Have you ever gotten so angry at video games that you actually broke something?

Have you ever gotten so angry at video games that you actually broke something?

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lol he mad

Broke my controller playing Midnight Club LA.

That game was brutal, more than any other game Sup Forums likes to meme abour its difficulty

I almost don't blame him, fighting competent Deadshots is the most annoying feeling in the world.

>broken something
Never THAT mad, but I have, on very rare occasions, gotten very mad.

No tantrums or screaming, but definitely just having to go cool off. Videogames have the potential to be incredibly infuriating when you feel you're continually losing and there's nothing you're personally doing wrong, or the correct course of action is incredibly tedious and repetitive while being demanding.

>Have you ever gotten so angry at video games that you actually broke something?

No. Only children do that.

When lag fucks me over in ranked Splatoon I get so mad. I know it stupid but I've almost smashed the pad a few times now because of it.

Thanks for your valuable opinion, user.

I broke my PSP playing the first Dissidia

I once delivered an elbow drop to a console before. I am not proud of this fact.

No but I slowly crushed my mouse one time when I was in an argument with my mom like five years ago

Hah, any story behind that or did you just have a bad day?

Well at least you did it in a cool way I guess

Oh fuck you. If I said something like
>Yeah I've broken dozens of controllers. It's perfectly okay to break things when you are angry.
would you still be responding with a shitty little remark?

Is it not okay to think that people who break things are stupid?

Link to video?

Broke a controller playing Stuntman on the PS2. Fuck that god damn game.

i accidentally broke off a usb drive in my laptop after i got pissed at that secret cave story level


Not broke anything but DOTA 2 makes me angry sometimes. Mostly due to the fucking pinging every 3 seconds and shit teammates who don't shut up. I found the option to block all communication and have some console commands to stop the announcer saying 'your middle tower is udner attack!' 500 times a second. Now I'm much less angry.

Why was he mad? Is there something I'm missing? I don't play fighting games.

Tom Brady shattered his television play CoD, and he has had a more successful adult life than any of us will experience

Given how triggered you are from a single reply I would guess that the problem goes much deeper

Thank you

lmao really? i love the image of some 14 year old kiddo rekting tom brady online and him getting mad about it.

nigga lost

Deadshot (the character he's facing) is incredibly painful to fight. They spam projectiles and keep you far away, constantly chipping away at your health even when you're blocking.

At a high level they have this shit nailed down to an art form, so it's incredibly tense and frustrating to get in on them.

Ok faggot, I get it. I'll fuck off.

Bullshit it may have been, I have no idea how you can be genuinely mad at a game centered around sweet stunt driving.

You're talking about a man who plays a recreational sport for a living. Sure he's good at it, but if he's smashin TV's he's still a fuckin idiot.

I get angry all the time but I rarely break anything.

When I was 15 I accidentally broke my xbawks headset.

Deadshot is the best character in the game atm, plays a really "lame" zoning style which is hard to get in on and relatively safe. Playing a best of 5 set against deadshot can get irritating to some impatient people.

mm hmm, y not just use deadshot to beat him then? why go for closerange character when u know ur gonna be mad? has a good closerange char ever beaten a good deadshot?

>When I was 15 I accidentally broke my xbawks headset.
Man, it's impossible to NOT break those. They're the most frail fucking things.

Once, playing some godfather game on the 360 because I refused to play an encounter smart, and kept dying. I threw my brother's 360 controller at the wall.
>he didn't slowly grind up custom races, winning 1k at a time, to "overgear" your cars and upgrades
I don't think I'll ever be able to play a racing game again because of the fury left in my soul after that game

When I was younger I headbutted a wall because of Mario Tennis 64.

I remember it was to unlock Shy Guy and that shit was super difficult.

You know fun? Dealing with zoners is slow, tedious, frustrating and repetitive.

It's the antithesis to fun. And he lost HARD to a zoner.

I get triggered in the that game by various different things all having to do with people, not the game itself.

Just today I was in a game where it was clear my team would win, but it would take a while because pushing high ground would be difficult. Two teammates got impatient and thought we would inevitably lose because they got killed a couple times and left a completely winnable game. I was livid.

The nigger almost hit that qt sitting on the ground.

What a fucking asshole.

