The game is pretty good, it's a fact. However I really think that the story is very repetitive sometimes (they always talk about phantom theives). What do you guys think?
Also, P5 thread.
The game is pretty good, it's a fact. However I really think that the story is very repetitive sometimes (they always talk about phantom theives). What do you guys think?
Also, P5 thread.
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P5 by far has the worst SoL moments of the series
Story itself is fine, even twists are debatable. From gameplay standpoint it's best, no doubts.
Problems are:
>no interaction between teammates
>team itself quite shallow compared to P4 or P2
>Haru and Yusuke are just... there. Haru joins WAY too late
>too many days you have to sleep right after school
I liked confidants though, making more interactions with mature cast was right descision. But again P2 is my fav. Persona game.
The fuck does SoL mean.
It's a glorified visual novel.
Slice of life
Only the music was worth mentioning. I rather play answer desu.
>compared to P4
Stopped reading there
Lack of SoL moments =/= worst
That's P4 department. I swear all the SoL manga/anime I've consumed don't even help with excessive cliche as fuck moments in P4. It was so painful playing NG+ in the original.
Cast of P4 wasn't best written, but at least due to interaction they at least felt more alive and dynamic.
For ex. Naoto joins last as Haru, but at least we interact with her enough times before that and know her by that point.
Haru joins out of nowhere for story reasons, than her das dies and that was. She does nothing after that, either as character nor as story profression.
The music, style (excluding the anime cutscenes as per usual), and gameplay were phenomenal, but I can't help but wish we had better secret bosses, P3-tier freedom in regards to when you sleep, and either no nonhuman party member or at least one that isn't disgusting, annoying mascot pandering. I also wish Mona weren't constantly on-screen following his tantrum; it felt like he never left
It has by far the most autistic cast.
>P1: best US localized cast
>P2: best written and most dynamic cast
>P3: most teenager angst cast for emos
>P4: most SoL-cast for neets and weebs
>P5: autism central
At least he's better than Teddie
Yusuke is 10/10
I didn't really get pissed off at Mona, the voice wasn't too annoying comared to Teddy and he's pretty useful sometimes, and I like the way he comments on things you do during the day. My only gripe is it being male since Morgana and Mona are clearly female names. But the best non-player character in Persona is 100% Koromaru, had it in my final P3 party and he kicked ass
I'm creating folder specially dedicated for Yusuke's autism.
If anything P5 makes me care for the autists more than anyone. I fucking love their bantz, don't give a shit about shipping in general.
>gameplay standpoint it's best
compared to other persona games? That's not hard to do. P5 is really lacking as a RPG combat wise
That was the best part, except for this fuck and the cat, but at least I got to cuck the cat.
I actually empathized with Mishima at first, but then he spent one day talking about how I needed to take down some guy fucking his idol waifu and how actually all the success of PT is thanks to him. After which point I only ranked him up to 7 or whichever it was for extra XP bonus.
Dungeon crawling and social links are better than the rest but the setting/main plot/main party interactions was just so boring and bland. I had to drag myself through the millions of useless text messages.
p5 could've had another optional dungeon maybe for new game plus. after a hundred hour playthrough, it still felt short.
i see no reason to continue playing ngplus after finishing the game besides one boss fight.
What was wrong with Yusuke's school? Are we sure it wasn't some ED school? 'Cause Hifumi shows similar signs as Yusuke.
Isn't it an art school? I'm pretty sure an art school is basically a giant beacon for autismos
it certainly followed a formula. story feels really similar to p4 in every beat.
>useless text messages
Those were best cast interaction in the whole game though.
>Yusuke is a savant
>Hifumi is a chuuni
>Kousei means "Rehabilitation"
a good third of them must've been "stealing the treasure is gonna cause a change of heart right" for the billionth time
What did (s)he mean by this?
>After which point I only ranked him up to 7 or whichever it was for extra XP bonus.
He improves and fixes himself up by the end of his Confidant to be fair.
I saw 2 copies of this game in the store I go to yesterday. One was the US version and the other was the Japanese version. Both were in English, but the latter was more expensive. I know that Nier Automata had a US and Japanese version and that there were some differences between the two, so I'm asking what the difference between the US and Japanese versions of P5 are that justifies the difference in price.
You'd think so, but they're really not. The autismos and socially maladjusted people usually drop out within the first semester because they can't handle it.
