>Why didn't our rushed, poorly thought out game sell? It must be because there's no interest
-Says man that helped kill RPGs
>Why didn't our rushed, poorly thought out game sell? It must be because there's no interest
-Says man that helped kill RPGs
What's the combat in Tyranny? I completely ignored it because I expected it to be like PoE which I couldn't get into.
whenever Obsidian fails it is never their fault
way better than Pillars, actually. Everything else was worse, though.
>can't get call of duty money of a niche genre so its not worth the time
this is what always happens, they don't care that you can still make money in that market, they just care that you can't make triple A activision tier money so they abandon it
the golden age of vidya is over forever, no one makes games because they like making games any more, they just make games because of the bottom line and pleasing the investors and all the shit that goes with adulthood I guess, shit was so much better when all the developers were younger and more naive and creativity had a place.
that said tyranny is just a shit game trying to ape the classics
>Another Tyranny flop thread
Stop making these
How many times is this thread going to be posted?
>no one makes games because they like making games any more
Played a few kickstarter games where it's clear the dev only did it because they liked games.
>You think you do, but you don't...
Just because you cannot poop out sequel after sequel with little effort does not mean people are not interested in it.
>that said tyranny is just a shit game trying to ape the classics
Literally the awful Kickstarter "RPG renaissance" has been nothing but that.
>the golden age of vidya is over forever, no one makes games because they like making games any more,
For the record I don't think it's a perfect game by any means, but if Arkane's Prey doesn't fit that bill I don't know what could.
Arkane since their formation has just been about making new Looking Glass Studios games, and they made their own System Shock despite the Shock series always having a cult following.
Oh and Pillars of Eternity 2 did really well in Fan Funding and will without a doubt outsell Tranny, because you know people actually wanna see what Obsidian's A-Team can do.
>no one makes games because they like making games anymore
the sad truth, games like Timesplitters just aren't made anymore
It'll be posted until everyone on the board recognises it on site, then they'll find some other bullshit to spam for the next month. Use a script to auto-block any thread opening with that image if you want to steer clear of this idiocy.
Is this the end of textwall RPGs?
I mean come the fuck on, it's not 1995 anymore. You can show, not tell.
Post that description of the beast companion.
I never played wasteland 2 but I saw some videos or twitch streams and thought to myself this isn't as good as what it felt like they promised and it was definitely not as good as FO1.
the new FO's arnt as good as FO1 in terms of role playing.
All bethdesda fault !!!!
Tyrany wasn't poorly thought out and it didn't feel like a rushed out game from a technical point of view. As far as I can remember it didn't have bugs, glitches, missing textures, etc. It was also rather lengthy with three distinct paths that gave it tons of replayability. The only issue was thay all those paths pretty much converged to a single point and the last chapter was definitely cut short, which I could forgive if they planned a sequel, but otherwise it was the only part of the game that genuinely felt like they had to abandon it due to deadlines or budget. Never could understand people who shit on this perfectly solid 7/10 iso crpg
It's not. WL2s biggest fault is that it has 0 replay value like FO1 and FO2 do. I have 80 hours in a single playthrough of WL2, and I tried to replay it, only to realise there was no replay value because you can't make anything drastically different. Even something like playing male or female doesn't effect the game like it does with FO1 or FO2.
obisidian doesn't know the difference between sales and critical acclaim
baldur's gate for instance had massive critical acclaim, but it didn't exactly torch the world with its sales, though its rerelease on steam and its legacy itself may have gotten some good numbers if you tally it up over the last 20 years combined
the normies never flocked to these complex D&D type crpgs. and the successor to those was just stuff like mass effect that really laid it on thick with the romance pandering. I mean yeah, BG had romance and shit in it, but its almost comical at this point in modern bioware games, but the normies love it
Picture PoE, then make it 400% slower, all based on long ass cooldowns and against the same 3 types of ennemies for the whole game
>someone got paid to write this
>this isn't as good as what it felt like they promised
Because they listened too intently to their backer forums which was 90% turbo spergs who have no idea what constitutes a good game. They were too worried about upsetting their revenue stream that they were willing to sell out their own creativity and ideas. They basically turned their backer forum into EA management and paid the cost for that.
this is worse than dwarf fortress generated descriptions.
I really liked Tyranny, as I like Pillars of Eternity. Obsidian has some of the best writers in the industry I think. It's disappointing that it didn't sell too well, but it's a niche market title, that sort of thing happens.
I don't know what Obsidian has in store next, but it sounds like Paradox is still interested in working with them again, so that's really nice.
fuck that's bad
>Megan Starks
makes sense
>make shit game with the writing only a liberal could come up with
>game bombs
>Because they listened too intently to their backer forums which was 90% turbo spergs who have no idea what constitutes a good game.
Uh, the director's cut is a massive improvement and that came from fans.
WL2 is still not good though.