I see people complaining about Deadshot projectile spam, even though that's been a staple of button mashers since their inception. Even ignoring that, the guy basically before Deadshot started to shoot him. If all he did was spam the entire match, I could possibly understand the guy's autistic fit.

You type like you're mentally impaired.

Multiple controllers have fallen victim to it, and my 360 has many a battle scar because of it.
Gotta give Microsoft some credit on that one. They made a sturdy fuckin console


He might know how to play deadshot as well as his brainiac. Plus it seems like he tends to be more impatient in his gameplay so he wouldnt be able to zone that well.

what do you own?

>xbox 360


Ummm no sweetie, Brady literally cheated himself into success

Is that shit really high level play?

I mean the game itself doesn't look bad, but the way they were fighting reminded me how I'd end up playing it if I were playing Injustice 2 (I'm not good at fighters).

Yea when I was about 10 I played power stone on Dreamcast and got so mad the AI cheated I threw my McDonalds watch at the wall. It never worked again. I learnt not to throw my things and break them that day.

So they were fragile?

I remember pulling it off and the fucking thing just broke in half.

And I was a scrawny kid.

Im not a child or an autistic man baby so no. I don't have temper tantrums and break things when things don't go my way.

contrary to what the retards here believe
Deadshot is a character that spams projectiles. He's actually low mid tier because he forces you to use your bar, and gains a big pay off if he connects a hit.

I broke a fat bitch's heart because she became obsessed with me after hearing me talk on Overwatch. I just want to play the fucking game man

Yeah, they're extremely weak things. They undoubtedly made them as such where you'd have to replace them.

Wiring is awful, material is borderline jerry-rigged on the frame, etc.

i've stomped on it so many times, along with straight up ripping the disc drive out and it still runs fine.

Aside from being unable to read discs anymore, obviously.

He can afford billions of TVs though. Unless you're rich, what's the point in breaking something over a feeling that will disappear in a few minutes?

>FIFA 13-16
>lose at 90th minute to some bullshit goal

Played 4 FIFAS, broke 4 controllers. I fucking hate those games now.

So this is the power of western fighting games......

The 360 was a malfunctioning pile of shit for a long time.

i nearly just threw my controller into my tv because all of my progress on shadow warrior 2 from today completely disappeared

What the fuck dude

user what the fuck

Yeah, but only a couple of times during team games.

I don't do well with having teammates scream at me over things that aren't entirely my fault for extended periods of time.

And I thought my elbow drop was bad.

I dont think you understand how bullshit Madden can be. That series has the ability to get under my skin like no other.

Now granted, doesn't make my reactions appropriate but hey lol

They were blatantly made to break easily. That thin section on the clip, that would naturally be flexed whenever the headset was moved, was the exact break point on all 4 of the xbox headsets I went through.

They both could be dead in a single combo, they were obviously afraid of each other. Deadshot was zoning Brainiac, so Brainiac player wanted to get close to Deadshot while not leaving himself open to a close-range combo.

It's not different from a Seth v Ryu match in Street Fighter IV, if both have no meter and low health.

I've found that the feeling doesn't go away quickly unless I act out violently in some way. Ive never actually broken equipment in anger before but if have something useless and stab-able nearby, I'll put it to use.

Fighting games and dota have literally made me feel like dogshit for days when I lose sometimes.

Does anyone have the webM or the video of the guy slapping his head like an autist after losing a smash bros match? Hillarious

The most furious I ever got was dodging the lightning in FFX. Luckily I went to cool off before I did something stupid. The chocobo racing was a close second.

So you're saying you exited the womb above the age of majority?

Fuck projectile based characters. Had to live with marvel 3 bullshit like morrigan, hawkeye, doom assist only to get shat on by SANIWC BOOM in sf5.

I don't care how "hard" it's to perfect being a total fucking piece of shit, nobody enjoys playing against you

one keyboard brocken (well it was just one key that didnt work anymore)
and I actually ripped 2 tshirts in anger.
I only get even remotely angry at videogames if some bullshit random factor is involved.

I'm not proud of this, but it'S not the end of the world.

He's lucky that controller didn't bounce right into the face of someone nearby. Inconsiderate autistic douche.

