Why is this game so shit compared to Bloodborne? I don't feel like playing it at all, it's so fucking meh. This game was supposed to last us years like the first Dark Souls did. What went wrong?
Why is this game so shit compared to Bloodborne? I don't feel like playing it at all, it's so fucking meh...
Miyazaki didn't want people asking for more
he's done with this series.
because it's a step down from ds1 and 2 while trying hard to be a bloodborne clone. It's just rehashed, uninspired and lazy
>step down from 2
too fast
it actually is. DaS2 has its own problems but overall I'd say it's a better game than DaS3. At least every weapon class is viable in DaS2 and the game is also a lot more non-linear.
Both games suck but I'd say DaS2 is better. At least it tried doing new things. All DaS3 tried to do was pander to DaS1 nostalgia.
Because its boring rehashed garbage.
>step down from 2
opinion discarded
which has a deader online community
DS2 or Bloodborn?
your mum's puss m8
Probably Bloodborne
>There are actually people on here who think DS3 is bad and/or is worse than DS2
Why the fuck am I even surprised, this whole board is just a shit cycle of having the most contrary opinions to harvest attention and (You)'s.
>I don't feel like playing it at all
Cause you haven't you fucking loser.
Because it's slow and plodding unlike Bloodborne, but has Bloodborne enemies
What a mistake
>Dude fake opinions lmao
Fuck off with this shit. From someone who loves DS3
BB/DS3 is the best in the series by a substantial margin. It's the best in almost every category.
> Best atmosphere in the series
> Best weapons and movesets in the series.
> Best enemies in the series
> Best music in the series.
> Art style is top tier
> Level design is on par with the best in the series
> Bosses are on par with the best in the series
The game is great.
It's literally just a worse dark souls 1, everything good about dark souls 1 was removed and replaced with recycled ideas from bloodborne, worse than 2.
DS3 has an incredible style and its environments, character design, art direction, gameplay, story, lore, its all great.
I love Bloodborne, and start with DS1
your delusional. ds2 is complete drek. ds3 at least has good encounters and bosses.
I think I've figured out why DS2 fans are the worst fanbase on / v /. They're the youngest. The most impressionable. The most gullible. They were literally like 14 years old when the DS2 launched.
Yeah I feel you OP
I'm halfway through ringed city and I just feel bored, not motivated to push on at all
Dark souls 3 didn't attempt ANYTHING new.Can someone please name 1 thing you would have missed if ds3 didn't exist.
It was shameless cashin by putting as much ds1 stuff as possible while going back 5 years gameplay wise.Ds2 had many bad parts but it was also original and tried many new things,succeeding somewhere bringing us some of the best parts of the series.
at least 2 had working magic, good weapon and armor variety and less linearity
fuck off
Its a flawed masterpiece containing the best parts of the series but also some of the worst,just like the album
I had tremendous fun with DaS2's PvP, even when the PvE felt like a chore.
I would say that the level design was not only poor for Soul's standards, it was poor for general gaming standards. It was extremely disjointed and the flow of the levels felt completely off. Then you have bonfires where their shouldn't have been bonfires, and really really bad textures in certain areas like Bastille that made it an eyesore. In may ways it had worse graphics than DaS1.
DaS3 is on another level and has really raised the bar for all games.
DaS3's only saving grace is its level design.It has the same bonfire problems in some areas and the amount of builds you can do is just sad compared to ds2 where everything worked.
It brought nothing new in terms of gameplay(weapon arts were a huge flop)while rethreading the same ground from ds1.
I don't speak in hoodrat, give it to me in english
If there was text somewhere in my post
Both are active on the ps4
Drinking beer and helping people in the chalice some evenings is great in the borne
DaS2 feels more dead in the mid game and dlc areas, but you still can find summon signs and for the late game bosses, and get invaded in the shrine
Your moms shit. The only good thing about BB is level design. DS3 easely tops him in EVERY other aspect. Now go kys.
>TRC is possibly the best DLC of the series
>just blew my mind with it's art design
It washed the shit DS2 taste out of my mouth.
Without DS3 I would've had to live with that crap for the rest of my life.
If only you talked about the other 3 games
>The only good thing about BB is the most important thing videogames are made of.
If ds3 did that you could have just played ds1 instead,since its the same game except better and without any attempts at copying the previous game
I thought this thread was about ds3???Move the goalposts more please
>tfw will never be able to play this because the Dreg Heap crashes my computer
I played DS1 profusely, I needed something new to wash the horrendous taste of DS2 out.
Also I'd be going back to just stacking poise and casually walking through enemy attacks to backstab them with the hornet ring while abusing 99 humanities, there's really no more fun in that.