PoE and WL2 felt that way. Not so much Shadowrun, and DEFINITELY not D:OS.
Women writers were a mistake
No. They only learned that this isn't some big untouched market where you can just release those games and win everytime.
Also: Tyranny did not flop.
Read the article.
It did okay but it sold slightly less than Paradox expected with them hoping to achieve a result similar to Pillars.
This isn't the end of modern CRPGs. Pillars 2 is happening and its fundraiser made even more money than the first kickstarter made. The game will sell great as well.
>Not so much Shadowrun
Because the trilogy are linear iPhone games
>directors cut
You can coat dog shit in gold flakes but it's still dog shit.
and she is over 1,000 years old and she can't die unless she activates her demi-angel form that leaves her invincible and she is so smart she reverts back to an animalistic nature
That's some fucking COLD STEEL OC DOONUT STEEL
There's not much you can do to fix Wasteland 2 because of the way its plotted.
You'd need to move California nearby and make Arizona and Cali have more of a connection.
>way better than Pillars
I hope you're not serious
It was actually worse than Pillars, and that's already amazing in its own right
I thought the japs laid on power level shit a little too thick with anime, but then you come across female writers in the vidya industry
>quirky sense of humor
I swear to god, fucking women. Why is this trait so fucking appealing that they needed to attribute it to everything even themselves.
Extremely Loyal but not when she isn't
intellignent but knows nothing
hulking but agile
A violent brutish murderer who loves violence and is unapologetic but not evil (LOL)
This is like how TV characters are written
I like how he glosses Divinity OS and its success haahahah.
He is still partially right though. But is it coincidence that the most sucessful of the bunch is the only one you can say looks like it wasn't made in the 2000s?
Speaking of female writers:
From the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition expansion pack
fuck man that is bad
Wouldn't you just give yourself full intelligence?
Oh man, it's the other Sonichu. I forgot about this guy. Somehow actually more autistic than the Chris-Chan version.
>be confrontational
>be a little less confrontational
>be confrontational
>be confrontational
>be confrontational
As awful as she was, Landry made the game for me.
Barrik and Verse were pretty OK, too, if a bit too set in their ways.
The game as a while would have been much better if you could shift your companions views as time went on, but that would have been a truly monstrous undertaking considering that each path goes to different areas in a different order.
Every conversation tree would need to account for every possible change, and I wouldn't put that on any writer our team. They're go mad.
to be fair that is pretty accurate for the choices women tend to make, I guess
>Pillars of Eternity
>record kickstarter
>top ratings from reviewers and players
>900.000 copies sold
>sequel in the making also with record support
>Wasteland 2
>great ratings from reviewers and players
>600k-700k copies sold
>sequel already in the making
>decent-good ratings
>never had a hype/kickstarter campaign and got release fairly quickly with no big marketing compared to the rest
>175.000 copies sold
>will probably not get a sequel
>Tides of Numenera
>had a big kickstarter campaign which however got badly managed
>pretty low ratings across all boards after release
>115.000 copies sold
It's interesting how all those CRPGs and their history are unique cases.
>Tell me
>Tell me
>Tell me
>(Sarcastic tell me)
Sounds like every chaotic neutral player I've ever met in real life. What alignment is the character meant to be?
You forgot Divinity Original Sin, which did 1.3 million copies - beating the subpar POE
>release an rpg with level scaling, the most abhorrent feature to grace any rpg ever
>wonder why it fails
Divinity OS is kind of its own thing.
While its also cashing in on the CRPG Revival Hype i can't say its comparable to those not-Baldur's Gate games
What am I supposed to be mad at here? It's your character's PDA adapted as main menu
>they don't make games out of passion, they only make games for money now!
Every time someone says this, it only confirms that they are both naive and out of touch.
That has ALWAYS been the case. Forty seconds ago, forty years ago.
However, contrary to your wannabe "I'm suddenly redpilled about the entertainment market" tripe, more and more media, games, shows, whatever than ever before ARE being made as passion projects with no concern for the money. The costs, access, and means to create and publish a game are virtually fucking free now. Gone are the days of the garage developer; today is the age of the mother's basement developer. Endless waves of indie games for chump change, countless me-too free to play games, and straight up free games.
Here's the real truth. Passion projects are amateur projects. Things people create for "fun" are shit products. A game shouldn't be fun for a developer, it should be fun for the player.
These fucks probably "had a lot of fun" making Tyrrany. They got to fellate themselves over the content, have fun making up stories where all they have to do is little more than put down text on a screen. Thought up a fancy combat system with numbers upon numbers upon numbers (ie bloat, not depth), thinking themselves geniuses and that the game would be beloved by all for its choices and (lack of) strategy required.
These kinds of games died fifteen years ago for good reason. They weren't fucking good. But since it is the Current Year, you have all of these passion projects based on dev nostalgia that have little problems with being created anyway.
