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I'm a PCbro and don't into specs because I'm not an autist, what's a teraflop and why is 6 good? How many does the ps4 have? How many does my 1080 have?
>I'm a PCbro and don't into specs
fuck off my platform.
>I'm a PCbro and don't into specs because I'm not an autist, what's a teraflop and why is 6 good?
>How many does my 1080 have?
Get the fuck out, retard
it's not that important, there are other factors to take into account. marketing is all
>itt we throw around buzzwords
Can't WAIT to play Halo 45306849051283190483941430243802 with 0.00001% improved gramphfixx!
>I bought a prebuilt with mommy's money
Fuck off you living meme.
>you need to be an autist to care about specs
fuck's sake
I built my own with my own money, I'm just not autistic enough to care about what the fuck a teraflop is.
oy vey remember the 6 gorillion flops
>have even the slightest knowledge about something = autistic
wew lad, maybe you should stop throwing that word about you autist
But are the pixels fully uncompressed?
Only poor people care about specs. I just buy a new pre-made every 4 years
>caring about specs of a major purchase makes you autistic
as if we needed more proof that this word has lost all fucking meaning
I'm starting to think none of you know what a teraflop is
spoonfed like a true autist
not any of those anons but teraflops is a measurement of computing power.
but it's not much useful in comparing power in pc but in only consoles. It's because in console the apu is doing all the work so you can measure it and compare it with other consoles. but in pc work is divided between a gpu and cpu. but rest assured your 1080 has a higher teraflops of performance compared to the scorpio
So console cucks finally have a gpu on par with a 980?
It means it will flop 6 trillion times.
>tfw looking at nintenbros and sonybros that are scared that we'll have the highest quality pixels.
Delete this thread. Vaporware like this and Starcitizen shouldn't be discussed until it's more than someone's hopes and dreams
Early Access games, now early access consoles.
Yeah you're a dumbass.
Ps4 has much less.
Your 1080 has about 8 or 9
1070 has about 6 I think
Five hundred and ninety nine US dollars.
the bigger they are, the harder they fall
>releasing a beta tester console to find out how to improve your true next gen console
>selling it for full price
classic microsoft
I've been reading a bunch of journalists who circlejerk about the console being the first true 4k console but take out of consideration that the only "confirmed" 4k title is some dumped down Forza.
Wasn't their meme that games that ran at 1080p on Xbone can run at 4k at 30fps on Scorpio? I'm fairly sure there weren't many FullHD titles on Xbone that didn't turn out to be just 900p upscales
Have a (you)
what does it matter if it doesn't have any games.
literally nothing
don't worry scalebound is back on brother
>six teraflops
AKA an RX 480
They should call it the REHASHRO
The Xbone Scorpio had 6 total, combining the potency of it's integrated CPU and GPU hardware.
A 1080 offers 8.9 alone. Combined with the dedicated CPU you have in a PC, and you eclipse the raw power of a cucksole.
Raw power means nothing in the age of optimization.
>the age of optimization
>the age of optimization
Impressive, the Xbox one had only one mega-flop when it was presented.
>238gb patch
you dont understand, that is an anti piracy measure.
It just seems like a weird decision on their part to release this now
I doubt most people who forked out money for an xbone or PS4 would be willing too upgrade to a new system already, and outside better graphics, it does not really have anyhting that the current gem has, which PC does better anyways
Optimizing software may require big patches :^)
Do I have to remind you of the Bloodborne patch which fixed the loading times? It was pretty big.
with Deep Down dead, there has been nothing I've really wanted this generation
unless they're announcing console MH this year, console will be 100% dead to me
Everyone here is buying AMD/Nvidia/Intel hardware anyways and they always get their due. Boasting about specs is so retarded.
Well, instead of cucking their consoles by basically building a budget pc Microsoft are trying to make use of closed hardware and actually do some worthwhile optimization.
It's what manufacturers used to do with consoles before the Xbone and PS4. Just look at the life span of the Xbox 360 which easily exceeds every other console. Your average gaming PC from 2005 couldn't have survived 11 years.
>Everyone here is buying AMD
>The most powerful console ever.
Technically true, but in terms of *relative* power, not even close. The XBOX 360 was more powerful than any PC you could assemble at the time of its release.
I could be wrong but I feel like 8th gen doesn't "optimize" nearly as often or as much as 7th gen did. I swear by the end, there were some companies that were squeezing shit out of the 360 that just couldn't happen on the same hardware otherwise. The only 8th gen games I've seen that really seem to do this is the new Uncharted and maybe Horizon 3 if you play it with an HDR display.
teraflop is a meme at this point.
ps4 is 1.8 tfp and does 1080p 30fps
ps4 pro more than doubles them with 4.8 tfp.
you'd think it can push 1080p 60fps or 1440p consistently, but it doesnt.
