>blow 3000 dollars of your hard earned money on a ahitty laptop with specs equal to a 1000 dollar desktop and get 100 steam bux
What kind of foolish fucks do they take us for?
>blow 3000 dollars of your hard earned money on a ahitty laptop with specs equal to a 1000 dollar desktop and get 100 steam bux
What kind of foolish fucks do they take us for?
Trust fund kiddies
PC gaymers? The same fucking idiots that would gleefully pay hundreds of dollars more to play the same video games as everybody else because marketing has convinced them to have unrealistically high standards that they constantly have to shove down people's throats? The same fucking morons that beg for ports then cry when their overpriced rigs can't run them because the port is, "bad"?
They'll gladly overpay for shit and that's why Razer is such a massive company now.
I already bought 3 though. That's 300 bucks steam value i can get a cool knife with. Why wouldn't you do that user?
Truat funds should be banned it should be illegal to pass down your wealth to your children
>for gaming
>it should be illegal to pass down your wealth to your children
Ok bernie wait for a couple more years
You underestimate the kind of people that actually buy gaming laptops
It's almost always 'that fucking kid' who keeps buying gaming laptops
You should only be allowd to pass down upto a million dollars per child in either wealth or assets no loopholes no special deals 1 million and thats it if they want to be wealthy they should earn it trust fund babies is why so many have no respect for their own money
I don't really play games. And I sometimes get called casual or tryhard, which gaming laptop is right for me?
I mean, I had a Laptop that was bought with gaming in mind. It wasn't a Razer/Alianware, whatever "GAYMER" laptop, just one with some decent hardware in it.
Main reason was, that I used to travel a lot because of uni, went home every weekend small yuropean country, so you can get anwhere within the country within a day.
I needed something I could take notes on, and something to play video james, and also wanted to play both durning the weekend, and durning the week. That's it.
I sold it like 2 years ago, and got a normal PC, much happier with it, but the Laptop itself didn't shit itself, and didn't overheat, I could play Dork Souls, Witcher 3, MGS5 decently on it.
Tl;dr: some people want portability, and simplicity, "gaming" laptops are that. You're legit retarded though if you buy Alienware/Razer tier shit
Do you remember the name of the laptop?
excellent bait
>tfw paid $1000 and fell for the gaming laptop meme
>tfw not even the GTX 10XX gen but the GTX 960M
I think I have a Speccy for it, hang on.
It was an ASUS one, though
This, you are a retard if you spend more than 600$ on a PC anyway.
The Razer Blade Pro isn't really a gaming laptop, though. It's a pretty respectable portable workstation in a lightweight form factor, that can also play games. It's just made by a company that markets things specifically to gamer kiddies. Definitely worse premium laptops you could drop $3000 on.
My cousin bought a Razer desktop and paid $1800 for it. It only had one GTX1070 and a Intel i5. I know nothing of computers but it sounds overpriced to me.
Portability and power efficiency mostly, It's not ideal but sometimes it's the only way certain people would be able to play anything modern.
Very overpriced my i7/1070 deaktop was only 1500 total
Now come to think of it I don't know if it was Razer but he told me he had it built for him in a local shop. Stupid if you ask me. The only games he plays are Overwatch and CS:Go.
You just jelly commie, "you should" not be able to tell others what to do with their money and luckily that's how it is.
Can't find it, but it seems like I was retarded, it was a Dell Inspiron 3537
i bought a alienware laptop while on military deployment
go suck a black dick you little cuck bitch crying here from your reddit board like you belong here you cancerous fuck
People who want a compact, powerful, all-purpose source of entertainment when occupation or circumstance keeps them far from permanent sources of power for long periods of time, requiring them to budget power from battery banks and the like. Most people that buy them do so for stupid reasons and don't really need them, but there are legitimate uses for them.
Thos post screans "im trying to fit in" at the top of its lungs
>military deployment
>fighting for the interests of multinational corporations
kek how stupid can you possibly be
Not OP but using 4 buzzwords? You're trying a bit hard to fit in here
Awful. I paid 1500euros to build an entire new PC with a top tier gtx 1080 on release with i7 6700
This was in October and PC parts are more expensive for europoors too.
