Let's laugh at scared shitless blizzdrones


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he picked the perfect name

As a Steam patrician I wholeheartedly welcome Blizzards attempt at competing with Steam. This means Gaben will actually get off his fat ass and make Steam even better.

>you can't even buy games in battle.net

>1 People complains
>That means mean the whole Blizzard Community is saying the same

>make a shit thread
>It 404s
>remake it
Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

there's shit like this on all the other sub forums too

>even better

Steam sucks ass though.

Why does anyone care about this

>It 404s
It was so unpopular it fell off the board. It's in the onboard archives. That's more embarrassing. At least reposting shit the mods have nixed means there could have been people interested in the thread. This shit barely got 20 replies before page 10.

I shitpost not for the community not for the glory
I shitpost for myself

Don't count of it. It's just a way for Activision to maximize Destiny's sales using the Blizzard app as a permanent advertising for those who play Overwatch, Diablo etc and watch the launcher everyday. It's also an audience that likes loot based games, so it's a good move.

Honestly I just like watching people be scared and uncertain, especially over trivial stuff like this.

For some reason I feel the taste of salt on my tongue as I read through those threads

I dont understand what is there to be scared of.
Then again I dont care about destiny so

>I dont understand what is there to be scared of.

There really isn't anything, that's what makes it so great to watch them squirm. I'd feel bad if they were upset about something that actually mattered, but considering how meaningless getting worried about this change is I can go full schadenfreude without a hint of guilt. Don't bother trying to figure out their reasoning, just enjoy the show.

The stupidity behind this logic is mind boggling

Monopolies are great? Right?...

im actually completely fine with this. Ive been a fan of blizzard games since i was 8 or something.
I dont own a console and now i can play destiny if i feel like it.

A bunch of blizzdrones that have the mental capacity of a 5yo
Amazing, I didnt know these people existed.



At least Bungie is not pushing their own platform. And I wholeheartedly understand why they don't want to rely on steam for distribution. 30% is a lot you know.

Next thing they'll do is start selling CoD to overfags.

>muh high quality blizzard games
holy fuck

Activision owns both Blizzard and Bungie.

What's going on?
I've been busy playing overwatch - why should we be scared?

are all of them this retarded?

I am not saying Steam is a monopoly. But they sure come close. Remember when Origin was launched? Oh boy. If it wasn't headed by EA, and wasn't such total shit, I think it would have been more welcome. And then Ubisoft starts shitting all over the place creating a mindset that games need to stay on the publishers platform. Competition is sorely needed in digital distribution. IMO Battle.net has the potential to actually be a contender and just maybe usher in a new era of digital distribution.

Every big publisher has their own launcher, would be stupid to think Activision wouldn't make use of the one Blizzard already made.

>company doesn't want to split revenue with gabe jewell
>wow what a bunch of cucks XD

>HS, WoW and other masterpieces

>I purposely stuck with Blizzard so I could finally start limiting the games I play
What is self-control?

>Grow the H*!! up.

Autists think this willsomehow greatly affect their precious games in some way. Like all of sudden there will be Destiny characters be put into overwatch

not to mention blizzard CS is miles above valve CS. Blizzard CS has a chat feature and they respond genuinely to tickets, valve's takes weeks at shortest, a year at longest to respond and there's a huge chance it's going to be automated

Honestly what kind of complete autist actually gets upset at stuff like this? What level of drone do you need to be? It just boggles my mind


You can't just say h*ck user. That's a bad word

>incur no expenses from retailer and manufacturing costs
>still demand $60

>keep the games alive

Couldnt be fucked finishing reading the post
But i do think its dumb ill have to use battleshit to play destiny
>inb4 playing destiny

Cayde or Oryx in HoTS could theoretically happen and it's exciting to think about how many Blizzdrones would throw tantrums over that, considering that a lot of them don't even want Overwatch characters there.

oh my fucking god. how did blizzard even manage to build a fanbase like this

shitting your pants while making out with your little sister

After this I don't think i can trust bl*zzard anymore.

that's not a monopoly

fanboys are terrible on both sides.

There's tons of people on the announcement threads that say "no steam no buy".

It goes both ways.

I've seen green text pretty than this.

They have one MMO, moba, fps, rts and arpg. The faggots were just stuck in there fermenting

>Blizzardfags mad because non-blizzard games get released in their special snowflake place

How can one fanbase be so sheep?
If Blizzard developed the game instead of Bungie they would all cum inside their pants over it.

>b-but blizzard being bought out by activision won't affect blizzard at all!

It's fucking over, blizzard just went full cuck.

>Hi Blizzard, I noticed you have a hugely popular shooter with loot boxes, do you mind if we launch our hugely popular shooter next to it to steal users and playtime?

>I don't think that's a great idea, it will affect rentention an-

>Thanks for your opinion, but we're doing it anyway because we own you.

They also don't have to play 30% volvotax. It's pretty weird that all Activision's games aren't already there. I guess online play would have complications if some players were on Bnet and others on Steam.

I think you belong to blizzard forums you dumb kiddo

>le epin salt meme

Making easily accessible games with incredibly good marketing; attracts all the retards.