Is it harder than platinuming Wipeout HD and Wipeout 2048? I played through most of Midnight Club 2, first city of Midnight Club 3 and 5 minutes of Midnight Club LA (it sucks).

yes. I punch holes in walls. I broke lots of controllers

I've quit games forever because they made me too mad one time and I felt ashamed of it.

I've been playing an online fps with someone for 7 months now and just tonight they got on my ass for having an open mic and not push to talk because sometimes, if I breathe too heavy, they might hear it, and they got really angry and it just pissed me off.

I'm tempted to just uninstall the game.

Why wouldn't you tell me that immediately? I can literally change the sensitivity right now. Why would you wait until you wanted to jump down my throat about it?

>2 keyboards
>2 mice
>1 tv monitor

>I only get even remotely angry at videogames if some bullshit random factor is involved.

Rubber banding in racing games.

I will get very angry at racing games that have extreme rubber banding later in the game where I have to play the course absolutely flawless, using the best most optimal car, or I lose by a landslide.

Losing streaks on team based games infuriates a lot.
Even though in the long run you win just as much as you lose. And you do get winning streaks here and there, but it doesn't feel like much while losing streak just kills your mental.

One time when I was like 14 me and some friends were playing modern warfare 2v2

I was being a cocky shit shouting
the entire game whenever I got a kill

eventually when someone killed me he shouted
and I threw my controller at him, like fucking hard.

He dodged it and it hit the lamp behind him which just shattered it. Told my mom I broke it while playing something on Wii.

I still cringe and feel like a piece of shit about that. Can't even remember if I apologized to my friend because I was so worried about what my mom was gonna do when she saw it.

I threw my GC controller into my Wii U gamepad cracking the screen by accident playing Smash 4. Happened about one week before the switch came out so I was just using the pro controller until then, that's when I found out you could not navigate the Wii U console settings without the gamepad.

Yeah I know a lot of people love UMVC3 but I just remember it being a rush of colors and shit.

I'm ok with them going back down to 2v2.

No, I'm not a nigger.

as a kid, got so mad at this game that I snapped the disc in half

looks very poo

Why are fgcucks so autistic?

Once, when I was 14~15 years old, I hit my PC desk very hard during a Counter-Strike match, because the round had just started and I got shot in the head by an AWP-using terrorist while I was jumping from one side to the other of the door in the tunnel that leads from Point B to the Terrorist base. It was so fucking fast and so precise that it got me instantly in rage mode, so I punched my desk. The second I did that, my PC completely froze, the image on the screen was tearing up and the machine was making a horrible sound. I got so scared that my computer could possibly be broken now, I almost peed myself. After that, I restarted my PC and it was working fine, but I never hit anything again because of games.

With anger no, but Hollow Knight made me break my spacebar with tension on the platformer hell bits. The key itself is fine but its fucked up, gets stuck every now and then.

The game was bullshit. The difficulty ramp was obscene and was CLEARLY designed to make you import cards you owned to proceed reasonably.

Completely justified.

Why would you ever play a platform we with a keyboard in the first place?

You can try popping it off and seeing if the tension bar just needs to be reseated or something.

During the early gunfight levels of Breakdown I broke the game's box down against my knee.

broke 1 controller and a eating tray. Shattered a mouse and put a hole in my wall. I won't lie. I don't have much patience. The controller and tray were the same night at the same time playing SF4. Couldn't beat that last boss on hard. The mouse was from Starcraft, friendly match that got to hot and the hole in the wall thanks to MGO3 the most bs not mgo game I ever played.

Apologize to him now. Even if you don't talk to him anymore, text him or something and say that you were sorry.

I broke the kick pedal for the first Rock Band game because that thing was not meant for my hardcore style

I love marvel 3 to death, the 3v3 is great. It's so fun to build teams and experiment because there is infinite amounts of combinations to explore. I don't think 2v2 will be as fun, it's gonna be stale and we'll probaly get the same teams in every tournament.

Yeah I've done that. Noitu Love 2 made me break my QWE keys - wasn't mad, you're just hammering those on Hard bossfights.

Imo. Yes. The rubber band is insane and the traffic will fuck you over.

One spin out or crash and your done, no way will you catch up.

>and I actually ripped 2 tshirts in anger
is this you?