7 million keks
7 million keks
Still not worth it.
Damn nigger, ya got me, its £17.
>dude, its supposed to be unresponsive! like a real life pet, super fun, right!
I rather rebuy the order 1886
>20FPS +/- 7
>as low as 13FPS
What qualifies as horrible framerate in his mind?
Sup Forumstendo everybody.
Still a good game though.
the order was $3 a few days ago
it was shit you cuckold
>oh look at all the amazing sales on shteam
>based gaben *tips*
>posting neogaf
But at least the fans liked it. No one has had any explicit dislike of the game.
It is the true Niche game to say the least.
yeah I got last week.
worth the price just for that sweet "triple crown coach gun" I was finding this game pretty dull until I picked this puppy up.
wish there was a horde type mode like gears in this game or an infinite ammo cheat, that shotgun is so much fun.
Are you stupid?
7 drop to 20 from 30
*three crown
Cool thread faggot op.
Didn't even know it came out, how shit was it?
Isn't it ironic that the two console games that are popular on Sup Forums both have FPS issues?
Kinda renders your whole 60fps or bust argument obsolete doesn't it?
>last guardian
>popular on Sup Forums
Literally had 0 threads after release because of how shit it was.
It's almost as framerate isn't as important as (((they))) want us to believe. Really activates my almonds.
Then buy it, op. It's a good game.
I thought it was okay.
there's no such thing as bad fps, when it reaches 1 or less it becomes paintings, aka true art
Say what you will about the game itself, it has one of the best OSTs in the past 20 years.
It was really good actually. I really enjoyed the puzzles and the message.
Bloodborne and Zelda
TLG is a game that I love but couldn't recommend to anybody. I couldn't look at all the flaws it has and say to somebody "yes you should play this". However my time with it was beautiful, and I think it was wortgh the wait.
This thing was vaporware and announcing it a few years ago created enough hype to move a million PS4 units.
>7 drop to 20 from 30
Go back to elementary user
30 is the ONLY acceptable framerate. Were you guys just fucking each other full-force in the face when we established this?
Fuck the switch, fuck nintendo and fuck you. Nintendo fanboys, at this point should have their own board here called /phone/.
It's almost like people can like things in spite of their shortcomings. As if someone can say "this aspect is bad, but I enjoy the rest."
But that would be impossible. It must just be that framerate is inconsequential.
guaranteed r/masterrace made this
it's a great game i really enjoyed it, what didnt people like about it?
Why do you guys react so much to framerate? It's like you're sitting in your chair waiting for the new zelda to go down 1 FRAME to be able to scream on Sup Forums. Waiting for bloodborne to drop 2 frames to be able to call it shit
Plus consolewars. You people don't enjoy anything, you have never enjoyed anything and you never will. Fuck me, reddit is better
That's not it at all.
Goldeneye 64 had a constant 20 frames. You are literally trying to defend games dropping below that on ANYTHING. Get the fuck out of my face with that.
There is literally nothing wrong with it. People will only understand it and praise years later, like they did with shadow of the colossus.
The Last Guardian is a perfect example of consumers being morons.
>2009 reveal
>"meh might be good"
>2016 release
>"meh, can't be bothered buying"
Sony put the game on the back burner for a reason, apparently the game was too much of a risk, but the whining morons wouldn't stop and that's how they treated the game, with mediocre sales. Sad!
this game is a masterpiece no matter the sales or the price
Had nothing to do with Sony. They even explicitly said that it was the development team that had issues.
I was one of those people asking for the game and I bought it release day. It is exactly what I was expecting. Because of the lengthy development people thought the last guardian was going to be a gigantic epic adventure.
It is just the story of a boy and his companion trying to escape from a strange place.
And that's what we got.
Because now every game needs to be open world, have integrated online and a shit ton of gimmicks, this game fell under the radar despite being exactly what the devs were saying it would be.
Disappointing to see the poor reception it got. This and Automata are two of the most interesting and engaging games to come out this gen.
Far more interesting than your personas, breath of the wilds and horizons
That part towards the end when Torico was flying out of the forbidden grounds to then slam right into the edge of it nearly killed me
>30 fps
>acceptable in 2017
10 years of lies
people bought a PS3 to play it
\Wheres this link for a fellow bong?
ITT: people who have never trained a puppy
Can we also admit that ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were shit as well?
It's not at all, but here we go.
Nintendo fanboys are the fucking worst.
>it's well below the standard ten years ago, why don't you love this guys?
>I'm just fine accepting something well below mediocre, why are you giving us shit?
no fuck off Sup Forumstard
Dog dicks to you.
I have a Chinook. It's basically the end-all of dogs and he's a fucking beast.
Doggo supreme.
"Ueda-san! How is your work coming along on The Last Guardian?"
"Fantastic! We should be able to release it later on in the PS3's lifecycle."
"So, Ueda-san, any update on The Last Guardian?"
"Ohhhh, uh, we can't seem to get TLG to run on the Playstation 3 hardware.. uh, because the game's just too powerful! I think it might be time for us to move it onto the Playstation 4 hardware that's coming out next year."
"Well, if that's what you think we should do, then let's do it! I'm looking forward to seeing this beautiful game getting the attention it deserves."
"Okay Ueda-san, is it ready yet?"
"N-not yet, let's just release basically the same trailer we released years ago"
"Ueda, you better tell me this game is ready."
"It is! The Last Guardian is FINALLY ready to come out!"
"Finally! Better late than never!"
"..but it runs horribly on Playstation 4. Do you think we could require the PS4 Pro instead?"
"..Also it doesn't run very well on PS4 Pro either. Could we maybe push it to Playstation 5?"
I don't care who you are or how much you fucking like Shadow of the Colossus/Ico, if Sony wasn't a complete fucking retard they would have fired Ueda and his shitty team for stringing them along for so fucking long.
>still $50 in Canada
Damn, you got my hopes up...
Fuck you, I hope Sony funds another Ueda game.
Importing video games from Yurope is cheaper than buying games in Canada
I don't understand why but I do enjoy my cheap video games
Lmao sonybros are mad as fuck
That applies to all non-PCturds though
It's actually amazing how quickly this game was forgotten.
the game looks interesting but i bet the big rat doggo dies at the end after u get attached to the characters and makes me cry so im not touching it
I hope they do too, because stupid companies deserve to go bankrupt.
So you would rather have a company that makes the savest investmenst in games?
>why have kids, the kid might die
>why adopt a pet, the pet might die
the goodwill that finally publishing the game bought them was worth the price
Nice shop faggot.
daily reminder Shadow of The Colossus had 23fps and it was considered the best PS2 game of all time
so that's like 2 bucks?