All fanbases have those kind of people

but he does have a point though, blizzard just renamed battle.net to the Blizzard app, then the first thing that is announced after is that destiny 2 will be sold on the blizzard app.
I dont really care either way, its just funny how you try to rebrand your launcher to make it connect with your company then instantly start selling other developers games.

Why would I go to the Blizzard forums? I don't even own a fucking Blizzard account, every since they got bought out by Activision their output has been pure trash.

Activision yanking their new releases from Steam and publishing them through their b.net launcher will suck for Gaben. I wouldn't notice much since I don't play yearly installments of Run n Shooty Cawadooty or Rockstar, though. What else does Activision publish? I don't think I own anything of theirs in my Steam library.
Blizzdrones should've expected this to be coming. All of old Blizzard devs have left, even old Metzen finally got off his rocker and went to the retirement home after he pushed out WoW: The Movie. With Overwatch being their most successful game released in the last 10 years now it's obvious Bobby Kotick would begin to bring other shootans to the Blizzard audience since the Blizzard audience obviously love shootans.

I never seen such freak show in dota 2 or counter-strike communities. I had my share on league forums back in 2011, but even there people didn't really gave a shit when chinese overlord got Riot. I feel like blizzard attracts very special kind of people.

Hmmm... Activ games are always expensive on Steam....

yeah that is retarded. I see it as a conflict between managers.
dude, people lost any hope in blizzard 10 years ago when actual takeover happened. you are extremely late to the party.

I don't understand the point of this thread.

To be fair, many people have used this same criticism for Steam. It used to have quality control standards. Now days though? in 2016 they released 40% of all games on Steam. Let that sink in. And unlike Biizz, they have made 0 themselves in that time.

only 40%?

I thought this drone thing was a meme. Holy shit was i wrong

That's kinda hot.

This is most of Sup Forums now though. People keep remaking their shit thread over and over.

Being a fan of any sort of DRM/store platform to the point of fearing for its future definitely counts among telltale signs of mental retardation and possibly being on the autistic spectrum.

What the fuck, how does this affect anyone. Everyone who cares about this, either positive or negative needs to uncuck themselves.

There is no competition. They've already stated on the announcement itself that this is an extreme one time exception, simply made because most of Blizzard -LOVES- Destiny and Bungie. They have zero intentions to allow other non-Blizzard games on their platform, right now at least.

>They've already stated on the announcement itself that this is an extreme one time exception, simply made because most of Blizzard -LOVES- Destiny and Bungie.

LMAO, you are ultra fucking naive.

This is happening because Activision owns both battle.net and Destiny. There is NO other reason.

>Literally nobody that's normie tier can comprehend business and game industry savvy

I'm 100% certain Activision are going with Blizzard not for the 30% sales cut, but for the loot box sales that would bypass Steam's Key and Crate tax

I mean, imagine being able to buy chests without needing keys on Steam, bypassing the market, but still restricting players to untradeable random lucky dips

Slows is in for a rude awakening when all of Actvision ends up under the Blizzard launcher.

Drones are the best part of gaming.

>simply made because most of Blizzard -LOVES- Destiny and Bungie
>He actually thinks this isn't purely a financial move

You're under 18 right?

Their words, not mine.

It's absolutely amazing how corporations are brainwashing kids into thinking they're chums

The corporate twitter accounts, stealth meme-advertisements like the Arbys anime shit they commissioned, etc.

>What is PR

I'll ask again, you're under 18 right?

Still their words, not mine. What sort of mental disability do you have, friendo? I never even hinted at believing in what they say, I only quoted what I heard in the announcement.

>convert my WoW gold to battle net balance
>Get Destiny 2 for free


>What sort of mental disability do you have, friendo?

Ironic considering I need to spell everything out for you. The fact that you're conveying the information implied you believe them which shows how fucking naive you are.

i can shit in your hand for free as well, doesn't make it good


>Blizzard changes their launcher name from Battle.net to Blizzard App only a few weeks before they announce a non-Blizzard game being added to the app

What did they mean by this?

you jelly i get for free

you mad

That's not how information works. You're a special kind of retarded so I'll refrain from insulting you further out of generosity.

It's not free, you're paying with your time instead. Doubt it's much time but time nonetheless.

what time

i have like 20 million gold its nothing fampai

u jelly u mad u upset LOL

>tfw haven't touched a blizzard product in 6 years
feels fucking good to not be a pleb

you're already a pleb anyway fampai

Tell me honestly you didn't believe the PR shit Blizzard fed you before you started getting chewed out for it. Just be honest.

>dozens of other games made by different publishers
>he thinks Activision is a different publisher
>blizzdrones are so delusional they refuse to accept Activision = Blizzard

shhh, one day you'll grow out of them too

What should I do later today?

>mfw the last blizzard game i bought was Diablo 2

>my feet when

>Hundreds of thousands steam games
>Valve should delete them because people could stop playing CS

I don't get it, what's the big deal? Why are blizzdrones getting scared about this? They're not trying to be Steam, they're providing a means for their parent company to not give 30% to another company for doing nothing.

>dude weed lmao
thats how you sound