how the fuck did UBISOFT make a game this good? did they secretly outsource the good parts to a different studio?
How the fuck did UBISOFT make a game this good? did they secretly outsource the good parts to a different studio?
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Some guy sucked a bunch of corperate cock to get funding for his pirate game he was thinking of for a long time. Got to work a few years on it in some basement. Then new suits walked around wondering how to keep the AC franchise going on short notice, stumbled upon the basement with a halfdone game that looked good, told him to rework it into an AC game so they could make money
sailing was the only thing people liked about ac3 so ubishit capitalized on it. but of course in typical ubisshit fashion they overwhelmed it with tailing missions and making the ranged weapon full retard op because apparently they didn't learn this lesson from brotherhood. you should play rogue as that perfected the pirate loop gameplay.
It was made by a different team of devs.
The same devs are making the new one apparently.
This was before the yearly release cycle set it, so they actually had some time to develop the game and make it interesting.
Rumour I heard was that after AC3 got panned like fuck they thought about killing the series and the suits left the devs pretty much alone to work on it.
It would've been 30 times better without any Assassin's Creed shit added in
Agreed. I feel the modern day aspect is equivalent to ending a story with 'and then I woke up'.
I've often fantasised about setting up a studio that creates 'Director's Cut' versions of Ubisoft games. So many of their games (e.g. Far Cry 2) have so much potential
Because traditional Assassin's Creed makes only for half of Black Flag and that's the half no one actually talks about. Everyone liked the sailing and ship part, not trailing NPCs and awkward ground controls.
It's just as bad as the other AC games
>Vivendi takes over Ubisoft
>decide they don't want to play server costs for a bunch of older games
>Uplay shut down
>Ubisoft's entire current library becomes unplayable
How would this make you feel?
>tfw you have to go to land to "hunt" some useless shit
This. Worse, actually. The only reason anyone likes it is the caribbean pirate setting, the game itself is still dogshit.
I thought ACIV's modern day is okay because it's mostly optional and the plot adds a surprise twist to the animus story
Is the PS3 version much inferior compared to the PS4 or X1?
Plan to buy that America's pack, I don't have a recent console but I'm curious.
It was just above average because we haven't had many pirate games in a while
Above average for an AC game that is, which makes it pretty damn mediocre still
It's not like the pirating parts had any depth to them
Maybe for upgrades, but the game is so easy you don't really need them. For cosmetic skins, the most pirate one is free dlc from Uplay.
Man, I've been hearing good things about this game from Sup Forums for years. III turned me off to the series, but fuck it ,is the pc port good? I'll cop.
It's badly optimized desu, you need to turn physx off totally even if you have the best gpu on the planet and also you need to enable triple buffering in nvidia control panel (not sure how bad it is on AMD or how to do equivalent in CCC)
Yeah they outsourced all of their coding to chinks and Pajeets. Enjoy your gamebreaking bugs.
The PC Port is fine, just that you need to go through Uplay at least once. The reason people recommend ACIV is that if the AC aspects don't entertain you, you'll at least get some fun out of the naval combat.
Red gloves ruin it.
working in secret, brave ubisoft resistance members created a pretty decent pirate game and smuggled it out to the public, cleverly disguised as an assassin's creed sequel
>This was before the yearly release cycle set it
>Assassin's Creed II (2009)
>Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2010)
>Assassin's Creed: Revelations (2011)
>Assassin's Creed III (2012)
>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (2013)
That's not even counting the handheld games.
The Templar suit is pretty baller, but the clipping is a huge problem for the scarf around his neck.
I must have played another game because Black Flag is the champion of mediocrity, naval combat which is what people drool over is a repetitive ordeal. Board 3 ships and you've seen everything already. The less said about anything on foot the better, because that stuff manages to rival ACIII's shittyness.
Black Flag being good is a meme.
The whole "Assassin" shit ruins every AC game. They'd all be better off as face-value historical games
They do sometimes. Black Flag was good, Rainbow 6 Siege is good, and Splinter Cell Blacklist, The Division and Ghost Recon Wildlands were decent.
