What do you expect from the sequel?

What do you expect from the sequel?

The complete removal of Chloe. If saving the town isn't the canon ending, I won't even pirate the game. What an annoying cunt.

cover based shooting

Kate's sextape

Wasn't her "sextape" just her kissing a few guys?

A completely different story

Actual choices

New cast. No more Chloe or Max.

the whole game seems to push for killing chloe and that option was the most popular because no one is gonna kill a whole town for one person

Underrated post.

>no more max

You monster!

The same shit but with different characters.
I expect nothing, but I want it to be good like the first 4 episodes before it shat the bed.

A bunch more unintentionally amusing bullshit and have none of it matter at the end because its a story that lets you jump through time.

I want Kate to be my cute christian wife!

Woah Sup Forums is actually right
no fucking chance corporate would listen they'll double down on a fourway-lesbian-commune-hacker plot in LiS2. Screencap this and look for me in the credits listed as intern. fuck this job

Is that Barron Trump?

Is he /ourgirl/(male) after all?

Hopefully the best soldier ever will return.


The storm did it, not your fault.

How about alternate timeline Chloe?

more material to shit on with Sup Forums


Does Barron have tits?

I would just like to mention 100% of blueChloe's angst is daddy issues, also the hard laced ex-marine was right but went about it the wrong way, also mental health problems are no excuse for abhorrent behaviour, and money can buy you anything but time travel powers

Life is Red Pilled

Loooool, he said bluuunt. LMAO haha


He has the nipples.

God , I so much want to diddle their virgin Catholic pussy

There won't be a sequel

Already confirmed m8.

Been in development for a year.


>tfw you're an ex-marine, armed, and get taken out by some pussy art teacher 80% of the time

I HOPE for an ending that isn't total shit

I don't care what they claim. There won't be a sequel.

I legitimately enjoyed LiS but that part had me laughing so hard it hurt, just the number of ways he gets fucked over

>Bill Nye - Mechanical Engineering Guy
Not even a fucking proper scientist

hopefully a "game" that isn't horribly written

>Bethesda Voice Actors

What's your initials then?
I heard something about the writer for these stupid things is a short-fused loud cunt with a typewriter. Is that true?

Wat do?

Max, Kate, and Victoria's Cross-Country Adventure

check carefully for anyone watching
feel her up

>road trip with time manipulation powers, a virgin and a tsundere

Could work.

Take her to my house and give her my bed while I sleep on the couch. In the morning I'll tell her "you don't need to tell me what happened but you must eat these eggs."


You like science? Gender is a spectrum. How's that science?

More twin peaksish, maybe a more open town to explorer like an old P&C game.

Gratuitous sex scenes.

Post the video.

They already confirmed this

I want those lips on my dick

Hardcore Anal.

a comfy 15 hour marathon like with the first one

Ello fans de Life is Strange!
J´mappele Emmanuel Homocon, lead devloper of Life is Strange deux!
In our efforte de including themes de la justice social, our new jeux will decpicte la historia of american negreux Trayvon Martin who gaineux la abilité de time-travel when he is le murdeux by la garcon Zimmerman and changes the live of all american negreux by travelling back in time and achieve la liberte de la entirete of slaves american!
Are you le hypé?


It will probably be episode-based again. Have fun waiting.

lots of crying, from me.
I need to release all of this emotional shit clogging up and I hope s2 does just like LiS s1 helped me.

this is a very good post

good taste

>Are you le hypé?
Fuck, you got me

it always bothered me that in this time line, max kills Chloe and then leaves chloe's dead body to chloe's depressed parents along with her dead body before max leaves her body to go back to the real time line.
really fucking sad episode though.

What else could she do? Bury her in the backyard while her parents are unknowingly reading the paper or something?


Bring her home and let her sleep on my couch. If she's still there the next morning wake her up (if still asleep) and tell her to fuck off.

Is it worth sludging through the shit gameplay in Life is Strange for some gold old fashioned lesbian romance? Or is it just more "implied" shit?


You can kiss her at one point, but it's really not much. You can also kiss some other guy as well.

Why you'd want to kiss Chloe though is beyond me.

Its worth it to save Kate. And then after that you can stop because you done good already.

lesbo action is still lesbo action

Nah, the ending changes a bit depending on your choices towards Chloe.

The either hug or full on make out before the final decision,
if you kissed her before and possibly some other triggers.

mmmmm hot a what babhabhiat

I don't know I've never played past like the first 10-20 minutes.

The promise of a hard dick can get me through any shitty game.

>that webm

Which one of you fuckers shot this

looks like jav porn

Well the game at the very least let's you hug best girl. That in itself is enough for me, despite hating Chloe and not liking Max.

Really? I didn't actually know that.

>tfw you will never fuck Japanese girls all day and then come home and shitpost on Sup Forums

Why even live?

>you have to eat all the eggs.jpeg

I just want a story game that doesn't start shitting its pants in the last chapter. LiS did it, Nights in the Woods did it, Telltale games were just shit from the start...

Why do cute girls do porn? They could have infinite attention and money without ever taking their clothes off.

The arc where Kate jumps is significantly better than if she doesn't.

Says you.

>Bae over Bay for life.

"it's not sex if it's up the butt"

My fetish

I don't care. I'm not falling for the Life is Strange meme again.

More SFM porn

>max sacrifices chloe
>some weird ass bioshock infinite twist shit makes her survive as some temporal paradox time ghost thingy

Alternate timeline where Chloe gets her shit cranked up to XI and Mad Max the Thrasher is canonically shot in the head then fucked.

I believe in the original post it was hard boiled eggs. Not consistent with the joke

isn't it confirmed that it's gonna be standalone games

More christian qts.

>Alexandra Gaier
>22 Years old
>Got 14 years old loli body

I wish she was an hardcore pornstar, goddammit.

I once grabbed a crucifix necklace from a girl to look at it closely and my hand was bumping her titties

Who cares?

Also has mental issues

more hecka epic writing

Stay away from my wife user!!

did u fug??

no, she was fugging her boyfriend, though

Did you take responsibility and marry her?

>no one is gonna kill a whole town for one person


>no one is gonna kill a whole town for an annoying cunt


Gay men