Greatest modern intellectual

>greatest modern intellectual
>thinks video games are childish and stupid
well? is he right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>old fart thinks video games are shit


>an old piece of shit is out of touch with the younger generations and can't understand them

wow, just like every old person ever.


I honestly get pretty argumentative over this. You're shitting all over an entire industry of people who put their heart and soul into their art. Fuck you.

he's a legit genious, are you saying you know better than him?

dude venezuela will be successful LMAO

Well they are, but I don't care, he's referring to everyone who plays video games and that includes successful celebrities so really it doesn't mean shit.

They are childish and stupid, but so is a majority of the shit people do. I bet even he himself has a hobby or interest he would consider childish or stupid but the point is he does other stuff that's meaningful where as the nature of video games make that difficult

>greatest modern intellectual
>thinks an "open relationship" is "progressive"

The greatest modern intellectual thinks art is video games, actually.


I don't know who that is and I don't care.

Yes, he's wrong.

I'm saying there's a generation gap, and that it's an opinion of his, not a fact he studied.

I love how fags will nitpick great people on some outlier comments or thoughts they have rather than the body of their work

video games are hobbies, he probably thinks all hobbies are shit because his life is likely filled with his pursuit of knowledge in his chosen fields, he is likely far more important than any of us on this shit website but his life is also probably far more joyless

being super smart is like one of the worst things that can happen to you, because you see everything as beneath you and unable to connect with 99.5% of the population

You're not gonna ask fucking Stephen Hawking on the best methods of training for a triathlon, you goddamn moron. Why should we care what this bastard has to say?
He's not even that great. See

B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BUT NOT REAL SOCIALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who's that

>greatest modern intellectual

>still needs me to carry him out of a carnival


anybody with that opinion has proven themselves worthless in other matters

There's something about that nose...

But he's not "super smart". He's a communist, ie retarded


>You're not gonna ask fucking Stephen Hawking on the best methods of training for a triathlon, you goddamn moron. Why should we care what this bastard has to say?

You're just proving video games are for children

>Noam "intentions don't matter" Chomsky
My FUCKING sides. And it's spelt: "Genius", by the way

>He is old and has a PHD, therefore his contrarian views on America and American Hegemony are therefore correct!

Go to sleep you Neocommies, Chomsky is babbies first political provocateur

>"only people with politics like mine can be intellectuals!"

>being super smart is like one of the worst things that can happen to you, because you see everything as beneath you and unable to connect with 99.5% of the population
This is how retards from /r9k/ actually see themself
>I'm only a failure because I'm lazy! I'm actually genius level smart!

>implying the majority of the world doesnt think you people are a fucking cancer

>communists can be intellectuals

Good one, faggot

>it's a "Sup Forumstard forgets linguistics are a thing" episode

Nice, you really convinced me to ignore this man's lifetime of work with your facile 1 sentence greentext

If he's so smart thn y is he crippled and retarded

Who do you think?

I agree with him. Video games are the one artform that enters from art into sheer waste of time territory. The amount of cerebral, artistic, and visceral stimulation video games offer isn't that much compared to other mediums. In order to even come close to the other mediums, video games have to be decently long like at least 20-30 hours to be able to fit enough cerebral/artistic content. But that means you have to spend A LOT more time playing video games to get the most out of them.

So if there is a hypothetical (interesting content/length of time) ratio, video games would be at the bottom when compared to other arts.

Now why does this matter that video games take longer to achieve artistic stimulation? Well, when one is a child, they have a lot of free time on their hands, so they can play all the video games they want. But as a person gets older, the amount of responsibilities allotted to them gets higher, thus they need to learn to spend the free time they do have left after said responsibilities more wisely. Since video games have such a low (interesting content/length of time) ratio, they are immediately thrown out the window. Thus this older grown up person does something that is more productive or brings more interesting content in a smaller amount of time.

Who gives a shit what "intellectuals" think.
They say sports is stupid but that doesn't stop people from earning millions in a year and getting laid all the time.

Who let reddit in?

>he keeps doing it

I put 30+ hours into most games I play though.

The most intelligent and learned person in the world can still be wrong about things. Doesn't make them any less intelligent.

great thread faggots

What games are shorter than 20 hours besides indie shit? I feel like most games are above that in terms of length

>old man doesn't understand a new medium

This is just like Ebert saying videogames weren't art because he didn't know much about the medium outside simplistic games from the 70's/80's.

Just like being an actual pedophile invalidates anything and everything you've ever done or will do, promoting cuckoldry and "open relationships" does the same.


>oh gee he called out my faggotry what a child lel
Could you at least pretend to keep this vidya related?


he was right tho

Exactly. The shorter games aren't worth playing, while longer games take up too much time. Thus they are a waste of time for adults, only to really be played by children who don't have responsibilities so they have the free to play these games.

I think it's just, if you're really aware about the world around you and just your work or whatever in general you see and regard these things as 'what they are' whatever that is, wastes of time etc.

I've felt like that a few times in my life when I was really intrigued by things in my life or work

But ultimately, anyone intelligent understands that no one is 100% right about anything. imo he's wrong on this

As far as from a biological, anthropological, or social standpoint he's probably right though. Like our human destiny is to be active, have kids and build logcabins or whatever

I'd probably be happier doing those things as well but it's a difference of perspective


more like commie douchebag

honestly i've seen this posted a thousand times on /po/ and i've yet to see a proper refutation


That's retarded. A book can take you 10-20 hours. People watch movies regularly. You can split a game into multiple sessions, you know.

