How did this game transform from one of the most hated games on Sup Forums to one of the most beloved?
How did this game transform from one of the most hated games on Sup Forums to one of the most beloved?
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panda girls
>one of the most beloved
Gotta love the shitty assumptions there bud.
tyrande's ass
SJWatch Stockholm Syndrome.
>mosr beloved
its blantant shilling and even the threads get deleted
It simply was a solid game and people shat it on without having tried it. Since those Overwatch cross-promotions people got forced into trying it to unlock some minor crap and now they know for a fact it's playable and enjoyable, provided you play with people.
>have a general
>weeks of shilling on Sup Forums
when is this operation going to end?
>solid game
Ok I'm gonna bite.
It is not a solid game, the only advantage it has over other MOBA is that games last for 20-30 minutes and usually it's less than that.
The game has nothing authentic, it's a mashup of Blizzard eating up their own lore and then shitting something they can't explain into their universe.
All heroes are based on modifications of original DOTA allstars characters. Music is shit. Animations and maps are OK. Objectives make the game boring, if you are quick enough you don't need to fight the other team, ever, because AI monsters can win the game alone.
Also: They're starting to get a Nintendo-like corporative direction, meaning you can like one franchise and they will make you play and know the others. All of their games start to merge, all of their characters know each other magically and you will force yourself to like it or you will see the reality and leave. There are no other options. They won't do what the fans say, they will change what the fans want into what they tell them to like.
Nintendo 2.0
And im done.
It's one of the worst games I have ever played. It's a 5 man rape train the entire game. Every objective is dumb, 75% of the talents are awful, most of the ultimate abilities are so bad that there is only one choice, and despite what people say the lack of items makes the game an unbalanced piece of shit. Once you pick x talent there is no going back, whereas items can be bought and sold at any time. The game charges money for in game characters, they monetize every aspect of the game, and is designed for brain dead Blizzard knights.
> they monetize every aspect of the game, and is designed for brain dead Blizzard knights
Probably the worst thing in it.
It's so fucking cheeky I don't understand how people won't see it. If this was done by a less-known company the rain of shit would not stop.
I like how asshurt people get When Hots get mentioned on /v. Somehow people get angry for someone posting a videogame on a VIDEOGAME board, wow, really blow my neurons. It is a good game. Maybe you dont like it, but someone does. End of discussion.
Imagine your game being so shitty you have to bait players with cosmetics from a different game.
>one of the most beloved
Not quite OP
>if you are quick enough you don't need to fight the other team, ever, because AI monsters can win the game alone
>because AI monsters can win the game alone
>the game is bad because I don't like the lore and story
Holy autism batman
>heroes based off modifications of DotA All Stars characters
You mean the same characters that were based off of Warcraft 3 heroes? That DotA All Stars?
He who acts retarded and autistic on purpose will soon find himself in company of those whom he hates
It's actually really fun now without all the usual autistic moba shit and 1 hour games
I know brand loyalty exists and that Blizzard knights are real because one of my friends is exactly that. This guy owns every Blizzard game post WoW. He has never played anything pre WoW and I've even offered him my old copies but he still refused. He loves everything they do, laughs at their dumbest "jokes", defends them on every point, and practically throws them money every chance he gets.
This game is for dumb people, and worse yet there so many of them.
People actually played it and found out it was fun.
It's just some casual fun to have without putting much thought into it. And now there's some incentive to level all heroes to get some loot.
>One of Alarak's emotes is a Pony reference.
I understand why it's that way, and I'm even okay with it, but I still find it a bit strange.
they gave away a ton of heroes for free and added ow's loot sytem except its the only loot system like this ive seen which actually commonly drops stuff you want
i opened my 10 chests from nexus, got a leg item, 5 rare and a 3 day booster and multiple recolors
i opened them in ow and got nothing worth caring about at all. i dont understand why the free game is so much more generous. you get more chests and they have more in them
It's extremely boring and casual
I try to login every now and then to do dailys and try to buy an overwatch hero but I get bored after 2 matches maximun
I remember I could go on playing dota 2 for 8 hours straight daily back in 2013 when I started
This game on the other hand doesn't make me feel like I can do much by myself to create some impact in favor of my team. All fights are a gather around of 5 heroes to spam 4 buttons from the get go. It's not even close to satisfying as it is to farm your lane decently and then do well in teamfights.