Pre-baked movies are games now?
I think the most technically impressive game of last gen was sonic unleashed on the 360. Real technical wizardry that makes it look as good as it does
4.8 teraflops is less than an RX 470.
Prebaked or no, the results are nice. Nothing stopping other devs from doing the same thing. Smoke and mirrors is perfectly fine in a game trying to be visually striking.
>but it's not REAL graphics
It still looks real nice.
more like six flops lol
There definitely is a lack of software optimization on current gen consoles but there furthermore is even worse hardware optimization by the manufacturers.
Sony and Microsoft basically handed out budget PC builds to game developers instead of doing some fancy stuff with their builds.
Mayhap they aimed to circumvent the failure of something more exotic like the PS3 but still.
> The XBOX 360 was more powerful than any PC you could assemble at the time of its release.
Yeah, no.
For an equivalent price, you forgot to add.
>Prebaked or no, the results are nice
Might as well play early RE then.
>Nothing stopping other devs from doing the same thing
Unless they want to make an actual game, i guess
The 360 also had games. After a year or two in, there were half a dozen games for most types of gamers. Some 4 years later, between the PS4 and Xbone there's what, 5 worthwhile games total? Even the "nogaems3" was worth owning by this point in its life.
medium quality bait
Uh, it was. The XBOX 360 had a state of the art 3-core CPU. Please name me a 3+ core CPU available to consumers at the time of the XBOX 360's release.
my 6800 and pentium D could play FEAR which looked better than any 360 game ever came out that year.
What's the problem with that? Even Quake 2 used pre baked lighting and I'm fairly sure that's considered to be a video game.
As long as you can achieve better performance and looks with it, there is nothing wrong with pre baking stuff.
Lmao you're one of those dumbasses to whom "optimization" is a magical buzzword that fixes and explains everything.
>A clinical retard has more spending cash than you
'Murrica was a mistake
I'm not completely disagreeing with you here. I get that more fleshed out and interactive games are more demanding so you can't just relegate all your resources to scripted set pieces but are there any "actual" games out that really make up that difference? I mean to say, their graphics might not be great but does the game do things to make up for it?
>higher frame rate
>real lighting, shadows
>crazy draw distances
Finding a good relation between GPU flops and video/ grpahics performance is really difficult and very inconsistent. Flops on a CPU however are still very relevant and can be used to judge the quality of it
Can't save it from being a flop
Microsoft should just leave the market
It sure doesn't fix shitty gameplay if that's what you are going for.
It fixes bad performance tho, so I don't see anything wrong with optimization fixing a lot of performance/visual related issues.
>Lists all the unimportant shit
>Writes Terrabyte in caps like it is somthing special
>Intel Quadro
>GeForce GT 520
>Blames lag and everything on the game
I'd genuinely say this is bait if it was screencap from Sup Forums
People like this should not be allowed to buy technology
SWTOR forums were so fucking bizarre. If SWTOR came out today, Poe's Law would just be in full effect non-stop.
Witcher 3
Red Faction
Doom 3/Quake 4/literally anything id Tech 4 or 6
ofc they are user, fully uncompressed pixels.
The pixels are of the high quality.
Look at the Surge "optimization".
bestbuy - the computer expert
I had a buddy of mine just buy a PC from bestbuy, despite me telling him not to every time he asked.
He just asked on facebook and one of his family members told him to go there for one, so he did. I told him to give me the money and I'll build him one. I had a 500 build spec'd out better than what he ended up getting.
for 700, he got a computer with an:
i5 6500
8gb ram
1tb hdd
gtx 730
>4 years since release
>xbone still has no game with a 90+ meta
>what kinda pc you want senpai
>give me the one with the rainbow leds
Literally you
>Reverse mohawk
>what kinda pc you want senpai
>i dunno man i just wanna browse Sup Forums
>gives him a gtx 1080
Forza Horizon 3
Nerd Power Fantasy 2
Jonathan strange and Mr Norrell, it's a BBC tv show.
>ordered brand new PC
>get a 1070 SC for free
And about time, my R9 270X was struggling.
competition is good for the consumer you underaged
What is the point of a console with no games tho
collectors value when theyre rare in 20 years?
dayummm, 80% of steam users don't even have an rx 460 equivalent
sony's exclusives games wouldn't exist without xbox or pc competing with them
A flop is a floating point operation. It's defined as any math calculation that's addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Tera = 1 000 000 000 000 in short number system. Since this is in english we'll go with the short system.
So the Scorpio can do 6 000 000 000 000 operations every second. While it's ok to show off strength, you're not seeing how the gpu or CPU do it's operations. How efficient are they with their cycles? Things like that.