Do you guys still love Minmin?

Do you guys still love Minmin?


ewwww her but is to big

Ass too flat

Of course. Anything is better than Ribbon, anyway.

will fap to both

how do i get a gf with a nice butt

>t. Ireland

>it's an arms thread
>half the thread obsessing over an average-sized ass
>other half complaining the average-sized ass is too big

What's her "gimmick" ingame and what does she have for ARMS?
Spring man has springs
Ribbon girl has ribbons
Twintelle has hair
Mummy has bandages


Noodles for arms, and her dodge is a backflip kick that she can use to deflect attacks. One arm turns into a dragon arm when charged.

I still like Minmin. Wholesome noodle seller girl. Don't fall for the Twintelle succubus.

>find girl with large ass
>ask her out


Now that's original

When's the global testpunch?

Next weekend and the weekend after at 1am, 1pm and 7pm BST.
>he's a britfag

Yes. I can get down with a brown girl with a nice butt but I really don't like Twintelle's design all that much. Minmin is waif material though.

Who are you quoting?

Just thought since most of the site are burgers you wouldn't appreciate the time zone

Tell a girl to go to gym

Minmin remains my favourite yes.

I want to eat MinMin.

Yes, she remains my armsfu
But gameplay wise the double jump from ribbon girl is more attractive to my style

weird how she's the only character with arms

God bless Nintendo

Minmin first place with Kid cobra being a close second.

KC's underrated. I prefer Barq and Byte but damn if Cobra's not cool.

Minmin will ultimately have more nip fanart than any character, mark my words

She now needs to take off her shoes in compete with Twinelle. She needs a fetish since she's outclassed in ASS department.

She has a long way to catch up then cuz even nips are drawing Twintelle more than her atm.


Still implying I originally loved her

Who is Metallica

They have a greater love for twin tails than noodles. Who knew.

Like pottery.


You say like it's a bad thing

She's still the best girl for me.

What do you mean they all have arms.

Notice how these threads are always shitty circlejerk about the characters by weebs and pedos, never about the game itself.

Waiting for the demo

Plenty about the game itself did you not the dozen or so tournament threads and gameplay analysis.


!Hana is best girl and Chiyo can go fuck herself

honestly it's not even fair

Ribbon Girl forever!

Yes. Fuck Twintelle

Her design is pretty cool. But personally Mechanica is the most appealing to me.

Yes. I hate niggers.

It's a crime that these guys aren't talked about more or have any fanart, they're cool as fuck

She's my girl
The other thots can be gone

There's gonna be an online testfire like splatoon soon iirc

So guarding or grabbing turns her arm into a dragon, but what does it do exactly? Perma-charge? Increased damage?

Multiple charged attacks I think


Yes. New girl is nice and all but I prefer short hair on my 2D girls. Also spats and shorts.



Post things you'd like to see for other ARMS
>Vines on a dryad-like character
>Rope on a pirate themed character
>Rocket propelled fists and feet, so the character looks like Rayman

>caring about the girls in ARMS when the boys are so cute

Kid Cobra for best guy.
But Minmin reigns supreme as the toppest cute and most adorable character.

ew are you gay

Best boy.

The robodog has FUCKING SUNGLASSES on.

God, why did they have to get revealed at the same time as Twintails. People were having entire threads freaking out about Helix, but no one ever mentions this duo, even though they're probably my favorite of the bunch.

Best Min flavour?


That just means you get to appreciate an underdog character.

Shadman version when

Tentacle arms on a sushi chef
Jewelry arms on royalty
Balloon arms on a clown

Is that a Waku Waku 7 reference?

>Confetti/streamer arms on a clown
>Water hoses on a firefighter
>Yarn ball fists unraveling on a tailor or cat
>Paperclip chain for middle-aged businessman
>Trombone slide arms with the horn on each shoulder for a marching band character

new art from ARMS twitter


is that real?

I'm gonna go Kid Cobra with the wind gloves and ice dragon.

Enjoy your uncultured waifus while I enjoy conversations about the arts with Twintelle

What is she reading?

>trombone slide arms
That'd kill me

Byte supporter checking in! Long ARMS of the law!

Yes, they made it so everything in the background is warped inwards towards the small ass.

I just noticed she's carrying a parasol too

I'm seriously thinking of maining her when I saw that. I probably will if mechanica doesn't work out.

damm she thicc


>Ass so thicc it collapses in on itself and starts to pull in matter around it.

MinMin for the WinWin, baby. noodle-waifu will be my main,

This tbqh

>26 years old
Above all else. It's the above statistics that makes my pants on fire.

Can someone edit Minmin with real arms. I can't jack off to Cup Noodles limbs.

>high heels
>sneaker soles

But why?

she fights in those things you retard

Facesitting 101


is that heavy

To compensate for the heels?

>not jacking off to noodle arms
nigga you gay?

1. She is a Diva
2. To piss you off
3. Her hair does all the fighting

This game looks so awful. Goddamn Nintendo famboys really have a special kind of childish autism

All the more grip to step on your dick without slipping off.

Seems about right for a woman of her stature.

For a female of 180cm it means that she is pretty fit.
It's very respectable.