All it makes me want to do is install dota 2 again, pick my boy anti-mage and try to remember the good old days doing some last hitting for relaxation
>Ctrl+F skins
>0 results
The only reason the game blew up in popularity recently is the new loot system.
What lore? What story?
Please, go ahead and make my autism go away.
Please, I beg you, make me understand the story and the lore of Heroes of the Shitfest.
Let's see what kind of self-deception you pull out of your ass.
If you check closely, with detailed abilty descriptions, the design of these heroes we are talking about; you can realize the progression was:
Warcraft makes special units called heroes, they have these special actions that have a big impact in the game.
DOTA uses these heroes and some of their abilities to create a game about ONLY using these special actions to interact in strategic gameplay.
Then, Blizzard goes one step beyond, and trying to avoid anything that resembles DOTA2 (they sued Valve for NAMES on the heroes, original idea do not steal) they make a game in which THEIR OWN characters have DIFFERENT abilites than they had back in the day. Thus, fucking up perfectly their own lore and pandering to new players instead of old consumers.
tl;dr Blizzard creates new, shitty strats, instead of using the system that was proved good 15 years ago and still works fine.
I don't have anything against autistic people, in fact I feel sad for them. I can express myself just fine and that's what I do. You assume my intentions and try to make a point like that? I laught at you. What next, you are going to call me a nigger? A fag?
Grow up.
Game is halfassed, casualized clusterfuck of things that were good time ago.
Blizzard and Nintendo do the same shit: Create content for kids and have parents pay up, while some adults with children mind also fall for their marketing manouvers.
Please, wake the fuck up. Play good games, stop stupporting cancer industries. Ok, thanks, bye.
Mind explaining?
>Please, I beg you, make me understand the story and the lore of Heroes of the Shitfest.
The Powers That Be (i.e. Blizzard) declared one day that heroes and villains from all over the universes would come together for glorious combat.
Most of them didn't quite get into it at first, but when they learned that they could eternally fuck up their arch enemies and be immortal while doing so, they stayed around. Naturally, some of them have ulterior motives (Johanna wanting to find an apprentice, Leoric wanting to build a cheesy kingdom of Villains, Alarak wanting to wave his robo-dick around), but generally they're just there to fuck around.
Alarak's VA, John De Lancie, did some work on the show, and on top of that giving aliens who effectively don't have faces a 'silly' emote isn't that easy.
>Let's add invisibility but no item to counter it
Fucking genius move, Blizzard.
the item is called your eyes
M8 if you look close enough to can see the distortion in the air when cloaked units move. Also it's been in since literally the first build, through Nova. Git gud.
Dota 2 > Smite > HotS > LoL
>overshitter can't deal with QM valeeras
>Above anything but LoL
In the past, maybe. As it stands, Valve has milked it too much to the point of it deteriorating massively.
Panda Lili
It didn't. It's just being shilled.
What a coincidence that when theres less OW threads theres more HOTS threads. Its almost like a switch in shilling.
Blizzard please quit being so stubborn and prideful.
People keep telling you what's wrong with your shit games.
Instead of getting triggered that people dare criticize your games, you should focus on fixing your shit design choices.
>The game has nothing authentic
Nor did DotA do anything authentic, yet it made an enjoyable mashup of various video game elements and added highly derivative and shallow fiction to make it relatable to people - and lo and behold, it was an enjoyable success.
It does not matter who does something first, as you will eventually realize every thought a member of socieity has is derivative of another, it matters who executes it well enough to make a noteworthy product over all the other attempts.
Better art, better animations, better netcode, better UI with great visual clarity and more maps is what HotS has over DotA and LoL and while you can at most interject that you might not like the setting/art/characters of HotS none of that ever gets to be relevant as your personal taste carries no objective value in any evaluation - what you dislike someone else might like.
Nice attempt at introducing Nintendo as red herring buti t's obviously not relevant, nor is it helping your argument.
