WoW - Legion



How do you enjoy Legion so far, Sup Forums?

Didnt bother getting Legion. Done with WoW.

WoW sucks

When they launched the pre-patch for Legion, and I saw what they had done with their little class pruning, I knew I was going to end up quitting for good this time.

I hung on for awhile, first two big patches, it just kept getting more retarded and they never even mentioned a desire to rectify the massive fuck up that was the ability pruning.

I used to get that itch, but not anymore. I cashed out all my WoW gold and bought Legacy of The Void and the Diablo 3 collection, the only new Blizzard games that remotely interest me now.

Overwatch is for reddit niggers. Hearthstone, a game that would've been considered a mini-game a few years ago, is just a money sink.

Good choice, I spent half a year wasting my time in it before I quit for good.

>playing legion
>when private vanilla servers exist
I'll never understand those people.

I enjoyed that old gods boss from the first raid, his whispers were top tier, reminded me of yogg in northrend questing.
Leveling was pretty fun, especially since I rolled a druid for the first time.
After the first month (or was it two?) I didn't resub, and it looks like I missed nothing. Seriously had the worst boss fights I've ever seen, and maybe it was just playing druid the first time, but they managed to make healing a lot more fucking boring.

Unsubbed because of all the RNG garbage and the retarded time gated grinding.

I was thinking of subbing but reading this made me reconsider

>3 months of Elisande and still no CoF

Fuck this game

They're just as bad as legion. Vanilla was a shit game, made brilliant by the people who played it. Private servers just don't have that atmosphere, everyone knows where and what everything is, there's no sense of adventure anymore.

Not even shitposting thank you for reminding me to unsub I think my tokens ran out

I resubbed because of my inevitable reoccurring interest and I instantly regretted it. For the past few days I've logged in to do my world quests and they bore me so much I log out afterwards. What a life sucker.

Time gates, meaningless progression: the game

>get legion as my first real wow expansion
>play nonstop for like 2 months
>get burnt out and never wanna see the game again
How the fuck do people continue playing for like a decade?

>still being nostalgiac over Vanilla
Vanilla wasn't actually good, but everything was new so there was a sense of wonderment.

Private servers doesn't bring this back.

They don't. That's why WoW has been hemorrhaging subs since Cataclysm. According the the annual investor call, Legion is doing "Slightly better" than WoD. WoD was a disaster and Blizzard lost half their subs, and Legion is doing "Slightly better".


Explain this meme.

me and my friends played till wrath and eventually quit but we all try the new expansions or at least they did. I eventually was bribed into coming back to legion and it sickened me how easy progression was and how stupid playerbase and balancing was so i quit again

Better than WoD, worse than every other expansion.

this desu which is why i quit

most people actually take breaks of couple of months and come back play anohter 2-3 months and then take another break again etc.

like me.

Played private server from mid-Wrath til end of Cata, subbed from MoP onwards. Done for good this time, game is repetitive. Can't believe I made it through WoD.

>There are still enough stockholm syndrome drones playing after disaster of WoD and this shit expansion to keep the game turning a profit

Boggles my fucking mind. I'm pretty sure Actiblizz could not release any content for the next 5 years apart from cash shop pets and mounts and it would content the shiteating wastes of oxygen that still cling to this rancid turd.

A few friends and myself played until just before Nighthold released. We were not pleased with the direction PVP was taking and they just kept fucking things up so we left for good.

>return to wow after 6 years a week before Legion
>kind of have fun powerleveling several characters through invasions
>get to actual content
>world quests are shit, RNG item drops are shit
>raiding is shit, LFR is shit, timegating everything is shit
>class pruning is absolute shit, professions are shit
Let my sub run out after a month and newer renewed it. Unironically the only fun I had was doing mythics with total randoms because that was the only way to have any social interaction because guild chats are DED and fuck trade chat. You just join a group that doesn't have high ilvl requirements and surprise surprise, it's not full of shitters thinking they're elite.


>tfw after everything it was what they've done to horde that finally made you quit
Cataclysm was the last time horde got anything that mattered. They've just been plot fodder ever since.