Took me longer than expected to beat it, i was just tired of it starting in about september for some reason, where as with 3 and 4 i just felt compelled to keep going and kept having fun.
I'd give persona 5 a 6.5 for not keeping me compelled, garbage music, a boring cast with no social events, and repetitive palaces
Gameplay is the best out of the modern Persona series. I liked the P3 cast more though.
>Still no skip 3 hour long intro for New Game Plus mode
For fucks sake Atlus.
really makes you think
How can the palaces be any worse than randomly generated hallways.
I can't explain why but I really liked 3 and 4 more.
>tfw no friends to blaze it all the day
No Ann, Haru doesn't grow those kinds of plants!
Because i didnt find them that bad, nor did thousands of others. Why do i care what some smt elitist jerkoff on Sup Forums thinks? Besides, its not like these were perfection either. For all the touting of being non random generated, they sure felt like it a lot of times. The same hallways from the past, just extended and with more boxy rooms. Its not like you need to follow a guide so you can beat it like other smt games, it just continually wastes your time with a bunch of text and key finding
I can't argue with you there, for all of Mona's bullshit he has the superior design and personality. I'm willing to bet listening to him in Nip helped a lot, Teddie's English voice was beyond bad.
>tfw I genuinely believed Morgana would have a cute black-haired girl form from the first couple trailers
>tfw we'll probably never get a female animal character
>tfw if we do people will complain about (not) being able to romance it
I love this slide
>After which point I only ranked him up to 7 or whichever it was for extra XP bonus.
Why is it that the faggots on Sup Forums think the fact that a character actually goes through genuine development is a bad one since they are a shit during the middle of their fucking development? I swear to god you faggots dismiss some of the better S.Links in these games because of it.
I'm at the space station right now and it's getting kinda boring. Some of the dialogue in this game makes me angry. So much repetition that I started skipping it and it's draining my enjoyment.
Join the club brother
This game is great for like 50 hours. Then it's unbearably repetitive. The palaces are just fighting the same enemies again and again. Easily the worst part of the game.
Calm down. Most of us know his SL offers worthy bonus to not drop it. I don't think people despite him, just shittalking because he's too much of a pathetic guy.
I wondered if the boat scene dripping with so much irony and misunderstandings was because it was based on an IRL event.
most artschools are a haven for rich kids who can afford to waste their life like that
not a lot of autists to be honest
Yeah, everyone agrees that his Palace/the general story/dialogue around that part is the absolute lowest point. Everything picks the fuck up fast right at the next dungeon, so I think it kind of evens out.
Agree, everything before Okumura was a blast, but it went downhill really fast once it got "stiry-heavy".
Still best memes though.
>Calm down
I refuse.
>garbage music
Wait, it made me realise something.
>Ann is literally shittier Lisa
>Yusuke is shittier Jun
>Ohya is Maya but shittierx10000
>Futaba is shittier Baofu
It's actually insane how they can't think of new characters.
Because he's fucking retarded and only plays Persona as a friend simulator in the first place.
He didn't say they were worse. Also doesn't stop them from being shit.
Could've cut out a ton of redundant dialogue, but that's Japanese writing for you.
>>Ann is literally shittier Lisa
>>Yusuke is shittier Jun
>>Futaba is shittier Baofu
Please elaborate.
They are just same character type but better written.
>Lisa actually struggles with her American heritage and has huge-ass character importance and development during IS, her bantz with the rocker-kid is also much funnier.
>Jun is even gayer than Yusuke and plays central role in the story
>Baofu is badass underground Chinese hacker
Reason why everyone agrees that P2 hast best cast and story is simply due to the fact that it's cast interacts and develops together through the whole story and isn't there just for one palace and half-assed SL.
Spacefactory dungeon
For fucks sake is this game made for children?
Dude every thing in the game is like that
All the phone texts serve to remind you if they will have a change of heart and its obvious they will
All the dialogue in dungeons just reiterates the theme of the palace, multiple fucking times
The loading screens with the normalfags in the city, who for 10 fucking months say the same fucking thing and cant decide if the PT are real or not
Im convinced they only delayed this game for technical problems and all the (((extra content, bursting at the seams))) was just the writers copy and pasting all the lines in the game
Havent played 2, is it like 3 where the characters grow and have their own arcs through out the story? Like junpei flipping over time, yukari and mitsuru having beef that gets resolved, akihiko and shinji etc
Well, actually it's for Japanese high-schoolers (16-20), not 30+ neets who want to relieve good high-school life.
