FFXIV thread

FFXIV thread

Papa bless.

who ready for PLD, MNK and WHM to become meta?


calling it now

Glad I got the game and lv Mnk as my main just to realize I am out of the meta

don't worry user, stormblood will fix it
rumours going around that MNK is getting a new raid buff but we'll have to see what comes of it
the next liveletter should give us a lot more info




Double weaving has zero significant impact on your dps

You can still double weave at 200 ms with negligible clipping of your gcd

You can only post in This thread if you've cleared 12s

This is as big a lie as it gets. You borderline clip into your GCD at about 70ms, and anything beyond that just makes it progressively worse

RE: Zero was a bad anime.


>Double weaving has zero significant impact on your dps

Nigger. Your second point is somewhat valid but this one takes the cake for most retarded comment of the day.

It has less impact on your dps than your race does.

There is absolutely nothing stopping you from getting orange parses with high ping.

>SE recognizes server connection as excellent only at 50ms or below in Japan
>In NA it's 200ms or below

Bravo, Yoshi.

And if you play DRG/DRK/NIN?

t. WAR

Nothing changes.

If your dps was significantly impacted by the server change chances are you were probably terrible before they moved too.

t. 180 ms NIN

How do i fuse materia onto my armor?

Post your logs.

Post party finders.

Not him and i haven't complained about the server move once but dude come on, i can't pop Blood for blood, life surge and BotD in one GCD anymore and it's fucking annoying.

this is correct

There's a goblin that does it in Idleshire

You would probably not be saying this if you knew what NIN actually felt like on a proper connection.

Level your crafting jobs

I still have no idea what double weaving is to this day even after googling it


one more sleep until we see information regarding why PLD will be the best stormblood job

papa johns pizza is shit

Double weaving would make an impact on MCH I would believe, every other class I don't see a need for it.

I don't double weave as MNK because it has a lower GCD and it does start to clip into it, which feels like ass.

It really is.

>extremely doughy
>you spend more effort chewing than anything
>everything looks really thick

honestly I'm only in it for that garlic sauce which I'm sure will fucking kill me

Even though life surge is super short in its animation, it is impossible to triple weave without delaying gcd, even at 10ms

Also, is something happening today?

Live letter in 30 hours

live letter with no community questions, pure information, dedicated to combat changes/additions

In Potd.
Just activated the cairn in front of us.
It fucking happens again.
3 of us dived in.
One fucks off further into the map and gets his ass killed.

This is why I gave up. These stupid fucks with their 11/11 weapons don't understand that it's better to do quick runs and grab any chests that come up as they progress to the cairn.

>there are still moron Tanks who don't know that the steam AOE at the start of Sohm Al HM give mobs vulnerability debuff

Fucking 270 fullshire trash players.

>rip aggro off start MT with Bard opener + quelling strikes
>tank buster hits me

Should I get drg or Ast to 60 next Sup Forums

I don't understand PvP how do i git gud? Everyone is a bard and they just kite me around and i have nothing to catch up to them besides sprint, healers are invincible and i'm stunlocked 24/7. I'm playing as DRG is this the worst class for PvP? it seems like it.

pvp is a joke mode and is not meant to played competitively

DRG's levelling process is just awful.
1-25 is the worst levelling experience I have ever had IN ANY GAME.
26-49 is horribly incomplete. Sure, they all are pre50, but DRG is missing a critical gcd move and it's terrible without it.
50 is good.
51-59 doesn't feel significant until you finally hit 60.
60 is my favourite class in the game.

Stop using your cooldowns randomly. You need to use everything together and deal a lot of damage in a few seconds (bursting). And stop randomly stunning them, too. New melees do that shit all the time

Dragoon is one of the best PvP classes.
Extreme mobility, two stuns, second highest burst, high survivability for a DPS, incredibly short burst period so need very fast reactions.
Wear 180+ crit/det gear, heavy thrust, impulse drive, disembowel, chaos thrust, full thrust combo as your gcds, and unload a shit ton of ogcds in their ass within 10 seconds. Use sprint, its twp stuns, and your three jumps (not jump itself but the other three) to have nobody ever escape you and learn its burst. Learn the best order for ogcd moves on DRG because it is worthless outside its incredible burst period. You can easily get two kills in 15 seconds against plebs and a kill against any dps even perma adloquium'd after the full rotation as you can outburst a scholar's shields and healing. Only other class capable of those is machinist.

Ast is amazing and really fucking fun but you kinda need to understand how every other job in the game works to git gud at it.

You mean for cards? 3.4 made it really easy.

If it's not a balance, click it off
If you have a BLM, Arrows are fine

Why do people get so defensive in this game. I was doing an ex trial and after we wiped I asked people to speak up if they haven't done the fight. Dude then says I'm being an asshole

>to compensate for higher pings we have now increased GCD for everything to 4~5secs

Can't wait to get out of Phoenix for free after the new servers roll out

1.They are american.
2.It's Duty Finder so they most likely will never see you again you're pretty much an NPC so they don't care about you.