>Whether Horde or Alliance, we didn’t want you to miss seeing the culmination of the Alliance-only quest line A Found Memento and witnessing the rise of the new King of Stormwind.
Literal quote from Blizzard. Meanwhile Vol'jins legacy consists of: faking his death for the entirety of Mists to not interfere with the lawful good overdrive, telling the player to build a shipyard in Warlords, and getting shanked by some trash mob in Legion

Im enjoying it but i havent played for 5 years since cata so im not seeing it through the inside. Im liking the natrative stuff

Lor'thormar was great during the assault on the Thunder Isle.

>TFW crazy corpse is leading instead of someone who can actually do the job

fuck horde lmao literally who cares, a bunch of edgemaster beast races, crack-addict elves and the bad guys of war3.

so far? It been out a while. and I quit a while ago. too easy, few actual mmo elements, most of the world is irrelevant, static world, three weapon per class and bunch of reskin gear, silly skill 'synergy', boring dungeon, boring quest, boring class hall thingy, no room for roleplay in gameplay

I just don't like this mmo formula obviously, not for me

PvP in WoW was a mistake

>Today we are taking a look at the Prestige Level achievements of players. This data comes from 1.9 million US and EU players active in the last month.
>1.9 million players
nice ., may aswell merge al servers already

They might as well with how retarded CRZ and Sharding is anyway. They're never going to get Peak-Wrath Sub numbers again, they don't need this many servers.

So does your life

not commenting on the vitality of WoW, but thats obviously just their sample size, not the current playerbase.

you pay for a subscription and you don't log in a whole month? nice try shill
or you gonna jump on the "but if you don't pvp" yea i'm sure there's people who magically avoided to be close to a pvp kill in his whole wow-life

AOTC is for fucking faggots

do you not understand the concept of "sample size"?

so you are a shill , thanks for the confirmation

Played since 2.0

TBC and WotLK was fantastic for me, it was all new but there was incentive to always logon everyday.

Cata was actually really fun until 4.3; Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent and Firelands were all fun and challenging raids - Dragon Soul + introduction of LFR stained that expansion forever in my mind.

MoP was a rollercoaster - 5.0/5.1 was absolute trash in my opinion; the raids were boring as fuck and the repetitive daily quest grind + rare mob camping made me quit until 5.2. 5.2 + 5.4 were some of the best raiding patches the game has seen (although siege of orgrimmar lasted a bit too long), and I think 5.2 ranks among the top 3 patches of all time.

WoD - total dogshit from start to finish

Legion - enjoyed the diablo esque style of gameplay at the start but after clearing emerald nightmare mythic and starting trial of valor mythic it became way too fucking much. I limited myself to doing 3 mythic+ dungeons a week simply to get the weekly chest, and only logging on for world quests and raids. Killed Mythic Helya, did 7/10 mythic NH and just quit. I think this will be the final time I play WoW unless legacy servers release.

Bitch, he's after Nethershards now. 2500 nethershards to be exact. Not more, not less, don't question him.

One-eyed elf is missing from Legion though. I think I only saw him cheering for Sylvannas when they were cooking Vol'jin's corpse. Even his two gay elf buddies made appearances.

I don't raid and I only do occasional BGs and M+ dungeons. I've been spending most of my WoW time for the past few months collecting appearances and filling up the wardrobe.


I switched to monk after they mangled and raped Affliction, which has been my favorite spec since vanilla. Windwalker was fun but I still became bored so I quit right before Helya

Didn't miss out on much. Nighthold was hot garbage.

Haven't played this turd since Cataclysm and don't intend to ever come back either. I even cured myself of private servers.

Answer his question.

And out of curiosity haven't they released the Kil'jaden raid yet? Is the ending somehow even worse than Archimonde in Wod?

why? if you're playing with shit tier graphics anyway

why do people still play this
boring raids, boring dungeons (some of the new dungeons where pretty cool), and pvp is worse than it has ever been

I quit a few months in WoD. I sometimes miss the erp but its just a sacrifice I have to make.

By not playing

I unsubbed due to Mythic raiding. Shit takes way too much time and investment for it to be worth it. I played this game to have fun not work 18 hours a day grinding M+ for AP so we can kill disgustingly overtuned bosses.

tails are dumb