How come these faggots are so good at playing vidya but never actually produced a good one?

How come these faggots are so good at playing vidya but never actually produced a good one?

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You mean good at playing the same boring vidya over and over and over again?

They spend their time being the outsource anime guys.

At 80-90s SK government strictly regulated mangas and video games because they create violence.
And their educational style also makes themselves submissive.

Pangya was GOAT

Inferior complex

>good at playing vidya

Selective bias

pangya, ragnarok online, maplestory, trickster, lineage 1&2, black desert online, TERA.

most of the MMOs on the market that have more than 10,000 players on any given day, and most of the f2p mmos on the market as well, are korean developed.


He said a good one, not a bunch of grindfest weeaboo trash

>10,000 players
I guess China must be the best video game developer in the world right now

according to investors, yes

they all have extreme autism

Can't believe there are still people held hostage by that shit game.

>Maple story

They go to school for 16 hours a day, have to go to one of two universities if they don't want to be poor or leave Korea, have a worse work culture than Japan, and something like 25% of the population are alcoholics. They have literally no other form of escape because their media is all based on extremely vapid consumerism.

I didn't think it was possible to beat out the USA as the worst developed country on Earth, but they do it well.

Back the fuck up

>average trash is good now

Korean laws and gaming industry pretty much lends itself to only making shitty grind MMOs with in-game gambling.

Keep in mind you can get arrested in Korea for "illegal gaming" and you have to log into every website/forum/game service with your Social Security number. You can't just start making your own indy game in Korea.

You're joking right? South korea is responsible for some of the best MMOs on the market.

Trying a bit hard there lad


Nice joke, gook.

Most of the players are chinks or gooks, tho.

Yeah, and compared that average crap to Japan games lol

The only Asian can produced good video game is Japan, what's a shit hole.

So nothing.

Asians cannot into creativity. It's the same for Japan by the way, but since most people here are american weaboos, they will never admit it. Tho Japan is more conservative, slower physically, hence why they have to infuse more of their insanity into games, at least delivering something unique, even if it's trash in terms of quality. Koreans on the other hand are biorobots who can only do repetitive tasks over and over again, like Chinese.

Google translate, is that you?

They banned pornography. They have no other outlet.

I get the feeling you haven't even played it but epic post my dude.

So can you prove him wrong?

>I don't like it therefore it doesn't count

no soul

It doesn't count truly

Who the fuck still playing mmos nowadays except fat weebs and chink/gook cockroachs? mmos are literally just a chat room with worse gameplay copy/paste from other genres.

I don't argue with third world subhumans, just making fun of his typing.

Why do they have the smallest average penis size

where are you from m8?

i live in korea.

people choose a game that is popular, and then they only play that game because of friends or because of pc rooms only having those games installed.

korean people are very competitive and group-oreinted, so single player games are not as popular. even mobile games have groups you can join and work together for secret items.

computers here are not very good and are too expensive to build if you are buying parts here, so most people go to pc room and don't play at home.

Oh the horror. Basically Koreans are stuck in early 00's by European standards. The only difference is that dudebros back in the day, despite their attitude, were still considered nerds, unlike now where they are nothing but pure cancer. Multiplayer-only crowd is probably one of the biggest reasons why game industry is in such shitty state.



>be korean
>go to school 14 hours a day, 6 days a week
>kill self before reaching 22


I never get tired of this

Ita not just Korea but also here in the Philippines. In fact youd get laughed on for being a console user when you can be playing LoL and Dota2 with real money bets and gambling. The only people with consoles here are kids with rich parents. Everyone else plays on an internet cafe with their friends.

Flip here and this pretty much sums up the vidya status in this country.People only play MOBA games or just some shitty android game.In my place,nobody even knows what the fuck are consoles. I remember this one guy calling 3ds a PSP as his friend corrects him and call it a gameboy.

Maybe because as a teenager, consoles are simply too damn expensive. What would you prefer for your entertainment? Play on an Internet cafe for like 0.3 USD per hour with your friends, OR spend 200-300 usd for a console, and then pay 60 usd for a brand new game? The console culture here has been since the PS1 and its not even funny. I miss having friends over for some Tekken 3 and Metal slug.

>DJ Max
>Other MMOs

I know a bunch of people still going to school and working. They're all pretty happy and content.

Ive played a bit of BDO and for a short while a few other korean games and its just terrible

>pretty girls
>shitty costumes, usually Kpop clothing garbage
>combat is all about killing slews of enemies
>grind out of the ass
>sweet jesus the RNG, RNG on drops, improving gear, crafting, just about anything
>graphics are a huge gap between character models and the landscape
>daily shit to keep you coming back
>such a spike in amount of xp and grinding you need when you get to higher levels its just a hellish experience of 8 hours grinds, for months
>constant popups of what others achieved
>no AI
>shitty story
>P2reduce grinding

Its just hell. You can grind for a month and then blow it all in an hour and still fail your RNG rolls.

You can only pretty much play consoles here on that arcade thingy where 1 peso gives you 4 minutes of gameplay. My uncle owns like 5 of those and 4 pisonets and it is still lively like back in 2000s.Most of our countrymen can't afford consoles anyway so it is understandable that they're not that much popular here

I guess. Still feels kind of embarrassing when youre the only adult browsing the PS4 game catalog in Toy Kingdom while everyone aroubd you is some obnoxious 13 year old begging their parent to buy them Bloodborne.

>Who the fuck still playing mmos nowadays
Third worlders in general, Brs, Poles, Russians, Chinks, etc.
They have a shit ton of free time because their time isn't worth any money so wasting it on skinner boxes distracts them from their life below the poverty limit.

>7.25 to 10.30
If you have 30 minutes travel time you have 8 hours of sleep.

Lack of creativity. Plain and simple.

>trash, mmo trash and some more mmo trash
Fuck off monkey

Their entire life is about remembering useless information aka studying. Remembering key presses isn't that far off. Making a game on the other hand requires something that they just do not have. So they default to the same old mmo formula because copy and paste actions are what they are familiar with.