Ei vasily, pacanchik moi, you know that walkings is of very boring and tiresome in games of first person shooting

>ei vasily, pacanchik moi, you know that walkings is of very boring and tiresome in games of first person shooting
>that's is of right, andrei, that's why we punish our playerbase for walkings too much in the wast open world
>good. let's go drink vodka and shoot krokodil now

Other urls found in this thread:


Some one didnt play on master and tried using HP on armour.
Boo hoo cry more.

Whats the deal with higher difficulty = easier game anyway?

gggmanlives detected

Lower difficulty lowers the damage of all bullets, including the players.

the other probem is everthing is literally the same color

my legs are okay

Boy I love bandits just spawning in front of my eyes every time I go anywhere.

Is the Stalker movie worth checking out? Kind of interested after the Mandalore video but I don't know if it's just pretentious trash

I legit enjoy seeing salty posts about STALKER from people who are shit at video games. It's fucking hilarious because STALKER isn't even hard. I imagine you guys being like "How the fuck do I even eat breakfast? I've got to pour cereal in a bowl? But how much cereal? I have to add milk? Are you fucking kidding me? This is so difficult."

It is literally the definition of pretentious trash. Absolutely nothing happens. A bit of yelling, and cuts to nature, and then cuts to people looking dejected laying down, with fucking zero plot going on.

Reading director interviews about the meaning afterwards will make your blood boil.


here's a better video than that trash

It's pretentious as fuck

IF you want to see it, get stoned first or really drunk

>I imagine you guys being like "How the fuck do I even eat breakfast?

Could you spoonfeed me? Still pretty new here

It's good, but also pretentious. They could easily edit out 30 minutes of footage without losing a bit of plot.

>shoot krokodil now

tfw u dont have any meth to snort for jacking off to cartoon porn for 36 hours

Don't listen to those plebs, the movie is great if you don't mind a slower pace. The atmosphere, the dialogue, it's all really effective and creates this bleak, but spiritual mood of the movie.
Sure, it's nothing like the book or the games, but it's still amazing on its own.

Most people will say it's boring and pretentious, and though they're not wrong it's clear they're too dumb to get it.

The first quarter is slow but once you get to the zone it picks up pace, and if you're not invested by that point just shut it off because your brain is poo from too much oversatuation and iphones.

You may as well scratch your ass and smell your fingers for 2 and a half hours if you like the smell of your own farts that much.

Oh boy, you sure showed me. What a well thought out response.

The Zone is the most interesting thing in the movie but instead of focusing on that we listen to a bunch of boring characters talk about simple philosophical concepts.

They do talk about the Zone too though. The nature of the room was interesting to discover, along with the true intent of the Professor.

If you want a real critical analysis, no shit the movie is bleak when it's silent, monochrome, and motionless for more than half of the movie's length.

It's a bloated, pretentious piece of shit. You could just as effectively make a bleak movie by filming any one of us on Sup Forums sitting at our computers and slap a color filter over it.

They talk about it but you only really see it in effect like twice, I don't mind that its mostly implied effects but its just weird that traveling the dangerous Zone how few times I felt they were in danger.

>Be newfag to the game
>Still going for torso shots kind of new
>Go through military checkpoint
>Run into bandits immediately after I pass through
>Crouch down all the way and shuffle behind a tree
>Poke my head out of the tree
>5 or 6 bandits
>Suddenly hear automatic gunfire
>This is the end for me
>One armed with a pistol is trying to flank
>Pull out my double barreled shotgun
>Ready to go down kickin'
>Suddenly hear automatic gunfire from BEHIND me
>Eyes snap shut, think I'm dead
>Surprise! The military is helping me out
>Blast the flanking fucker with the shotgun
>The military is doing most of the heavy lifting
>I try to help out but I nearly became spongebob so I just hid behind a tree with my pistol out
>Eventually things calmed down
>Get a cool rifle

Post your zoneventures Sup Forums

>in the trainyard by the bar
>fighting regular cyka bandits
>when I turn a corner a bloodsucker rushes me
>yell throw my hands up and accidentally smash my monitor

I needed a new one anyways

>tfw you sip your drink and the bloodsuckers gone the moment you look back


Just read the book, it's short, takes place in America and it's very emotionally touching. That ending fucked me up.

>getting stoned from radiations

>be oldfag
>install lost alpha dc
>start the game
>shit cringe cinematic
>go outside slideshow
>pull out weapon, mod has vanilla weapons


Lost alpha is just such a chore to play, so much pointless walking some shit mechanics and that fucking dimitri voice acting, also most of the time something happens they force you to run away so you cant join the action or grab loot its just retarded boring, atmosphere was on point though

I think its slideshow for you because of the directx renderer setting, older directx versions run way smoother but look worse

>be total newbie
>get SoC
>install 2017 starter pack (ZRP, PRZ2.1, OWR3, SWO3, ShaderMax1.6, FOV fix)
>/sg/ tells me to replace PRZ2.1 with PRZ1
>the game still looks like ass
>the game handles like a brick
>broken NPC AI
>gunplay sucks
>can't talk or bribe my way through military checkpoints
>still stick to the game

Damn, why this game is so fascinating?

