
This is Cassius Bright. He will be your opponent tonight.

Just so you know, Silver Will is playing AND he won't be holding back.

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Well, Sup Forums?

im saving myself for marriage, baka.

It's ok, my dad is Chancellor Giliath Osborne of Erebonia. He holds back the Bracer Guild with one hand and Ouroboros with the other.

*salt bolts you*

pls don't headpat me

I felt like Cassius Bright is the strongest in trail games.

i dont recall anyone beating him

Hey dad, Estelle is stupid so I'm running away with the lovely Josette.

Have you already pre-ordered her game?

If Zero doesn't come out today, I'm ending it.

If Ao doesn't come out tomorrow, I'm ending you.

it came out nearly a decade already


Kanji sure make sense.

Man, even Estelle is better in combat than Josette. That's how useless she is. Now go sit in the support hole.

>Crossbell spy with kawaii pinku hair.

no vita, no buy
i'll pirate it on PC

Oh, I will gladly become Joshua's support hole.

You can only pick 2 to save you from Ouroborus.

This is you.

Why are you guys always saying Kevin is strong? I agree he's strong in game, but Isn't he just a standard enforcer level by setting?

Bimbo and Lyold

stronger than average enforcer


>Source: my ass

*strikes you with unholy spears of time"
Psssh...nothin personnel...heretic

Are gold gems from only one enemy literally the only thing worth stealing in this game?


my ass is better than your brain

Did you vote yet?


I'm happy to hear you have brains in your ass

wait a minute....

>those results

Fuck you all for posting the incorrect versions, here's the only properly fixed one.

I still need to get through Zero, Ao, and CS I and II. I'm procrastinating because I know Zero and Ao will take twice as long in Nip.

>Richard stats
I love bullying my enemies.

Slight correction.

Sure you will /vitagen/ we don't need a 3rd game gimped by your dead handheld.

>I hold in my hand the Chalice of Heaven, Let it fill your senses with cascading fluffy pillows of confort and excitement as you have never felt before.

This. I love my Vita, but Cold Steel 1 and 2 were more or less gimped by it. Thankfully Ys VIII came away looking more or less peachy.

Cassius and Kevin with Joshua a very close second instead of Cassius. Can't consider Lloyd because EOP but I can't really justify learning nip for two games.

How about some game related tier instead of schmucks hyped to be godly OP in lore but never does anything other than holding back or operate in the shadows?


No the armor and weapon drops are way better than whats available when they show up. The Kitty Suit for example first shows up in chapter 3 and its easily usable for the entire game because the the insane +30SPD boost. Other armor like the Schwarz Silk is extremely good for casters for multiple chatpers.

The weapon are usually the best available for multiple chapters. The weapons in the abyss from doppelgangers are also the best in the game outside the 4 you get from Zemurian Ore, some of which drop in the final dungeon. That being said you don't actually need to steal any of them and can get them from drops as well.

What does he say for his other S-crafts?

I know Spear of Loa is "May a thousand thorns adorn your flesh with despair, may you be [inaudible], ignorant and alone."


>That staff Cassius

>about half way through TiTS sc
>I just now figured out how to kill shiny poms
>mfw all that fucking experience
I can't believe I've been grinding away all this time instead of just pressing a red button once. Insanity.

They're also susceptible to instant death.

Can Dorothy beat Demonbane?

Drops are totally worth it, but an extreme pain to get.
Items you get from stealing are fixed per enemy though. So even if an enemy has good items you still will only steal a balm. Unless I have been seriously misinformed.

>The Kitty Suit for example first shows up in chapter 3
I didn't know it was that early.

>The Kitty Suit for example first shows up in chapter 3
>I didn't know it was that early.
I was mistaken I went back and checked and the earliest it shows up is the Poltergeists in chapter 5.

Meant for But I never bothered to even to steal I usually just put Fortune on someone and spammed S-Crafts re-loading if I didn't get the drop I wanted.

Estelle and Cassius. They already have good experience.

>Sword Cassius is serious
>Staff Cassius recovered his smile and optimism

I got my third Crimson Eye pretty early from some boss.

I love Rean!

>a barely jaeger tier shitter
>over an ex-Enforcer, a Dominion, or MIXED

Was Cassius dealing with the Erebonian bracer guild bombings during FC and SC, or did that happen some other time and he was doing something else during those games?

That happened doing FC

What was he doing during SC then? Or is that revealed in Crossbell/CS?

They outright say it was a plot by Uberbooru to get him out of Liberl because he's that big of a threat to their plans.

Keep in mind that he stopped Weissman without ever actually meeting him.

>They outright say it was a plot by Uberbooru to get him out of Liberl because he's that big of a threat to their plans.
Also to keep him tied up in Liberl after the fact since he has to lead the military now

Why did Cassius train his daughter with such a shitty weapon type?

>can't even shoot lasers by swinging it hard enough
Eight Leaves One Blade was a mistake

It's not that bad.

Comet is close enough.

They tell you in SC that he's tied up running the military, which is why he can't help you.

He still foils Weissmann's plan in the end though.

Ummm where the fuck is Rean? Yami no Oni Rean should be at least A or A+.

Nah it's explicitly stated in SC. Crossbell reveals what Cassius was doing in Calvard during Schera's flashback door.

>Arianrhod and Ein
>not SSSS

shit tier list
Joshua should be A

Shrek Rean sits a little below A tier.

SSSSS* fuck your ranking man

>Joshua should be A
So is Kilika, Agate, Big Richard, Cid, Anelace and tons of other people.

None of those people are on that level, though.

Josette may not be the strongest, but she's definitely the cutest.

Zane mentioned that chakram Kilika > Walter and Walter is a fucking joke.

Big Richard is on that tier after Cassius knocked the inferiority complex out of him

I agree :3

All you really need is Cassius.
Estelle naturally gravitates people around her, so a giant party will always form if choose her as well. Estelle's presence is also healing, so if you have any personal problems, she'll fix them too

>CSIII will have Rean lose his Oni powers but it doesn't matter because he ends up becoming a Divine Blade so he's arguably stronger than he was before even with the Oni powers.

Good to see the story not improving one bit.

>Rean's stronger through training and hard work instead of relying on a crutch
>Becoming a divine blade is a very possible end for Rean considering that he practices 8 leaves

Or you're only happy if Rean loses all the time?

Do Evo remakes and Ao/Zero have the same artist?

Calvard when?

Yes, the arranged OST aside from Inevitable Struggle Evo mix replacing SAV isnt that bad either. Dont know why Sora Evo fucked up both the music and the portraits


Where were you, user?

Not losing your hope, I pray. We need your spirit to guide us through the dark and cold steel days ahead.

He's a cool character!

I don't really see him becoming a Divine Blade in CSIII. He doesn't have the right mindset for it yet. I hope I get proven wrong and Falcom actually does something with his character though because I've really had enough of the self-loathing shit

Wow. Rean should actually have this type of hair in game

Was this scene voiced in Evo?

It was.

Then why's he such a bottom bitch for Crow despite having a girlfriend, lots of reliable classmates, and a giant robot to pilot?

I wonder what they're going to do with the mixed shit because if Rean isn't entirely mixed then chances are, he could actually lose it. Or it becomes all of him just like McBurn

Everyone has issues but that only adds to character complexity.

>implying McBlazeit isn't future time-travelling edgelord Rean

Rean doesn't have any character complexity.