Which key is the correct one to crouch with?
Which key is the correct one to crouch with?
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answering otherwise is blasphemy
Depends on whether or not you can sprint while crouched
>one button prevent you from doing right
>the other prevent you from running
guess which one you fucking baby
If you're not using it for anything else, I say shift. Although it can be tricky to switch muscle memory from ctrl to shift.
>Sprint while crouched
How does that work?
F is the most comfortable crouch bind
hold: ctrl
toggle: c
The real question is do you toggle or hold the button to crouch?
I guess it's on Sprint rather than Crouch but
Fuck this window.
Depends which hand is your right hand.
Playing a stealth game where you have to hold the thing down 90% of the time is hell on the pinky
Mouse Button 4
Hold shift, toggle c, control is sprint
c is for heal fuckwit
Shift for crouch, ctrl for walk.
>Game doesn't recognize any mouse buttons passed 3
If there's a button for walk/run toggle then Ctrl for that and C for crouch.
If not, then whatever fits your other binds.
Red Orchestra, PUBG, Arma 3 and some others do this. You stay lower but don't run as fast.
arrow keys for movement
enter for jump
shift for crouch
ctrl for reload
I'm dead fucking serious
ctrl for hold to crouch, c for toggle crouch.
mouse wheel scroll, so I can turbo tea bag
C because Ctrl is for prone
I was an advocate for ctrl but I think all the milsim type games have converted me
ctrl just feels wrong now, especially for toggle crouch
C in games that have momentum wherein crouching improves upon that momentum so that you can easily Shift sprint into C or games where you can simply sprint while crouched, otherwise CTRL every time
how do you jump-strafe left?
Took the words out of my mouth.
>First-person shooter game
>Ever having C bound to Crouch
In very recent times, I'm looking at you, Nu-Prey, you fucking idiot.
the right one
does anyone use alt to crouch?
Better idea:
>Crouch is a toggle
>Prone can be triggered from standing or crouched by holding down control and releasing when you become prone so you don't have to ruin your pinky
the only correct answer
>shift is crouch
>ctrl to walk
>shift + ctrl to go prone
>tap alt while walking for sprint
>Q and E lean
>Middle Mouse for interactions
>Scroll wheel to change weapons
>mouse 4 and 5 to change ammo types in the same weapon
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is a god tier game
>spacebar for crouch
>shift for spring
>ctrl or mouse wheel for jump
you'll usually be doing more crouching than jumping space is easiest and fastest to press plus you can still press every other button on the keyboard while holding space
prove me wrong
pro tip : you can't
slight hand adjustments
I bet you can't hit Numpad+ while holding down the space key.
>inb4 takes his other hand off the mouse
fuck off alien go back to your own planet
Farther I can reach with 1 hand is Numpad 4 or 2. I am no ayy.
Not yet anyway.
Just use the number pad then.
Whatever feels right for you.
I use Q.
>he can't reach at least numpad 8
begone peasant
Control. That way you can still have full access to WASD while adjusting your stance.
With a little finagling, I can reach Num Lock and 7. Sorry to disappoint.
Using C shows that you aren't underaged. HL1 had it binded to C and I never changed it.
ctrl for held crouch
c for toggle crouch
Half Life 1 was also far less of a stealth game.
Having trash taste doesn't make you of-age, friend.
>le hold control for crouch meme
pinky gets really tired after doing this shit for a while. Go ahead, play super meat boy with default keyboard binding for an hour where you have to hold shift 95% of the game and tell me how it feels. C for Toggle Crouch is the only right answer. Why would even want to hold crouch? Are you retarded or something?
Ctrl for holding
C for toggle
>go to ease of access center to disable keyboard shortcut
Mate just disable it
The one that doesn't make me accidentally affix bay-o-nets instead of crouching.
>tap W repeatedly to sprint
Ctrl for shooting
>swap them
>now accidentally affix bayonets instead of laying prone
What the hell? What game?
Only thing that sounds close to me is GTA
Mouse 4
So I can easily use it while rocket jumping without having to curl around my pinkie finger like a fucking mong.
minecraft did it i guess
iirc Oni did this
I can do this, but it's ridiculously uncomfortable. Holding the edge of the spacebar with my pinky? Bad control design.
>control is sprint
No, that's shift.
My man.
Left Alt
Hold, not toggle
I use C for toggling crouch and Ctrl for when I want hold down a button to crouch.
>spacebar is use/interact
>control is crouch
>e to jump
>capslock to toggle sprint
>alt to toggle walk/run
c if toggle ctrl if hold
left alt is voice com button.
c for toggle, ctrl for hold
toggle is superior
capslock master race
Depends on if there's prone too.
Alt is for prone ya dingus.
Shift for sprint
Ctrl for crouch
Alt for prone
All of the above are toggle, not held.
C as a toggle.
MB 4 for crouch, MB 5 for melee, MMB for grenade
>Small Hands or has arthritis
>Normal/Skinny hands
c for toggle crouch
shift for tap crouch unless it's being used for something else
funny saturn stream going downhill
>small hands
>has arthritis
Shift for crouch, always.
I don't like bending my pinky down far enough for Ctrl and most games I play don't have a run function anyway, just jump and crouch.
Well, why would you need to run while crouching? Running almost always immediately takes you out of the crouched stated, so it's a no-brainer. Control for crouch.
Depends on the game but generally whatever your comfortable with.
Depends on the type of game for me really. Most FPS I use hold hold but some I do use toggle like RO2 but as you mentioned stealth games like MGSV its toggle all the way.
Yea, team fortress 2 trained me with shift as crouch for crouch jumping
Shit like morrowind and dues ex can be toggle with ctrl or c, it doesn't matter you press them once every 6 hours
I use this in warframe because of the slide meme.
I started using right-click to jump in Quake 3 / Quake Live / Reflex and that's really hard to break.
In UT obviously it's secondary fire, but yeah.
right contrl or left control?
i do it for old PC shooters of the90s
C makes no goddamn sense, especially if crouch jumping is a thing.
Crouch - Ctrl
Jump - Shift
Sprint - Space
Come at me spacejump fags.
why not both?
This man is objectively right and everyone else is wrong
Shift for crouch all-day. Ctrl is father away and I use crouch all the time
can someone please explain to me, what the fuck is the logic of using "C" to crouch? There has to be one, surely
Are you retarded?
there's literally two game series that use prone.
In one of those there's great control option like "Change Stance" (tap Ctrl for crouch, hold for quarter-second to prone)
tfw I use left alt