Just finished DaS3. This was the best in the series and you have to be a jaded, autistic, morbid faggot that hates fun if you think otherwise.
Why would anyone reply to this post?
ok i just put in dark souls 3 for the first time and skipped the cutscene because it was boring,
what class do i pick if i don't want to stop moving and like to do combos?
BB lacks epic bosses fights and souls series are all about bosses. Level exploring is on 2nd place.
>what class do i pick if i don't want to stop moving and like to do combos?
theres only one combo in this game and it works for all faster weapons: spam R1
wow sounds like stupid shit
guess i wont be playing after all
You will die insta with that ape tactic in DS. Good luck, my man
DS combat is about observing foes and striking in the right moment since any of them can insta kill you in 1 kahmbo
>People talking about build variety in DaS2
That came a lot later. For a long time the game was filled with ridiculously op shit and stupid bugs like bino boosting.
People keep falling for this meme and then complain that their straightsword doesn't stagger tougher enemies and think they must have infinite poise.
I will tell you what went wrong, I will tell you and all the other low IQ subhumans on Sup Forums whay went wrong. The only thing that went wrong is that your ehore mothers didn't abort you, you useless unoriginal retarded faggots.
Dark Souls 3: The Fire Faded Edition is the second best game From Software has made. I wish I could torture and kill all the nostalgia cucked shitposters on this site.
Objective ranking that nobody can refute:
Umm no sweetie
> placing dlc before the whole game with dlcs
gtfo dumb shit TFFE is simply best From game and is x10 times better than BB
The same old boring setting, linearity, gimmicky bosses, absolutely boring areas and
Hurt my drive to play it more
BB:TOH is the name for the entire game + the DLC you low IQ son of a whore.
That's BB:TOHE, not BB:TOH.
It's BB: GOTY Edition :^)
>I got owned after acting like an asswipe and it fucking hurts
People realized that Dark Souls is a meme series and that in truth they are all poorly designed trash.
I see.
That is somebody else, not me.
Because you're a fag. I'm having loads of fun and on my 5th build. 200+ hours.
I'm playing both ds1 and ds3 at the same time and ds3 is a much better game. The combat is just more fun.
Stop abbreviating to DaS as if anyone cares about demons souls. You can just say DS1-2-3 etc. We'll know what you mean
>without any attempts at copying the previous game
Yeah sure DaS1 didn't copy anything from DeS. Dumbass.
I've noticed peecucks defend DaS3 with their lives. It's kinda pitiful, same way they tried to defend DaS2. Both are in response to not having Bloodborne.
>ds3 is a much better game. The combat is just more fun.
I've seen this cancer opinion a lot lately. This comes from the nu-est of Sup Forumsaginas that Sup Forums has to offer. kys
more of that nu-est Sup Forumsaginal cancer
Dark Souls 3 is shit because they added alot of the shit mechanics from the first game which the second one fixed back into a new package.
it's ironic that dark souls 2 is gameplaywise the best title in the series despite being hated by all the babies which cant deal with the slowass estus.
Only a braindead retard would say DS1 combat is better than the 3.
At least 3 forces you to actually fight the enemies instead of just circle strafing until you get the backstab.
>souls 2
Couldn't even finish it, that's how boring it was.
No one says DaS1-2-3. It's not a thing. Stop trying to make it a thing. DS is fine
I'm in the same boat. Just picked up the GOTY and so far, I'm not impressed at all. Combat is not fast enough to be BB, yet too fast to be Souls. It feels weird.
It might be better for fast R1 weapons but that's it. The game's balance sucks so bad only weapons with fast R1s are useful. Meanwhile DaS1 was balanced for all weapons.
Furthermore gameplay is not the only thing that makes up a game. There's atmosphere, level design, lore, invasions and the entire online/PVP component, everything else. DaS3 is a linear pile of shit abomination of an uninspired rehash that was only made because of contractual duties to bamco. You're literally a fucking pleb in every sense of the word and it's clear that DaS3 was your first Souls.
sure thing nu Sup Forums
Lol faggot. You don't even have a finger box
I have platinumed every souls game, and played every souls game on release.
Dark Souls 2 is by far the worse souls game, but it's not a terrible game. Dark Souls 2 should only be played by someone who has played the other souls games to death and are just desperate for more content. The dark souls 2 fanboys tend to dislike the Latest souls games, they prefer 2 specifically for the reasons that the rest of souls fans hate it. Three DLC is nothing special. If you are a dark souls 2 purist, you will probably prefer it to the main game.