Although I used to like AC storyline, I agree. Black Flag should have been just a pirate game, it would lose literally nothing if all the AC parts got scrapped and perhaps would get better, fully pirate oriented plot. And then we would either get another proper AC game as well or the franchise would have died when it should have, along with Desmond.
Their retarded customer service cut me off from most of my legally bought Uplay games anyway, so I don't give a fuck.
The missions in 4 were terrible. It's an overrated game, I'm replaying AC2 right now and there's a lot of variety in the missions and it's so much better. Remember that one tailing mission from AC4? Trick question because half the missions in AC4 are tailing missions.
Which game has the best combat and parkour?
2, before the sequels where they made the already easy combat even shorter and easier with chain executions, and before they dumbed down the already easy parkour.
Because the literal sea of good side activities help you deal with how bad the ground missions and main story are.
The did outsource almost everything so they could work on the next big sequel. This isn't unknown. They were upset at it's popularity hilariously so they got the studio to make rogue and then released it the same day as their big game unity, without marketing rogue at all. The result was both bombed massively despite rogue being a pretty good game as well.
take off your googles
AC3 was better
nah ACIII was shite, buildings are far apart, they're small and there's less freedom to parkour in it
Parkour and combat felt smoother in AC3 than in the other Assassin's Creed games. The forests and shit where you could jump through trees were also fun.
Linear climbing paths everywhere and 2 story short buildings that were far apart made for SHIT parkour. Also the towers of ACII had parts where you had to climb around them to get to the top, while in ACIII you just hold forward and climb to the top, ACII was already extremely easy, ACIII made it even easier. ACIII was a terrible game, one of the worst AAA games in the last 7 years.
Just give me a pirate game in this same style, but remove the AC stuff and add light fantasy elements.
>nd add light fantasy elements.
why? why do you need that? is being a pirate too boring?
>AC3 was better
I have tried on three separate occasions to play AC3, every time I quit out of boredom in the beginning.
>Linear climbing paths everywhere
Did you play the game? They implemented rock surfaces you could climb easily and the forest network was anything but linear.
yes the ACIII parkour of the frontier is literally line-paths on the map
In ACII I could climb to the top of a building and pick any direction I wanted. It had real freedom, not a bunch of shitty linear paths.
Personal preference.
>AC3 was better
I think that the one thing that I enjoyed about AC3 is that it almost felt like it was going in the direction of an RTS game. I liked that whole deal with building up your own homestead from nothing and caring for it. Also those parts where you have to command American troops once the American Revolutionary War rolled around. I was hoping that later installments to the Assassin's Creed series would have more RTS elements.
>Sail the open sea
>"Two man-o-wars,captain!"
>Man-o-wars? I think I can handle one of those if I play my cards right
>Approach ships
Everyone mentions the naval combat because the core gameplay mechanics of the AC franchise just aren't very engaging in general.
Parkour looks cool but it's just pointing the Ass in a direction, holding forward + that button that makes you run + that button makes you climb.
Combat is just a toned down version of Arkham's QTE combat that you cannot possibly die from.
Stealth is probably the most interesting if you self-impose to remain undiscovered. It's not even mandatory in many missions.
most of the assassins creeds are good games
the naval combat isn't engaging either, it's shallow as a puddle
Arkham's combat is vastly superior to ACIV and all AC games to be honest, way more enemy archetypes and items to combine in the fight, the stealth of ACIV is awful. Same shit over and over, whistling and staying under bushes. It's terrible.
the last gen versions of black flag are fine, it was a last gen game ported to ps4 and xbox one
They didn't have a dedicated crouch button until Unity lmfao, Assassin's Creed has always been a game about being the guy from those bionicle linkin park stop motion fight videos not sneaking.
even Unity's stealth is terrible, all missions you're going around sneaking and the guards are like looking at the fucking windows instead of patrolling