I accidentally killed this ugly abortion

Did i fuck up? How important was he?

Does he look important?

You fucking idiot. Now you can't get the real ending.

Restart the whole game you fucking moron,how stupuid you have to miss best items and ending

you fucking idiot
you locked yourself out of the true ending


just gives the red orb, don't trip nigga

are you too dumb to look up a wiki

how do you accidentally kill someone?

Does your gaming platform not have a picture capturing function of its own?

You fucked up your entire save amigo

rip in peace

My cat walked on my keyboard and caused my character to roll attack it.

I use a controler so I was too far away to stop him.

Sometimes you're fucking her too deep and you slip on the sheets then whammo, prison.

You're playing on PC, but you take a picture of your fucking screen with a phone?

I know this is a troll thread, but all he gives you is the orange soap stone. That's his purpose.

Serves you right for being a catfag

Your cat's better at Dark Souls than you.

My dog stole my phone and took a picture of my screen. Luckily, I could use it as it perfectly fit my post.

Also, my cat doesn't let me browse Sup Forums on the computer.

fucking this, what the fuck is wrong with you?

now i know you're full of shit. Dogs are tech illiterates.

color blind and dyslexic eh?

>caring about what ending you get when youtube exists

Whoever he was I killed him too lol

>doesn't want to marry his friendfu by shoving a sword into her fucking face in a tranny's bedroom
What a fag.

>not owning a smart dog

My cat gets all pissy when it's nestled on the keyboard. If I try to remove her, she'll fuck my hands up.

TFW locked myself out of the ending I wanted by not talking to yoel ever


Get rid of that cat. That's unacceptable and unfixable behavior.

why do people ALWAYS kill important characters who look like enemies...

gg on your playthrough user..

She browses /pol too. Just states at the screen making pissed-off noises at all the interracial porn.

You killed the princess.

before going to the final boss i killed everyone in shrine because they were all faggots pissing me off whole game

Because the fucking looks like an ENEMY

But i did join ROSARIA'S FINGERS at my first run :(