>Divinity OS is kind of its own thing.
I don't understand. It was also a Kickstarted RPG.
Is this one of those "it doesn't count because I say so" things?
>unapologetic killer who likes to play with her prey and betrays those she has pledged her loyalties to if she senses weakness
>not evil
Tyranny is not an RPG.
It's tard-wrangling simulator.
rtwp was a mistake.
I like the game but i also like Pillars.
Its just not one of the same type. People rarely compare it to Pillars and the rest.
Games where you have to manually control other party members were a really boring mistake
Because it was good and sold more copies? Because it came with mod tools?
May as well not include Wasteland 2, because it's more like Fallout Tactics, as its nothing like Baldur's Gate or Fallout.
She doesnt support roland blumpf duh
>Shes loyal except when she's not
Sounds like the GOP
Despite getting into WRPGs some time back, both PoE and Tyranny failed to catch my attention
>bad games sell bad
More news at 11
The thing is that most people don't consider Divinity part of the CRPG hype.
When Pillars got announced everyone screamed NEW BALDUR'S GATE
When Wasteland got announced everyone screamed NEW CLASSIC FALLOUT
When Numenera got announced everyone screamed NEW PLANESCAPE
Divinity was never dead.
Divinity Dragon Commander is 4 years old.
Think what you want.
If you want me to list it despite me not thinking that it makes sense.
>Divinity OS
>great ratings from reviewers and players
>1.2 million copies sold
>two record kickstarters for OS and its sequel
>second game is currently in Early Access and everyone involved seems to be happy
Don't even know this game.
What's so bad about Tyranny anyway?
I guess I see your point now - it wasn't nostalgia bait like the others.
its a nostalgia tugging throwback crpg, except that you play as the bad guys but not really because its filled with SJW garbage
>It's actually a game about enforcing laws that aren't even that bad
You can be more evil in Fable 1 for fuck sakes.
Divinity being a success is the result of great work from Larian.
Pillars cashed in on nostalgia and it worked.
Same with Wasteland.
torment was such a disappointment.
Did they sack their writers at some point or have they all just lost it?
> Passion projects are amateur projects. Things people create for "fun" are shit products.
I dunno, cave story was pretty good, and that was a passion project.
>These kinds of games died fifteen years ago for good reason. They weren't fucking good.
>implying that the only reason game genres die out is because all the games in that genre were secretly shit all along
arena style shooters died out, but that doesn't make quake and doom shit. likewise, crpgs died out, but that doesn't make the old games (baldur's gate, fallout, etc.) shit.
>Video games like Tyranny, Andromeda and Torment are reaching new levels of SJW degeneracy
At least I still have televisio-
>In a new Doctor Who episode, The Pope in the 10th century was a black woman but the Vatican covered it up.
We're reaching progressive levels that shouldn't even be possible
>britbong show
>a black woman was secretly pope and not a muslim woman
didn't expect that plot twist desu
What, you've never heard of Pope Joaniqua?
>>In a new Doctor Who episode, The Pope in the 10th century was a black woman but the Vatican covered it up.
How was she even elected then?
Thank God, it was garbage
About nwn2, is Storm of Zehir inferior to Mask of the Betrayer? I've yet to play either but I read a lot of good things about MotB but Storm is never mentioned
Storm might as well be an Icewind Dale spinoff in the whole "zero plot or characters" department.
Best official nwn module.
>Storm of Zehir
>Those NWN1 porn mods
Never even heard of it
No wonder it flopped
Yeah well you can’t just shit out whatever with your b team in hopes that nostalgia trend will just carry you along. Most of the Kickstarter CRPG revival games were legitimately bad, and people are finally catching on.
>Has-been panhandlers and shovelware scammers find it increasingly difficult to fleece nostalgiafags out of their money in the face of their glaring inability to turn in a good game
oh the humanity
>Paradox is a great publisher for PC games
>Probably gave Obsidian all the time and budget necessary
>Still came out fetid and couldn't even sell itself to casual Obsidian fans
>Obsidiots have no one to blame, so try to sweep the Tyranny flop under the rug
Nowhere to run baby
Nowhere to hide.
>way better than Pillars, actually.
You are the reason RPG's have been getting progressively dumber over time.
Tyranny was legit the best RPG released in recent years. Act 1 was great. Combat was trash but Obsidian combat is trash 100% of the time.
>what does Sup Forums think of this game
>discussion about game
>discussion about game
>discussion about game
>(((he))) arrives
>muh sjw
>durrrr extremist opinion
>(((they))) arrive
>durrrr sjw sjw sjw
>da j0000zzz
>muh wymyn
>everything be shit
>cuck cuck sjw shitpost flop blunder womyn jews cuck
reddit was a mistake
they catered to SJWs and proudly displayed this and told us 'bigots" to fuck off
well lookie here it didn't go well for them hahaha