i'm not gonna make it bros
I'm not gonna make it bros
>data caps
Just get a normal fucking contract like anyone else.
you think you have it hard, huh?
lmao get fucked third-worlders
I'm American.
>first world
o i am laffin
user please, third-worlders have pretty good internet nowadays
better than america anyway
American Internet is so fucked.
Even in my little country I have like half a dozen ISPs to choose from. Even back in the bumfuck nowhere parts. And they're pretty much all good.
But the American ISP situation looks like it's plagued almost with outright monopolies.
How did Netflix get popular in the land of the free with such low data allowances? How did OnLive seem like a good business idea?
To the retard Yuropoors, the only people who have datacaps are subhumans living in the middle of fucking nowhere like the Midwest
you must be a fun person to be around
Why do I get so triggered with people who simply don't know what the word "monopoly" means
Probably because only socialists are ignorant enough of economics to make that mistake
inb4 "but I'm not socialist, I'm [insert anything here that isn't anarcho-capitalist"
yeah you are a socialist
I'm American and I wasn't aware data caps were even a thing except for cell phone plans.
>still using the old internet
tip top kek gentlemen
I live the suburbs in Georgia. 30 minute drive away from Metro Atlanta.
Comcast is all I have.
>tfw unlimited data but shitty speeds (3 down/.75 up)
all me
Is it possible to create a new internet
Data cap in the current year.
He used it improperly, but he's not wrong about our ISPs being fucked up.
>1024 GB
How do you use that much in a month? 4K videos? Downloading a ton of games you won't play?
What is the internet anyway?
why is this still a thing in the year 2017!?
In theory yes but "the internet" is basically just servers.
15gb is my monthly cap. fuck rural areas.
See north korea
See china
Yes, it's possible.
depend on how you see it, but yes
in this case if you wanted a "new" isolated internet for your country, just have to pass a law to stop ISPs from allowing outside connections
I think north korea already does something similar
>The independent
it's like you're actually a retard.
>live out of the city in such a rural area i have a prepaid electric meter instead of a normal one
>the only "landline" option is an evolution of a telephone internet that is like 5mb down
>have a wireless internet provider through a dish instead, since it's faster
>uptime 99%, 25-30mb down, 10-15 up
>no download limits whatsoever
>pay something like $25 equivalent in a slav country
>mfw when american internet
There are a fuck ton of places with only 1 internet provider. They are literally the only company you can get internet in. How is that not a monopoly?
yes, but you need to download more ram.
>the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
i can name at least 5 major isps in the united states. it is not a monopoly.
Do you know what the word almost means?
a shitload of networks
and then you'd have people selling outside access and everything would be the same except for children and OAPs that don't know what a "control panel" is. It would be essentially like prohibition in US, people still drink the same except that you have a shitload more under the table things going on.
>be in America
>have shit internet
>be in EU/Australia
>get arrested for loli
I'll take the shit internet, senpai. Still, OP is in a really shitty state if he has to deal with caps.
Fucking 3rd worlders.
>Satalite internet
>Ever being good
Yeah I guess if you wanna watch porn and youtube at 480p all the time. Guess since no data caps you can just let a game download when you venture out of your cuck shed into the woods to gather.
You are legitimately retarded. A monopoly isn't defined on a per country basis. You can have local monopolies.
Exclusive in what context? The entire world? Then there's no such thing as a monopoly and there never has been.
>Be Burger
>Get arrested for piracy
Fucking degenerate
It is, however, a series of regional monopolies.
>not shitty internet
I live in the US on the east coast. The major isp around here literally stops offering service a ways down the road. It would cost a couple thousand for them to run it up here. All I had left is sat internet. Needless to say, wont be living here much longer so fuck this shit.
It's a regional monopoly or a natural monopoly.
You two are idiots.
You can have a monopoly in, lets say Ohio, but not in all of North America.
Or a Monopoly in Orlando, but not Florida
>Not 3rd world
pick one
>1TB per month
>never had internet capped
>this is the #1 reason I dont want to move to canada/rural areas
Man itd suck trying to play online gaemz
>Satalite internet
The ISP antenna is 10 miles down the field on a silo, not in space, you dingus. I get stable 20mbps minimum all day, all night.
latency is shit to overseas servers, but if you move to a FTTH place you can get 100/40mbps unlimited connection for 100 roobucks($75usd) per month
You jelly?
Where are you from? Here in Germany I can download as much as I want and no one cares.
>data caps
In what 3rd world country do you live bro?
>Have faster internet than OP
>Can't even chew through 200gb most months
I just don't know what to download. Netflix data isn't counted on my plan and video games are shit. Prey is not bad, though I'm glad I didn't buy it.