>blizz's casual game is not casual enough
>Better art, better animations, better netcode, better UI with great visual clarity and more maps is what HotS has over DotA and LoL
>your personal taste carries no objective value in any evaluation
Good job making your own post worthless.
most invisible heroes in this game have a ridiculous kit like stuns, huge damage output, ability to get away in case they screw up
they can even get under your towers to kill you without being revealed
I understand blizzard is the worst when it comes to balancing but you just don't give a tremendously good arsenal to heroes that have innate invisibility, it's just dumb
the invisibility is supposed to be their strong traits already
at least it dota I don't have a hard time against braindead rikimarus or shadow bladed people named mamacita or gringo ptm or something
in hots if you're dumb you can just pick valeera or nova and the bullshit will play out by itself
This. It's a really fun alternative to last hitting and jungling for 20 minutes and poking at enemy heroes occasionally. It's basically Blizzard Super Smash Bros, but I like it that way.
Found the Valeera main.
Are you complaining about the lore of a FUCKING MOBA YOU LITTLE FUCKING FAGGOT
Because you literally keep making several threads about it every day.
it doesn't matter what valve has milked
valve is just in for the money and greediness as always and every year it gets worse, but they haven't turned their moba into p2w yet and probably never will
if you ignore cosmestics and everything else the game is still there and it pays off so much more if you actually perform decently in it
lol and hots will always be inferior at the end of the day, it's not up for discussion
Nigga just open your eyes. Are you that bad that you need an item to see something most people see naturally?
>Most invisible heroes have stuns, huge damage output, ability to get away
Nova has no stun nor an escape.
Samuro gets laughed at by any hero with reliable AoE
Valeera dies unless she fights someone 1 on 1 who's pretty much already dead.
Zeratul is like Valeera, only with an escape in favor of a stun.
wc3 had fucking great netcode with pickuplistchecker, bots, vck or other hosting tools and hots has one of the most overly retarded designs ever in the video game history and yea minimap has always been on the left side lets move it to the right side this is good design also you cannot click on allies, enemies or any other unit than your hero because we fucked up our own engine.
citation needed
>one of the most beloved
>Still (STILL) no Kel'Thuzad
But he's literally the next hero.
>can't refute arguments
>pretend to be right anyways
It's stupid that I have to wait for that invisible hero I have already spotted to attack something in case I don't have an aoe so it can be targetable
but it's alright cause invisibility in this game is just one of the many lousy badly done things
Your personal taste carries no objective value in any evaluation, mate.
Waifus and sluts
>what are skillshots
>what are wards
Better Hero Design, Maps, Game Modes than League
Also less Jewish and no boring 20 min laning phase
I don't think Blizzard realizes that everybody who plays Overwatch will literally do ANYTHING that does not involve paying money for free skins. And even if they did have to pay money they'd probably do it. See:TF2.
there at no actual HotS shills on Sup Forums, if anything there are too many anti-shills
>It's basically Blizzard Super Smash Bros
That's what makes me want to puke in their face.
So how do these heroes and villains interact with each other? Oh wait, they DO NOT.
Out of nowhere they know each other and they don't even question what is going on. At least Smash Bros doesn't fall into that shithole.
I can agree to this.
The game is more balanced now than it was in the past. Valve milked cosmetics and pro scene but the game did not go bad because of that.
Well, it did get bad if you wanted to have a 45 minutes unkillable, one-shotter Morphling and win the game alone based on "I picked hard carry". Then it got bad, cause new items counter that shit HARD. Me? I'm glad.
I'm used to retarded people in my team but not vocal retarded teammates. I just had a Valla in my game push bot with a boss we took when 2 temples were up and they only had 2 forts and their core left. If we had taken both temples we'd have won, but no she thought pushing bot and dying to Nazeebo was a fine idea all the while bitching about our team not following her into on her mad quest for death.
He was obviously referring to seeing them without having either of those things
What if my skillshot is on cooldown or they go invisible near the end of the fight so I have no mana for it?
I know they are there but there's no possible way for me to hit them since I can't target them and there's no item to reveal them either. Not even my structures reveal invisible units.
It's alright man, Blizzard is not your friend, you can criticize them and accept they make bad choices, they won't ban you from playing their games.