I know P2 cast is well-written. What I want to know is why do you compare them in the first place while the gameplays in these games aren't completely the same as well as the screentimes distributed to each character, not to mention that they're products of different eras and appeal to different tastes.
Basically I was just curious.
Yeah there's way too much repetition in the game. Why the hell does the game need to remind you that you should change the heart/send the calling card/wait for the change of heart to occur with a long ass text message conversation every single day? You can't even skip it.
There are no social links in P2, it's traditional story oriented Jrpg with cool written cast and story.
Cast is smaller than future Personas, but for that is integrated into the story much better. No one feels out of place or gets not enough story time. Also it's two games for one story like DDS which of course helps to flesh the cast out better (P4 has like 4 spin-off games (2 fightans, PQ and Dancing) and it's cast is still as shallow as before).
It just went through my head that archetypes for those characters are quite similar. I know they are different l, but it's sad to see how good Lisa is and how shit Ann ended up to be despite them being almost same character with very similar problems (lack of friends, envy, racism, parental problems).
Atlus should remake P2 with modern gameplay, would make best SMT game by far.
I mean you can "skip" it just by holding Y or mashing A through everything, it just feels so dumb that every day you need to be reminded that you changed someones heart and then "worry" whether the target will change or not. P3 just let you get on with it, clearly separating the story with the battling. P4 just reminded you once (whats going on inside the targets head that is, their emotional state) before and after the mid boss, which was fine since it was more personal with the characters and rescue. But man...P5 does everything it can to restrict your movement and dump endless exposition on the player
I see, thats cool. I always wanted to try P2 because i hear it has a good story and cast but i heard the gameplay is so bad its not even worth it. Like superman 64 tiers of bad. I dont know if its the average idiot over reacting or if thats really the case. But i would like to clean out the sour taste that P5 left me, about how long do you think it would take to beat both halfs of P2?
It's 100% overreaction.
Compared to P1 fights are much faster. You have one persona and six characters whith personas you can change as well. Fight aren't bad and you can autowin most random encounters. Boss fights are okay and require a bit of strategy, IS is very easy, EP is harder.
Main problem is same as with other 90s jrpgs - random encounters up the ass. Later you get spell to lower their rate though.
Also interactions with demons are best in the series, really fun. And spreading rumors is a really cool mechanic, even if it isn't implemented that way.
I guess best comprassion would be Witcher 1 & Witcher 3. Different eras with different standards back than, gameplay that is bearable but didn't aged well and better writing.
>good high school life
>build up to the post-casino palace in the story
>infodump everything at once
>payoff was nowhere near worth it
>it's sad to see how good Lisa is and how shit Ann ended up to be
I feel you. Still don't get the Jun/Yusuke and Futaba/Baofu comparison. Yusuke isn't even the bad guy and Futaba isn't an adult. The roles and the backstories aren't the same so I find it hard to see that comparison.
I think the problem is that you assign the archetypes for the characters beforehand and that hinders your enjoyment as a whole. I went to P5 blind and ignored Sup Forums until I beat the game so I had quite a fun time. The banters were refreshing compared to the disgusting "SoL" events in P4.
Persona 2 actually controls without issue so it is no way near the same levels as Superman 64. The main issue is the slow combat, but if you emulate it you can just use the speed-up key to alleviate the issue.
Meant "simulating cool high-school lives full of friends and love interests they didn't have in Japanese VM with high-schoolers wielding superpowers".
What actually about P1? It's forgoten by everyone while P2 is at least remembered for it's story/cast. Is it that bad? I have it on my PsP for ages by now.
I see, well i will start it then and see how it goes. I hope the payoff is worth it, unlike what P5 tried and failed to do. Im a bit sad that 5 will be peoples first persona and they will never try 3 or 4 because they are old
Teddie's Jap voice WAS the problem. His dub voice in the PS2 version was tolerable actually, Golden's VA was sort of aping it and could almost pass but there was a slight offness that made him insufferable in my book.
Haven't played it. On top of my list only SMT1+2 and Soul Hacker are the ones I want to play if I have enough time and patience.