I have exactly that. Consistent 95mbps down and I could pay extra for more speed if I wanted it. Based skymesh.
>data caps
l m a o
I live in didgeridoo land and I even have unlimited data 100mbit. How is america behind australia?
I never heard that they finally starting enforcing their bandwidth limits, but sure as fuck I checked my account and they're actually doing it.
Oh well, at least it's a fucking TB. I didn't know about this and even in my most active month I was still under by 400GB. What are you downloading so much of, 4k porn?
>year of god 2002+15
>americans still deal with data caps
land o freedumz
>3rd world lol!
even 3rd world doesn't have data caps for anything but phones
>used to have 2GB data cap many, many years
>now have a 200GB data cap
This is the MINIMUM plan that my ISP provides. The basic, the cheapest, I pay $40 a month for this internet + 4 TVs with cable + telephone
> moving because of lack of internet
ah what a brave new world! and the people in it!
Neither did the US until recently. That's what happens when usage exceeds what a company can reasonably provide. I'm sure once more people in 3rd worlds can actually afford computers they'll have the same thing happen.
>anything but phones
>this part don't count because that's just how it already is
>it's not literally the exact same principle I swear!
>How is america behind australia?
despite all the hate she recieved, gillard actually admitted she didnt know jack shit about technology and appointed people that did
they said fiber, and telstra stuck its middle finger up like usual
So, NBNco was formed and telstra got fucked in the ass, and we got a government owned whole only monopoly utility network that other ISPs can retail on top of.
Of course, it could all be sold right back to telstra and we'd be back to american levels of getting fucked in the ass.
>be Canadian
>get v& for this exact image
Feels bad.
government owned wholesale*
Hello George.
your president is a russian spy just like all the "ex" soviet republics. USA is third world sucka
*connected* servers
Thanks asshole now IT is going to see this in my workstation's browsing history.
>500Mbps down
>no way of checking how much bandwidth I've used in the last 30 days
Honestly interested in seeing, but my ISP doesn't have caps so there's nothing keeping track of it.
i have that same cap too but i d/l outside of peak times, which makes it "free" as in it doesnt count towards the cap total
why do people have data caps? is it even normal what the hell.
Post your scores and the price
and your cap if you live in the third world
This costs ~18 Euros per month, no cap
>be American
>get severe cuts in social spendings because muh ebil socialist jewish conspiracy
>have data caps because bowing down to companies abusing market monopoly is what true aryans do unlike these filthy goyim socialists
>support Israel
wtf do you even download
i bet it's stupid shit like flac files and 1080p movies
holy shit this sounds peasant as fuck. my condolescence
it's normal in murica where in many territories a single isp has a monopoly
>implying that's the norm anymore
I am taking a dump on the toilet right now so I can only post from my phone.
50 mbit/s down, 10 mbit/s up for 22 € per month.
>not supporting Israel
Literally subhuman.
>mfw Burgers use Netflix around me
Just pirate it, takes like 30 seconds to download the movie in much higher quality and you get no streaming issues.
>That's what happens when usage exceeds what a company can reasonably provide.
I live in Poland and people consume a fuckload of internet, there's no datacaps on anything except for phones.
Because the exponential explosion of content sizes and the population of people who can access it has made it impossible to let the superwhales keep on downloading petabytes of shit every day.
perhaps but i dont download much anyway so it's stupid to pay for more when i only need less
In Germany I have 24 down and 5 up and I pay 25€ no cap
>That's what happens when usage exceeds what a company can reasonably provide
What's with fucking dumbass Burgers and defending the corporations that rip them off? What is wrong with you retards?
Sup Forumstards are fucking retarded. I pay 30 euros per month for unlimited fiber optic while you pay 80 bux per month for ADSL with a data cap.
Check your fucking privilege sandnigger scum. Don't call me that shit again or I'll give ya one.
No cap. The price is around 26$.
internet is not oil dummies. no need to "ration" it. data caps is just a way to milk you out of your money for free.
you're replying to normals, they dont know how to torrent or where to find nzbs
How the fuck do you even get to 1 TB of data.
Do you download the same 50GB game over and over and over.
$100 ausbucks. 1tb on peak, 1tb off.
>video games are shit
why are you here?
What the fuck do you think the Internet is? The wires are physical things, the data that travels over them are physical things, the routers that determine traffic flow are physical things. The amount of information these physical things can provide limits the maximum amount of traffic that can be put through them.
Christ no wonder you live in the 3rd world, I guess computers are just fucking magic to you.