can't pluralize the word cent

>people who call typely dipelies "Computers"
>people who call schwizzle schwazzles "Consoles"
>people who call holdily doldilies "Controllers"

There are better things to be autistic about, OP.

I think teal, aqua or turquoise is acceptable.

>lives - one syllable
>man - one syllable
>1up - two syllables

>people who call an interactive movie a video game

One time I asked for jumper cables at a hardware store, the woman was like, "jumper leads?"

You knew what I meant you stupid bitch cut the bullshit

>people who call left right
>people who call right left
Should be punishable by death.

I call that green or gray

>people who mix up east and west
it's me

fucking how

I'm retarded. I always have to remind myself that I live on the east coast when I'm trying to think of which is which. I hate it. I might as well be holding up my fingers to see which one makes an L

The exact opposite, east/west always does it for me but when someone says left or right I'm always lost

Extra lives is 3

When spoken, Lives actually takes a wee bit longer to say.
LA-EEV-SS / alternatively LA-EEV-SUH

If you try to say LIVES or MAN in the same time it takes to quickly say 1up, it sounds strange. Lives and Man require a bit of extra elongation in order to not sound weird. Thats Why Singaporean English sounds so weird to native English Speakers, because Singaporeans tend to cut off cerntain endings to words that dont make it sound too different but do shorten the time it takes to say the English word

Wiimote isn't a trademarked term.

It's Wii Remote. That's the trademark Nintendo paid for. Not Wiimote.

"two point five grand" is the only acceptable option

>that guy scratches his balls and then licks the cheese dust from his fingers instead of the other way around
you're disgusting, Katie

>control something remotely

Cables are just collections of wires.

That's clearly off-cyan.

>People who call the fork button 'ecks' or 'cross'

Remote is an adjective, user. You cant hand someone an adjective.

>that guy that calls the ps1, the psx, ps, original Playstation or types ps one

I need little more context here

>people who open their remotes just to see what the ecks button isn't called.

guy sets your alarm off, but not balls?

Only if you're talking about money.

two words


>what are these?
>what do they do?
>they shoot microwaves

>that guy that thinks butt sex is disgusting but is perfectly fine putting his dick inside a piss/blood leaking wound.

Poop has actual malicious bacteria which can cause lethal infections


Piss doesn't come out of the vag user. There is another hole for it. Tiny, but it is there.

It's close enough and the monthly bloodletting is gross enough on its own.

yeah well it should be trademarked because it's slightly clever

That's definitely aqua

goddamn biology is disgusting

>he says 'video games' instead of just 'games'
>he says 'french fries instead of just 'fries'
>he doesn't understand contextual shortening of language and points at something while saying it's full name, such as 'ps3 controller' vs 'controller'

But you pee out your dick.