>the crazy political party of the most powerful government in the history of the world
>no I think some goatfucker mowing down plebs in africa is a way bigger threat
retards supporting arguments like this should just stfu and go back to elementary school

>socialist economy and nationalized industry provide the population with wealth and comfort for years
>95% of the state's exports is oil
>oil price went down by 50% around the world
>state's economy crashes
Do you get all your opinions from libertarian Facebook groups?

Noam "the republican party are worse than ISIS" Chomsky

This guys is a fucking clown

>while longer games take up too much time
no? when a game is 30 hours long, If i give it 2 hours a day instead of something like TV or movies, I can easily finish it in 15 days. That's not much more time than people who binge netflix anyway. I think you're overestimating how many adults are actually "productive" outside mandated work hours

>old dude doesn't like video games

I disregard anything he says because he is jew

Videogames are something to kill some free time.
Nothing more.
Of course, Sup Forumseddit can't do anything but bitch and moan about it, yet they can build a single argument.

The Obamacare repeal will kill orders of magnitude more Americans than ISIS ever will.

I wish Noam Chomsky creepily watched me while I'm on the computer.

You do realize he phrases things that way to contrast people's perceptions of things vs reality right?
Anyone can make an uncontroversial uninformative statement

where has socialism worked?

Like I said, other mediums of art have far more interesting intellectual/or artistic content than video games in the same amount of time. What I called the (interesting content/length of time) ratio. Since video games don't reward as much in the same amount of time, it's pointless to play them. Indie games and such are shorter, but their sparsity makes them lack any content at all in general.

>socialist economy and nationalized industry provide the population with wealth and comfort for years
(citation needed)

>the government no longer holding the hands of its citizens like they're babies is worse than kidnapping and sex slavery
Holy shit, fucking off yourself. Seriously.

Go to bed, Boogie.
You're gonna stress out your arteries.

How did people survive without obamacare?

Nothing truly works.
All civilizations eventually fall.
The west is no different.

Are we gonna pretend like people in the past didn't procrastinate on their homework and wanted to talk with their friends instead of working?

>google chomsky and video games
>only relevant results are just him saying that games are violent

They're not crazy, you retarded fucking redditor. They are milquetoast. Normal.

>>socialist economy and nationalized industry provide the population with wealth and comfort for years

The majority of western Europe with its lower crime rates and better quality healthcare? Also socialist inspired ideas like a central bank for the US which bailed the country out of the Great Depression and the recent Recession that happened, the fact that we have an entire Constitution for the country instead of that Articles Of Confederation garbage, etc.

>socialist economy and nationalized industry provide the population with wealth and comfort for years
I agree, my babysitter making me dinner is very comforting for my wealthy girth.

>Noam "The US is literally the devil, every other country are innocent angels" Chomsky
>Noam "I back socialist revolutions in third world shitholes until they inevitably fail, then it's not REAL socialism" Chomsky
Top 200 Chomsky lies.

Fuck Droomald Droompf and fuck white people

>smearing oil on a canvas to make some shitty picture of the sky is art
>writing a novel about being a rich man's cockslut is art
>but the collaborative effort of hundreds to both tell a story and accurately represent reality isn't
I don't care about this usually, but the doublethink some people do regarding this is astounding.
>inb4 hurf durf name ONE (1) game!!
No fuck off.

Intelligence and taste aren't necessarily related. He also said he has no interest in porn.

I'm sure he also browses Reddit. Just because he's a genius doesn't mean his opinion is automatically validated.

>everything the state does is socialism
Americans really should just all be killed.

No, his reputation as a linguist is deserved. But like any public intellectual he uses this reputation to give unwarranted credibility to his opinions on subjects outside his area of expertise.

However, I will say, Vuvuzela had their moment for like a decade, making Colombia look like the repressed banana Republic that it still is, but that only lasted for such a short time.
They've been worse off than Colombia for a good while now.
This isn't even comparing it to another SA country, like Chile, that's been doing better and better under Capitalism for decades.

Check the inequality and poverty stats for Venezuela. They're directly correlated with the price of oil. When the price is high, poverty is low. Nothing to do with socialism.

Care to explain me why the Prime Minister of Denmark called out Bernie Sanders for saying it was a socialist nation?

You could argue that things like videogames and whatever disenfranchise people from actively participating in their communities/lives/politics or whatever. Or at least is a way of making them content with sedation

All the resources that are expended on them is a little electricity, which they pay for. While rich/successful people don't even bother with that shit and find it childish because they can do things that are actually significant and truly deeply interesting and therefore don't need the escapism

Seen from this pov, you can see where he's coming from, and I sort of agree though I think this view should be held in moderation too though

>Republicans are crazy brah! They actually think gender is biologically determined! What a bunch of kooks!
Kill yourself.

>The majority of western Europe
Remember, social market economy =/= socialism
>Also socialist inspired ideas like a central bank for the US
Oh, so you were just shitposting

There's an element to video games that you aren't including that I think makes up for the lowered levels of interesting content vs. time ratio, and it's interactivity. Even if you read an interesting book or see some amazing art, you're brain will also crave play such as puzzles, sports, etc, and when you combine the time consumption to do both separately I think you could easily take up more time than just playing games. Games, while listen artistically deep nor as complicated or as stimulating as other acitivites, take measures from both to provide an easier solution. It's why in the past you have brainaics vs. meat heads, because time wise you had to choose one or the other/be a master of discipline and time management. So video games can provide at least some interesting content and interactivity and through that can provide value

>Not two heads of the same fucking monster

Could be but that won't stop me from enjoying them

Game Theory: Does Noam Chomsky have Asperger's?

Where has capitalism 'worked'? Flynt, Michigan is a clear demonstration of the failures of capitalism in the US. Analogous examples can be found in other countries as well.

All americans are braindead and unironically think political parties represent their interests, and not their own.

>Republicans are solely responsible for all of man-made climate change.