


But it is flopping...

too early to say tbqh

no one will buy a switch for arms and splatoon who havent already bought one though.

Mario oddesey can be a game changer.

I dont give a fuck about what this dumb shit is saying but under any normal circumstance the Switch should be flopping, we dont even know if it is or isnt due to Nintendo refusing to give actual numbers and still doing their forced lack of units bullshit.

Yet again, the power of pure unfiltered nintenbro autism defies logic.

Mario kart beat Grand TurdAutismo for being the best racing game of all time

Zelda is still top 5 every month and shows no signs of slowing down.

Face it.

Nintendo won.

I hate Moriarty with ever fibre of my being but you're a deluded faggot

>no one will buy a switch for arms and splatoon who havent already bought one though.
That is so wrong is not even funny.

won what? it hasn't beat anything

if you gave a shit about either of those two games you already own a switch.

Joe blow and his grandma who bought a wii don't care about your pedo shooter.

>sold out at most large retail stores in most major cities across the country

he's right though Grand autismo isn't the second best selling racing game.

1. Mario kart
2. Need for speed
3. Forza
4. Dirt
5. Grand autismo.

Probably why they put it on the holiday season.

MK8D, Arms and Splatoon are to tide over early buyers. MO will be the holiday system seller.

Which is all fine by me. I can't fucking wait for ARMS and Splat2n

>if you gave a shit about either of those two games you already own a switch.
For people who bought a wii u, there's no reason to buy a switch until ARMS/splatoon 2

>if you gave a shit about a completely new IP you already own a switch.
Don't you see how backwards that it? Not to mention the thing is out of stock right now. People will keep buying the system for Mario Kart and Zelda, and more people will come to buy the thing to play ARMS, Splatoon 2, especially in Japan, and of course Mario Odyssey.

Theres no reason to buy splatoon 2 if you already own splatoon.

Arms is a a tossup.

>How can a console survive without EA, Ubisoft and Activision?
lmao, none of those companies have put out anything actually worth playing in awhile.

To you.

Their games sell.

>Release Switch
>Retards flock to buy it
>Keep this up until people stop buying it
>Start releasing half assed open world nintendo games until you run out of money
>Repeat the Wii,Wiiu,Switch

A constant loop

>stores stock less than 15 consoles each
This would have been more impressive if they actually stocked more.

The only positive things that come out of Colin's mouth (and it doesn't happen often) are Sony related.
He's more of a cynical asshole than even the most jaded of Sup Forums posters.

wingnut welfare moriarty

Then how did it outsell the Wii at launch, in almost all countries?

>switch comes out
>hasn't flopped
Well there's the end of that argument.

>no one will buy a switch for splatoon
>meanwhile amazon.jp most selling games full of splatoon stuff

>Theres no reason to buy splatoon 2 if you already own splatoon.
weakest bait ITT, and this thread is already full of shit bait

Soccer moms don't get console hype, obviously.

splatoon 2 offers nothing splatoon doesnt except a horde mode.and paid online.

most would probably consider it a downgrade

>no one will buy a switch for arms and splatoon who havent already bought one though.

That doesn't show hardware movement.

>no one will buy a switch for arms and splatoon who havent already bought one though.
Huh? Why do you think this? That perfectly describes me.

If I'm not interested in the Switch's library yet, which I'm not (BOTW is just one game), why would I not wait until the games I'm interested in are coming out?


>Nintendo handheld
Good one.


>But it is flopping...
>too early to say
>but under any normal circumstance the Switch should be flopping
>>Keep this up until people stop buying it

Please be bait.

New weapons though, I really want to put my hands on ink P90

Same thing applies for FIFA, CoD, BF, Madden, etc...

>Theres no reason to buy splatoon 2 if you already own splatoon
This is the dumbest post ITT.

The Wii sold incredibly well, what are you talking about lmao

>Mario kart beat Grand TurdAutismo for being the best racing game of all time
According to who?

Those games sell and have sold for many many years.

arms is a new ip

>post facts
>hurr dats bait
nintenfaggots lmao

Which posts are yours?

>be a whiny libtard during the obama years
>be a womanizing FUCK during the trump years
His opinion is worthless

>>be a womanizing FUCK

Didnt he get fired and lose all his game journo friends for making an al bundy joke on twitter or something

you mean isn't he trying to cash out and has no real opinion on anything ?

I don't know, you tell me.

>The Vita is set to succeed
>Colin 2011

>al bundy joke
It's funny how people try to rationalize it by saying "oh, it's dad humor" or whatever not realizing that most older "dads" today grew up during rather racist and sexist times.
>hey man that's offensive


Iss this the kind of poster you want to be?

Actually, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift is the best racing game of all time.


He's a libertarian and always was

His twitter handle is literally notaxation

God-tier taste my dude