>guiz am i oldfag yet xD
epin Sup Forums
>clearly is a retard
>defends himself with sarcastic greentext
I think das3 has the best bosses out of all fromsoft games, it's weak in the lore and level design but so.e of the bosses are godly
Clearly you haven't played dark souls 3 since they patched poise and rebalanced weapons
Almost every encounter is designed to be fighting multiple enemies and it shows, to simulate difficulty.
Very few people remember DKS2 tracks to 1,3, or hell even DeS tracks.
Drangleic is a fucking boring as sin area
DKS2 looks like shit due to the contrast levels. It has enough color IMO.
yeah I haven't, because it still remains a boring pile of uninspired aids.
a patch finally done a fucking year later or whatever does not negate all the other flaws I pointed out with it nu Sup Forums
even still I doubt that patch fixed its problems but I guess I won't ever know as it's literally too boring to play again regardless
honestly couldn't even bring myself to play DaS3 twice. it's that derivative. fuck, all the game actually tried to do is appeal to das1 nostalgia, it's hopeless.
DaS > BB > DeS
Sorry children but the other two don't really matter.
>The game's balance sucks so bad only weapons with fast R1s are useful.
Have you even played the game recently?
>Meanwhile DaS1 was balanced for all weapons.
The combat wasn't balanced at all, melee combat was almost entirely about backstabs. So much so that the pvp devolved entirely about strategies to get backstabs.
Sure you can use a small weapon and a shield and just circle strafe in pve for that all encompassing backstab, or you can just stack poise and walk through every attack just to get that all powerful backstab. But it's still about the backstab.
Or you can go the magic route and kill everything with one hit before it even notices you're there.
All this while easily abusing 99 humanities which render estus flasks completely useless.
The only thing DS1 has over 3 is the overall world layout, everything else 3 does better.
Even the lore, I think most people just don't understand that our actions in DS1 are not canon when it comes to the sequels, and that's what most people are mad about. All the characters, where they were, what they were doing, what their motives were, all canon; our interactions with them, on the other hand, are not necessarily.
And in terms of visuals DS1 can't fucking compete.
>And in terms of visuals DS1 can't fucking compete.
total pleb child opinion looking at muh graphics
colour palette in das3 is awful, everything is washed out. the game just looks fucking disgusting. it literally hurts my eyes looking at it. you're clearly an idiotic simpleton at best.
Das3 = BB > das1 => das2 > the surge > des > shitlords of the fallen
This is objectively the truth. Nostalgiafags btfo
There is literally and absolutely nothing wrong with using faded colors. Go look at old paintings of forts and castles.
Me too, DS3 was by far the best in the series.
god just look at that piss filter. no matter how hard you menstruate, there's nothing you can do that will ever make me want to play das3 again.
samefagging itt is pretty AIDS lads. either it's samefagging, or it's nu-Sup Forumsaginal opinion that started the series with BB or DaS3. In either event you remain a plebeian of the utmost order.
I don't want you to play DS3, just know that you have shit taste mate.
i see you forgot about gameplay and how dark souls 1 and 2 do it better
>muh aesthetics
started with 1 here, then went onto 2 and 3. You're a faggot, the only people who actually think 1 is the best are either nostalgiafags or people who focus on MUH ARMOR SETS FROM 1 ARE IN 3 SHIT GAME rather than the gameplay.
but you're a nu Sup Forumsaginal child that started with DaS3, probably raised on COD and Halo on XBL. what would you know about fine cuisine when you've literally been raised on shit your entire life?
Said the philistine.
>10 day platinumable game
BB fags are literally mentally ill. PS4 has given them stockholm syndrome to the point where any c+ game is considered good.
It is not humanly possible to be sane and have a complete functioning brain and think dark souls 2 is better in any way than any other game in the soulsborne franchise. Bloodborne is light years away from dark souls 2 in every aspect sans PVP variety
>tfw I didn't even finish DaS3 since it was boring
Is the dlc better than the base game?
I hated 3 because the lore and world is ripped off from 1, the world design is way too linear, and they went overboard on trying to make the combat feel "fast" like Bloodborne that it just feels spammy. By far my favorite part of the rest of the series is exploring a large interconnected world, but meanwhile in 3 the levels basically just follow a linear path.
That's a fact
>Why is this game so shit compared to Bloodborne?
It's not exclusive.
>replaying Dark Souls II after quitting at the Shrine of Amana at launch
>its not nearly as bad as i remember and i haven't experienced the DLC yet
I don't know what to believe anymore.
>Is the dlc better than the base game?
Nope. Tried going through the first one, it was just as boring as the base game if not more so.
Bro ds2 is like the only good pvp on pc.