>muh plot

how is high school

The random spread in this game is too high


The open ended nature of the game and the long walking distances are part of the design. It takes a long time to get from Cordon to the area outside Pripyat, but you can still run all the way there. Might have to sneak kill the duty guy before bar, but sometimes he lets you through anyhow.

Did some bullshit run for a friend where I was at the brain scorcher in like 30 minutes, SoC has some great designs that aren't present in the rest of the games.

>Cordon on first playthrough
>bandits chasing me outside the starting area
>run back towards the starting area
>some military guys chase us to engage the bandits
>some loners from the starting area run out to fight the bandits
>military guys hit one of the loners with a stray shot
>suddenly in the middle of a three way gunfight
>hide in a bush and throw a grenade in the general direction of the bandits
>kill all of them, but wound the military guys
>loners finish them off
>go and loot them all and get good weapons

Going to miss that iconic chimney, now there's just this dome there for the next 50 years

>but wound the military guys
>early game

With a grenade.

I didn't say it hurt them seriously, it just damaged them and caused them to be distracted long enough for the loners to finish them off.

Also there were 2 or 3 military guys and about 6 bandits and a dozen loners.

Monolith did nothing wrong

I think the Military guys is coming for your ass now. Unless you got yourself a decent gun better hide if you see them again.

Who did Roadside Picnic more justice, Stalker or Metro?

They didn't aggro on me because I didn't attack them directly. I don't even know if that grenade hurt them at all, they turned towards me for a bit but I don't think they shot at me (I was hiding behind a rock).

Plus this was well away from the military encampment and they all died, so I don't think the military knew.

One of the greatest Games ever made. Invested a shitload of time

Its probably the best open world FPS ever made.

And the AI is second to none.

No game has been able to recreate the feeling you get playing STALKER

>Based on Roadside Picnic

Metro was it's own book series. Metro 2033, 2034, 2035. Skip the 2nd book, and the game Last Light happens inbetween before the third book.

Metro is based on a different book entirely.
Also Stalker couldn't do the "HAPPINESS, FREE FOR EVERYONE AND LET NO ONE BE FORGOTTEN" thing in a serious edgy action game. And that was the most important moment of the book.

>And that was the most important moment of the book.
It kind of did with the bad endings. The wishgranter does "grant wishes" in the game. It's left open whether it did in the book, but in the game all things it grants are twisted. Strelok just didn't wish for the same thing, though there were SEVEN different endings he could wish for.

I thought it was five wishes?
Because the other two conditions were for that OTHER ending

You know I had fun all through out this game. But my god, when you turn off the brain scorcher and have to bust ass into the facility before the blowout happens when you have not only TWO factions with 100 guys sniping at you but a CHOPPER dedicated to FUCKING YOUR ASS with rockets the entire way. I swear I had an aneurysm after dying for the 12th time. Fun game tho.

Yes, it's probably the most entry level Tarkovsy movie, and has some great cinematography, it is however pretentious, but not as much as his other films. Just watch it dude, the only thing you lose from it is time, and you're posting on fucking Sup Forums so time clearly isn't a precious commodity for you.

But it was so important for the composition of the book. Entire book is bleak as fuck and that last ray of pure hope in the end is what makes the whole thing so unique.

Every competent player got "I want to be rich" ending.

Will there ever be a better mod for SoC than AMK? I feel as if AMK is the best mod ever created for Stalker. Nothing tops it at all.

Roadside Picnic > Stalker games > Stalker movie

honestly wasn't a huge fan of the movie. it's nice visually at least.

got that first time around but i don't get why that makes me a competent player? never looked into what triggers that ending?

Roadside Picnic was a great book, but i had a lot more fun with SoC. I am not even sure how to compare the book to the games. the Atmosphere is somehow the same, but the whole experience is different.


Cheeki Breeki



>Playing Call of Chernobyl in it's early day, I.E leaked beta
>Spawn in Cordon as loner
>Thunder and lightning night time for some reason
>Go up to where millitary camp under the bridge
>They're dead, hear bandits shouting and firing to the left near farm thing
>As I arrive over, I see a 2 bloodsuckers going in and out of invsio picking them off
>Squad of loners turn up finish off bandits
>Another squad shows for some reason
>8+ people standing in a fucking pack trying to take pot shots at the glowing eyes with the rain, thunder and lightning

It's the most unique experience I've had. dare I say...cinematic. Was pretty neato

>Install Lost alpha for shits and giggles
>Eax fucked with audio in it for some reason
>Get the most ear blasting, bass rumbling distorted sounds coming from sid
>As I recover wtih my eyes watering and eyes bleeding, the never ending helicopter engine started

I then sorted the problem and uninstalled after 2 hours. I wasn't very impressed.

More like 100, 150 if things go well.

Have more than 50k in the bank I think (or 500k, can't remember). It's not hard to get and most people will have enough by end game..


The dome will last for 100 years according to the engineers, so they have to dismantle the core and remove the radioactive waste before then.



Wasn't it confirmed placebo by the zrp guy?

>hating on stalker movie
As I expected. Of all scripts Strugatsky Brothers created for the movie, Tarkovsky has chosen the very best.

Don't expect it to be similiar to the game or the book, though. It's a different things. But the book and the movie is made by the same authors.

t. capeshitter

>And the AI is second to none.
It's broken as fuck.

cyкa блять бyмп.. хaхaхaхaхaхaхa))))))