What was the final verdict on the actual game? Not considering the pre-release fuck ups.
What was the final verdict on the actual game? Not considering the pre-release fuck ups
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it was ok. but not as good as the first deus ex human revolution.
For $15-$18? Awesome. That pre-order crowdfunding tier system was absolute bullshit though. They ended up losing customers due to it.
Main plot is weak, the rest is fantastic.
Especially the sidequests and hub exploration.
shit, just like HR. I'm glad Deus Ex is finally shelved so these shit devs can't ruin it anymore.
Instead of starting a new thread, was Max Payne 3 worth a damn?
>shit, just like HR
Human Revolution was shitty for its own, individual reasons. Mankind Divided is much shorter, and has far less plot twists.
No play Stranglehold instead
Excellent better than human revolution the single hub works better only shit thing is the ending clearly has to be continued vibe
You just influenced a $50 decision.
For the better.
>dlc locked to a save
who thought this was a good idea?
I actually replayed it again recently and the shooting mechanics are really good but the cinematics are over bearing and they're unskippable. It's hard to get more than 5 minutes of gameplay without an unskippable cutscene and it kills replay value. Hope they bring back those shooting mechanics for another game though.
>Sup Forums hates Human Revolution now
what the fuck is wrong with you miserable cunts?
I don't hate Human Revolution but I always thought it was just decent. Not as good mechanics or rpg system as the original DX and the story isn't good either.
it was always a bad game.
The verdict is it's only 1/3 of a great game. The money grubbing micro transactions are also not doing it any favors.
This. The game could have been solved by simply putting a bullet in the head of anyone suspicious.
It was good for One Playthrough.
It's just not as nuanced as Deus Ex 1.
Pretty ok, mostly disappointing. Mild improvements to gameplay systems, but made even easier through over-abundance of resources and upgrades. Worse level design than HR. Horrible main narrative. Best city hub and side quests I've ever played though.
Not the successor to DX I had hoped it would be, and mostly because of Eidos Montreal's shitty design decisions, not Square Enix meddling.
It felt like the hour long pilot of a new TV show. The gameplay did not evolve at all from HR. They added a bunch of gimmick offensive powers while leaving the stealth untouched. This leaves the stealth players with nothing new to play with. To get around no new mechanics you would need excellent level design and enemy AI. The game has neither. It felt like playing a typical day on the job with Jensen instead of a vast global event with deep conspiracies and twists. A large part of this was the choice to make a majority of the game take place in a single place. Multiple Pragues would be cool. However being in the same place with a weak and slow moving plot means the space gets taken for granted. I'd prefer a globe trotting adventure instead of one over designed play space. The DLC is better than the core game and all felt like they were cut from the main game. The context and interactions do a lot to flesh out the story and create variety.
If anything I would like a Director's Cut that integrated the DLC into the main game, like what was done with The Missing Link. The irony is how The Missing Link was also cut content which fleshed out the ending of the game and the core plot, just like MKD.
It was a good game screwed over by dumbass SE upper management.
Much like HR it pales in comparison to the first and is in fact shit when a 18 year old game can BTFO anything these fuck ups could put out twice.
It felt like some HR DLC, it was ok. The one thing that fucking soured me on the whole experience was Prague on lockdown. All those sidequests, constantly traveling back and forth through those five fucking long minute loading screens, all while slowly crouching around dodging cops.
It felt half finished, final boss was a joke. and the story was so underdeveloped when it was a really great idea
>Protag is augmented
>Augmented people just went apeshit and killed a bunch of people out of the blue
>Everybody understandably hates them
then it it pisses about in a great hub city, small underdeveloped second "hub" and then you head to the last level. fight the boss and it just ends.
Give it another hub, maybe a couple of year time gap after the end?
Shrug, i hope they give it to a better dev and pleantly of time/money to make a true sequel to the first game.
The gameplay is terrible and the story is literal SJW propaganda
I have not played MK but I hated the way Missing Link was integrated into HR, because even if the ending of the main game is underwhelming Missing Link was basically a stand alone adventure with its own plot arc and its insertion at the 3/4 point of HR kills a lot of the momentum of the game as it basically requires the player to start over near the end of the game.
>story is literal SJW propaganda
lol what a retard
Globalist shill please fuck off back to Jezebel
the game makes fun of idiots like you.
I hope someone makes a spiritual successor to Deus Ex, a series of its own, that picks up where that game left off mechanically. Eidos Montreal should pass the torch, someone else needs to try at this. Maybe CD Project Red?
for the love of god, no
Very mediocre.
Square Enix does it again.
it was GOTY 2012 so yes
i still would rather see an end to jensens story before that happens
>great gameplay
>great hubworld
>more options for non lethal gameplay
>bad story that indicates the game got cut in half
definitely worth it during a sale
Gameplay and graphics were a huge improvement from HR but I don't get what they were thinking with the story. Surely they could come up with something better than that in the Deus Ex universe? But no they went with aug lives matter
Apparently he was supposed to die at the end of HR and MD had another main character for a while but publishers said keep AJ because reasons.
Because they wanted Jensen to be a brand.
>Thi4f is getting a sequel AND a movie
>Deus Ex stumbles once and gets axed
Why, Sup Forums? Why?
Main storyline is kind of weak, they kind of just leave you with a cliff hanger at the end.
The game as a package including the pretty decent hubs and sidequests, 8/10, not as good as Deus Ex HR
>The Missing Link was also cut content
Fuck no. You can hear all the dev commentaries through out the DLC where they talk about how they were scrambling to make it from scratch in a couple weeks.
Originally it was going to be one big game that was broken up into 3 games for a trilogy. Bad move. People like games with big scopes, not small scopes. MD was 1/3 of a story and thus small scope.
It kills the pacing of the game mostly because it's a big climax that makes the story peak too early. You still have two 1.5 hour long sections to go through afterwards and they're really boring in comparison to Missing Link.
Thi4f was actually quite critically well received though wasn't it? So that probably bolstered sales enough to fund more wank.
better than HR
Its sequel is going to be as underwhelming as MD was. Nobody could play Thei4 and actually want more of that horse shit. That's not to say HD was bad like Thie4 was and thats why MD underperformed. MD was lacking for a lot of reason to do with the pre release hype being mega fucked.
I had fun and might even go for another playthrough soon.
Lethal stealth, being a complete dick, sneaking into every place you can find and robbing it blind, it was really a nice game.
Performance seems to have been fixed since release for me and that is very important.
The game isn't as charming as DX1, the conspiracy theory's are just stale this time and come across as trying too hard.
Solid 7/10, and I mean that in the non meme way in that 5/10 is an average game and 7/10 is good.
I got MD for free and I played it for a few hours and dropped it when it didn't really seem to be going anywhere. I think I'd just done some shit for the underground "muh fake news" guys.
I wanted more HR, all they had to do was not fuck up the story and it would have been fine as the gameplay smoothing they did is pretty good.
But you're right, I don't want more Thief. Modern games push so hard for graphics we'll never get the Thief 2 levels of map size and depth.
You know they're going to do a Thief HD remaster and fuck it up eventually.
half a game
Nope, flopped both ways
I am afraid games have reached a point where only a handful of titles will be able to sustain AAA quality production. Its just too tough to fail.
political bullshit showed in for no purpose
nigga he diedat the end
it was really good up until it abruptly ended
Main quest was awful, the rest is ok to very good.