>buy $3000 laptop
>buy $1000 desktop
>buy $250 console + game bundle
It's a no brainer really
>but but muh graphics
Yeah enjoy paying 4x to play prettier multiplats, sad.
I always laugh at the retards who believe they are so clever because they bought a $1000 PC, like woah dude what a bargain kek
Cheers lads
>literally FREE $100
are you an idiot op?
Yeah he is from Europe as well so it was €1800
Sure thing, comrade.
>What kind of foolish fuck
>Youre directly advertised Razer products on FB
Youre the fool OP
If you can get over the kiddy aesthetics, it's fine. The specs are fine for a laptop, and the build quality looks nice. I'd probably buy one if I traveled a lot for work. I'd say it's still far less brand markup than Apple.
>buy all 3
it's a no brainer really
being poor should be illegal
>work your ass off, building a giant business
>prep your own son/daughter to inherit it, because you don't want a random faggot taking it over
>collect cars/other valuables that value over 1 million
>can't leave it to your family
Whoa man, you should consider a career in politics
I have literally never bought a single razor product fuck signing into an account to get drivers
Not him, but gaming is low on my hobby register. I just bought a new superbike and have a few expensive instruments, I approach gaming like a welfare hobby.
You have no idea how facebook advertisements work.
If you comment, or like enough "gaming" releated content, facebook will target you with people who pay to advertise for users that interact enough with "gaming" content.
Facebook is incredibly scary senpaitachi
Kill yourself.
>If you comment, or like enough "gaming" releated content,
>Sharing your interest in vidya
>on FB
You don't even have to do that, if you give facebook acces to your twitter account, or your email, it will know how many newsletters you are signed up on, what accounts you follow on twitter, will do a search for your email to see where you have it registered, etc.
I prefer laptops over desktops only cause i don't have enough space for a case
Been riding off the same gaming laptop for the last 4-6 years. It can run Overwatch smoothly on low so it's good enough for me. That said, it can barely run PUBG, so it might be time to get a desktop soon.
Make or use a throwaway. Everyone has a primary email but complain being directly advertised - make another fake email account for everything that doesnt matter
t. gommie
Keep in mind that PUBG is horribly unoptimized yet, but it is using Unreal 4, so you know, aim for that
while this is true for the most part, you're still faggit
What the fuck is a gommie?
I'm so tired of redditors.
>calling someone a redditor cause they dont know some random ass canadian phrase
Fucking leafs
>Have you ever wanted to be part of Gaming's Master Race™ but don't have even HALF the necessary intelligence to own a PC? Well you're just the person we make these for!
>Now you can be part of the Master Race with a fucking LAPTOP! Look at how small and simple it is to use, you fucking moron! For the low price of $3000 dollars, you can impress EVERYONE with this HIGH END GAMING FAGBOX.
>That's right, imbecile! Now you, too, will be respected for your SMART INVESTMENTS.
You're the dumbest and most bitter person I've ever seen, and we're on Sup Forums. Who hurt you?
Why the fuck is Razer the only company that makes decent spec laptops that dont look like absolute abominations minus the logo and the RGB keyboard.
>no thanks, i want those dollars removed from my laptop purchase
kill yourself
Sounds like someone didn't get their grandfather's inheritance.
I would like razer way more if they dropped the snake orgy logo. I bought one of their laptops off a friend, i like the finish but im thinking of getting a skin or stickerbombing it to cover up the logo. I gate it that much
Quality shitpost, are you a fingol?
>tfw $1000
>gtx 750m
>can barely run gta v
I think it's targeted more to the people who are on the edge of buying one. And this offer might just tip them over to they buyers side. I highly doubt anyone would buy a 3k PC just to get 100 steambux.
It's certainly true that once you go past the 1k$ mark with PCs you'll see diminishing returns pretty fast, but I don't think this has ever been debated.
Spending that much on a PC these days is for enthusiasts who can afford to splurge, or people who need the hardware for other things beside gaymen.
Can I even shave myself with that razer blade?
Richfags hurt us all
In all honesty though, if it weren't for the obnoxious razer logo and green fuckery, this would be very high up there in the laptop aesthetics category, with quite satisfying performance and build materials as well.