What the fuck is wrong with Star Citizen backers?
What the fuck is wrong with Star Citizen backers?
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Star Citizen uncovered a whole different league of autism
Autism comes to mind, but I believe it's something pathologic related to not knowing how to spend your own money.
crippling loneliness
single 40+ year old males with money to blow
I bakced it for like $30 but at this point I'm hoping it never comes out because the butthurt from those autists will be much more enjoyable than the game could be.
Is that game even still coming out though?
they don't understand the concept of sunken cost
so they keep throwing money at starcitizen in the increasingly nervous hope it wont turn out to be the scam it is.
People playing the lottery or gambling reason in a similar way
>one more ticket and it will happen i'm sure
They have found a game unto itself in throwing money at their screens and watching a number go up.
Sure it is, when they whales get a bit uppity
At least anime buyfags get a girl to cum on.
>single 40+ year old males with money to blow
Wasn't there some guy that had problems with his marriage because he kept blowing his money on Star Citizen?
so Sup Forums
Taking money from the mentally retarded should be a crime
Was thinking more like pc masterrace rock paper shotgun tier
>thinking the average age on Sup Forums is still above 20
lmao no look around this place m8
I wish I had so much money and time that I was caught up on my backlog and could throw money at some game in the distant hope that I'm somehow making it better. It sounds sad but these guys are the most enthusiastic and happy gamers in the world. I wish I had that.
This is a good resume.
Budget: $90 million USD
Development team: 80
Development time: 3 years
Budget: $150 million USD
Development team: 268 + outsourcing for animations, voice acting
Development time: 4 years
State: 3+ years remaining until release
lmao rebbit
I don't know but... damn, do you think I should throw a few bucks their way? Maybe it will release faster if they do. I don't know why, but it seems like a good idea. I have nothing better to spend these $300 on.
>3+ years remaining until release
They have given a release date?
its not a scam
its actually a story of one individual allowing himself to publicly slip into a deep and undeniable psychosis
its like how a crazy person genuinely believes hes covered in spiders. well chris roberts genuinely believes hes making a game
he lacks the self awareness to realize that the game hes making is not even remotely realistic or even possible with todays hardware
i only wish somebody would have spotted his madness earlier and helped him resolve this autistic perversion he has
but i think chris roberts is obviously a very charming fellow as hes managed to corrupt millions upon millions of impressionable nerds to bathe in his madness with him
its really a very interesting dynamic to observe
>at least three "lol wats wrong /w sc backers" threads up at the same time
What could POSSIBLY be going on
He's not delusional, it's doublethink.
You don't understand. They are building universe. Universe! It takes time, so we should not expect it so soon. Soulless turd that is Skyrim might have taken 3 years of development but Star Citizen will be masterpiece.
You know with all those people who got scammed they could easily set up a collective lawsuit and probably get their cash back.
>Wasn't there some guy that had problems with his marriage because he kept blowing his money on Star Citizen?
Don't worry we got divorced
They want something that is literally beyond our current technology in a video game. The devs are complete grifters.
The phrase is that a fool and his money are soon parted. But with star citizen there's this horrible combination of foolishness and denial that seems horribly reminiscent of Stockholm Syndrome.
It is an investment. Unless you can prove they took the money with plans to outright scam people, you got no case. Taking the money and not being able to deliver is not grounds for a lawsuit.
>What the fuck is wrong with Star Citizen backers?
we're not indoctrinated into the bullshit publisher-centric model that the rest of you are?
star citizen is nothing more than a internet based cult. think of it like a viral cult
in the past people like chris didnt have the means to communicate to large groups of people in the same way. but the advent of the internet has gave rise to people like chris
chris is a cult leader and the citizens are his members. they will follow him to the depths of hell
>getting mad at people for spending money
Mindset of a child
Autism meets Sunken Cost Fallacy. The game in question could never be achieved, and you have to be eithger a retard or have technical literacy of a child to beleive that. Those little videos Roberts keeps showing isn't of "Star Citizen" it's all gameplay demos of separate games that aren't connected to each other mechanically at all. Also there's a number of alarming signs pointing to Roberts burning through the entire $150 million with nothing to show for it.
>consolefags fall for marketing
>hur dur stupid peasants
>pcfags fall for marketing
>haha, I am weak person, their marketing is great
Why is this allowed?
it's very hypocritical too
>“I've got a Pokémon complex," Knight told Wired. “I have to have them all. They put it out there, I buy it."
hHahahahahahah these people are nutty
thats how you sound
enjoy Destiny II though on Blizzard©Launcher
They donated their money though, Chris has literally 0 legal obligation to actually produce anything other than placeholders, which is what he seems to be doing.
Post launch Star Citizen fan meetup.