Well, Atlus could easily port P3 and P4G on PS3 with a bit enchanced resolution. I mean they rehash so much anyway.
The story is really good, so you won't be disappointed, but play them in right order. Also, play Psp remaster if possible for Is, EP one should be released this year (hopefully, because orig. PSX UI is gross as fuck). I mean perhaps it's just my general hardon for late 90s lesser known Jrpgs, Soul Hackers is my fav. SMT due to this.
It's interesting you say that, since I decided to go back and play 4 again after all this time since I had a NG+ save I hadn't started, and yet I find that it has a lot of the same problems 5 did, some of which are even worse, in the story-telling department. Of-course P5 does have its own unique issues, such as people continuously going on about whether or not a change of heart has occurred, but they are far more minor. Then again I wouldn't say 5 'failed' in its story-telling for the most part so maybe I'm missing something fundamental, here.
>EP one should be released this year (hopefully, because orig. PSX UI is gross as fuck)
I'm not so sure. Traduko soft have been working on a bunch of shit for years and we only really have a beta version of their Madoka translation, right?
"Shitty story and gameplay" are classic Sup Forums's exaggeration. Game is still grat despite those issues and set new standard for modern jrpgs, something SE failed to do with FFXV.
It has flaws, but again every SMT or Persona game had flaws and you can say all of them were weak in one field or another. P5 is just logical development for the series and imo it goes in right direction.
Even teenagers don't need to forcefed the same piece of information dozens of times
Iwakura does it now with help from Traduko. 25% done by now, text itself is finished.
Though I don't know what took them so long, orig. was already well translated besides changed names for P1 cast. And there wasn't that much new content added.
Not him but I had gripes with the music as well. There were few really great tracks. P3/P4 had great tracks all around imo. Plus the openings were better, they felt more intense and memorable. The music in P5 felt quite subtle.
The only situation where that's a good thing is the battles since the battle music doesn't get annoying after a while whereas it did in 3/4.
As much as I like mass destruction hearing it 100 times in a row gets a bit annoying.
Fug, I'm on 10/28 and have maxed out only Yoshida, Mishima and Ann. Lots of 8 rank but also some 4-5.
I think I'm fucked, I can't max them all before 12/24
Get Fortune to rank 7 asap.
The subtler music is great at matching the game's aesthetic. The tracks themselves are also really good, songs like Beneath the Mask (Rain) are especially fantastic - best 'evening' music of the series:
I suppose this really is a matter of taste, but I'd still say you'd be doing the game's OST a disservice by claiming the soundtrack was worse than 3/4's when it so perfectly matches the game's tone.
FUGGGG I'm trying
Also I have made a huge mistake. Around August I had something like... 400k Yen? And thought "Pffft there is so much money in this game, I'm gonna spend this all on silly presents like the 80k necklace"
NOW I'M FUCKING BROKE. I thought I could make that money back really easily or I just would never use it!
This: If that fails then put your focus into those you have at rank 8 and then on one or two of your favourite rank 4-5's.
>perfectly matches the game's tone
3/4 tracks had variety. some prefer it that way
It's by no means a bad OST. It's hard to explain, I love the music but because of the subtlety you don't really get into it as much as the tracks for other games. It's the most background of background music, the type of music I'd leave on if I were studying or something.
It's relaxing at least.
P4's tracks are all either J-Pop or J-Rock with a handful of exceptions.
P3's tracks are also mostly just rap.
P5's tracks are mostly Jazz inspired with a few exceptions.
None of them have ridiculous amounts of variety, don't even pretend.
>3/4 tracks had variety
No they were all J-pop. At least P3 had some rap. P5 had jazz and one DDS-tier song IIRC.
I appreciate Will power, The Days When My Mother Was There, instrumental Life will change and Hoshi to Bokura to.
I can understand how you feel in that regard. I just happen to really enjoy Jazz so I still really enjoy it.
>There were few really great tracks
Have you considered that you're fucking retarded?
Earworms are not necessarily good; they just get stuck in your head. Rivers and Last Surprise get boring kinda quick.
The only real disappointing thing about p5 was the ending credits theme. I forgot it as soon as I finished hearing it unlike p3 and p4s which hit me right in the feels
i only liked Layer Cake 2bh
Your mom had the worsst SoL moments raising your bitch ass.