What burst do i have besides Blood for blood>life surge>full thrust?

Not really
Its pretty straight forward even to someome who started playing only a few montbs back
Extended bole to tanks, extended balance to dps, extended arrow for BLM/Mch/Brd

is anything going to top GUIDE US, ALMIGHTY FURY


I'll guide us bro.

>tfw catboi because can't make decent looking midlander

These fags gave me pegged as a degenerate by association

>Arrow to MCH
No, stop. I have a MCH and an AST and I would never fucking ever give a MCH The Arrow.

The reason being MCHs have a lot of instant casts with proccs and the only place where arrow really is useful is if you're stuck in Gauss Barrel and are fishing for slug proccs. Think about it, how many MCH skills have a cast time with Gauss Barrel on? Hot Shot, Split Shot, Lead Shot and I guess Grenado Shot. Two of those are applied once every thirty seconds. Slug is instant due to proccs, Clean is instant due to proccs, Gauss Shot is instant, Ricochet is instant.

Once Gauss Barrel is off cooldown you can easily turn it off and start fishing with instant casts. Being stuck in Barrel Mode while fishing is rare unless you're bad and thus giving Arrows to MCHs is as useless as giving it to NINs.

Oh and they also have Rapid Fire which makes three weapon skills instant cast. So no, don't give it to MCH, give it to someone who actually could use it.

t. Never played Dragoon

Arrow has nothing to do with whether your casts are instant or not, it temporarily lowers you GCD.

Speaking from experience you barely notice it. If you look at the stat weight on MCH, skill speed is the worst stat in compared to anything else.

When you use battle litany and blood for blood after your heavy thrust but before your impulse drive

Or if you're the type to precast litany, then when you use Internal Release and BotD after your impulse drive but before your Disembowel

tomorrow will make or break this game, the difference between a wow killer or another F2P failure is upon us.

papa bless

Is Eureka in 4.0 or 4.1? What stuff has already been pushed back to 4.1+

It is because you trade it off for other stats. Here you just get a free bonus.

Likewise, but I'm on Moogle

>I'm on Moogle
My condolences.

>new PLD holy causes magic vuln

New meta is born boys, watch it happen.

Someone get me WoW sub time for gil

eureka+relic+24 man raid in 4.1
new pvp stuff+relic continuation+next raid tier in 4.2

>a wow killer
>another F2P failure
guess which one

Are they going to bring back secure/slaughter?

>all the yuropeens crying

>tfw made 2.5m gold on herb/alc during legion launch
>tfw all blizzard games for free including subs
If only I had a game sub active

>A EU server has higher clear rate of raids than all NA's

Someone post it.

It's the opposite for me

I'm really good at making money on XIV but I'm itching to play WoW

they want to make a new game mode where its 2 sides going against each other instead of 3 grand companies fighting

>expecting people to speak up in a safe-space mmo

You can resub from the character select screen without logging in. Hell if you wanted to you can bug customer support to give you a few hours to login to check on stuff.

This is shit XIV staff will never do.

>Stop playing WoW a few months
>Tell them I wanna come back to check stuff out and see how my PC runs, ask for 24 hours
>They give me a week of gametime

Nothing to use money on.

Sell it

Because Blizzard knows there's a chance that free week of gametime will trigger MMO addicts sensations to resub or spread the word of mouth

You have to go back

Help my girlfriend get her clear please lol?



About 24 hours to go till the disappointment really sets in boys, you all got your pizza ready?

this is the one bitch that fucks up Soar or dies to ice puddles, you can also guarantee she won't DPS at all.

>female whm

why am I not surprised

Girls always play healers or bard, if you find someone saying they're a girl but play a melee, mch or caster they're a probably a tranny or just a dude pretending in order to get free shit from thirsty neckbeards.

>dps as healer
You want me to do all your jobs? Go pull your weight.

Biiiiiig warning sign

I got my pizza ready but not from papa johns, chain pizza here is made by niggers. I get my pizza from a local joint called munchies. The spics toss the pizza in front of you and you can watch them bake it.

>Don't have an issue with Paladin not being the best
>Just want Paladin to feel as well designed and flow as well as Warrior
>It'll just get buffs and a new aoe
>No redesign for better synergy
>People will be happy with this

go back to wow shitter

But I'm a dude[/spoile] that plays healers only,

If you want to skip Soar you gotta DPS too. Hardly any damage goes out in the opening phase unless people literally can't dodge giant flashing orange circles and cones.

What do you mean by better synergy?

New York?

I read that this game would have a character creator and I could play as a character created grill in the story if I wanted to
is this true and is it out yet?