Are you implying Skyrim was either complete or functional?
but nobody is mad, it's hilarious not enraging
poking at idiots from the outside is fun if you're bored.
what happened there
>but nobody is mad, it's hilarious not enraging
this entire thread says otherwise but whatever. the collective anger means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
See that planet? You can land there
its almost as if there was a little blue arrow on the topright of the post that allows you to google reverse search the image
Very rich autistic people. VRAP
I'm on my phone
900 cultists committed mass suicide. Fun fact, the initial death toll was inaccurate because the bodies were layers deep.
Superpower by 2020.
i'm reading the same thread, but the only salty posters i see are defending starcitizen.
potato potato i guess.
just remember though, addicts will defend their pushers to the death. using denial is an example
So what's up with these rumors about Amazon buying them out?
Are you implying it wasn't?
fucking dumb phoneposter
They tapped the 30-40 something with a stable career market. They have shitloads of disposable income they're willing to sink into a hobby they enjoy.
>but the only salty posters i see are defending starcitizen.
Except OP
And everything following OP
unlock vertical rotation, turn your phone horizontally, 4chin goes in desktop mode and you can be a normal person again
Three years away and NOPE.
get mad Sup Forumsayfag
It's literally a fact.
>unofficial patches to fix basic shit
Bravo Bethesda. Every time.
can you loot the bodies?
Tap on the image and hold it and a reverse image function should be there
a fool and his money are soon parted
as i was saying
this will never stop being funny. For the first time i can understand what was going through the heads of my bullies 25 years ago. i see it now
It's good to see you made the right decision. Women are temporary, video games are forever.
OP seems more incredulous than angry.
I wish saying, "stop giving these hack scammers money" would ever mean something to people this stupid.
I think the people are less mad and more worried that the Star Citizen "model" for game development may become more commonplace.
Skyrim exists and is a product which is more than Star Citizen can say.
It's actually abit sad seeing these people throw so much money at it. They are gamers just like everyone else but have just got sucked into this scam
>unofficial patches to fix basic shit
>this sword does un point less of damage than weapons of the same material.
>this NPC out of 500 has the wrong set of skills.
If you had talked about the civil war I wouldn've agreed, but this is bullshit. And the game works from beginning to end, which is morethan Scrap Citizen does.
well it's not they're forcing you to give them money, i wouldn't worry about it.
What they could do though is setting up one of those weird japanese shows where they do weird stuff and the audience point and laugh.
You could have a tv series based on recovering star citizen backers that sit in circle and hug each other
Here's the thing, many people, including a lot of posters here, have said that there were a ton of "milestone" pieces of tech that they would never be able to do, but have consistently completed. (Physics grid, 64-bit conversion, flight model, etc.) If they continue along this trend of hammering out the milestones that they "can't" do, the game will eventually be released. So fartheir only actual flaw is that everything takes way longer than they expect.
Is this the power of obese redditors?
I wasn't defending scam citizen. Just saying there's probably a better example than Skyrim.
Following that logic one could say the same about a guy intentionally entering threads about subjects he doesn't like only to get mad at posters for not liking what he likes. Truly the mindset of a child.
But what's the return on their investment? What do they do?
I've followed exactly nothing about star citizen, what have they done so far other than sell 'limited edition' ship bundles that don't exist for a game that doesn't exist (yet)?
>video games are forever.
Except for Star Citizen which is never ever.
Narcoleptic convention.
>haha le collective butthurt
so how much did you fork over to Chris to spend on his cofee machine and hella f*cking epic space doors?
i beat Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 without single useless community patches and never had game breaking bugs. So get fucked Bethesda hater cuck.
Literally underage. Good job.
kiss my ass user :*
It's the idea of videogames switching from a product for purchase to a service that's paid upfront, and we're no longer customers, we're clients and investors. Sort of like politics; campaigners make promises, ideas, projections, and develop a model of followers that have cognitive dissonance up the ass -- and you have to take this on good faith or skepticism.
Everyone's worst nightmare will now be when their favorite A-quality or B-quality series suddenly shows up on Kickstarter with a ludacris funding goal.
You could buy trains or WH40K figures and still not look like as much of a sucker.
>tfw know the community organizer in austin
>hes a diehard believer in roberts industries
I just dont get it. Id understand if the actually released the single player mode and it was good.
how did 'layers' form
i see what you mean and i agree, problem is despite star citizen i fear we're already there, if not beyond.
>kickstarter, pre-alpha purchases, preorders
The next thing is going to have to spend money so you can phone-call the gaming company and convince them to start making a new game.
dont kid yourself dude. those are just redditors over exaggerating it. they've spent the last 5 years basically making mini games which may or may not end up as seamless part of the game later on. nothing they've done so far is special at all