I was excited when I heard there was no shop in this game. Items are by far the worst shit in MOBA, you need to clock in at LEAST 1000 hours into a game to really understand what items what character needs in what situation and matchups in any game. Then I realized the "talent" system makes it 100X worse than items would.
Dude just don't play HotS and hide HotS threads then, you'll be less anal on average
>having allied chat turned on
Sup Forums is full of casuals who play overwatch every day. You get an overwatch skin for doing time in Heroes. So the casuals who once hated Heroes despite never playing it now love it because hey, Overwatch is in right now so supporting Blizzard is a A-okay
Are people seriously bitching about invisible heroes? Like nigga, you can see where they are. They're not actually invisible.
must be hard to live as 1 int
How are talents worse than items?
>Blatant DoTA defense force
Don't you have a /vg/ thread to tripfag?
Animations, polygon count and texture resolution are not personal taste, they are objectively measureable qualities contributing to visual fidelity. SC2 and HotS also have more solid interpolation as part of the netcode, which again is objectively measureable and was subject to great debate and testing in various competitive gameplay oriented forums and discussions.
>Not even my structures reveal invisible units.
should've gone beep boop. or tassador.
but mostly boop beep
If the squishy stealth assassin lives long enough in a fight to disengage and re-stealth you're the one with the problem.
You also have pings you can use to direct your team. Ping Danger or Assist me where you know the stealthy was.
It didn't. so you can just come back tomorrow with your daily shill thread
Because there's no /all chat so I can't trashtalk my opponents, thus mentally scarring my teammates will have to do.
>go like 20-0
>still can't destroy the entire enemy team by myself because of shared xp
polygon count and texture resolution are literally just a thing affected by the power of your rig and have absolutely nothing to do with good design
you make a ball with 100 polygons and the someone makes the same with 1000 and you're liek wow this 1000 polygon ball is so much better designed who made it I wanna suck his cock??
this piece of shit? literally the worst MOBA, beloved by Sup Forums? i find that hard to believe. blizzard must be spending big on shills if anyone praises that joke of a game here when dota is totally free and better.
>by myself
>by myself
>by myself
Then don't play HotS
>1v5 carries are a good thing
They are not, user.
Battleborn is literally better in every aspect than this game.
I can understand why people play Overwatch (TF2 Waifu dlc), but why play this game? I know Battleborn is dead, but Battleborn's MOBA mode is much more fun than the LoL/Dota 2 copy. Just play LoL or Dota 2 if you want the boring MOBA experience.
I'll also add that I hate the exp share shit. I mainly play Smite, if someone on your team just eats ass and feeds, they'll fall 3-5 levels behind and become less and less rewarding in exp gold for the enemy. You can still win a 4v5 if your team farms correctly and plays safe. But in HOTS they decided if one team mate doesn't know how to farm, or feeds, than your entire fucking team should fall behind as a whole.
Other moba's, one teammate feeds, you fight a 4v5 where the enemy is slightly ahead.
In HOTS one teammate feeds, and you fight a 4v5 where you're down 4-5 fucking levels as an entire team.
Why the fuck would I play HOTS over anything else?
I like to shit on bad videogames, not defend the ones I like (that could also be bad).
However your reply makes me wonder: Maybe everybody whom gets proven wrong in here resorts to "he must be a tripfag, I'll just ignore".
Just fyi: Anonymous wins. Always. Trips and redditers can eat shit. I've been here a long time and I won't get labelled any of those. Have a good day.
>people enjoy this game now? SHILLS!!!!! ITS THE SHILLS!!!!
>try out HoTs
>It only takes one retard and you lose
>At any given time there are four potential retards on the team.
>Moba culture is toxic, so any time you make suggestions on how your team can not suck- they take it as a personal attack against themselves.
>10 minute wait time per match because dead game
No sir, I didn't like it.
This situation never happens to me. Mainly cause it's real easy to tell someone to stop sucking.
This. I honestly can't believe how my team falls behind in exp when this game has so little jungle, and minion wave rewards don't get split when multiple people are nearby.
minute wait time per match because dead game
You almost had me. I've had now wait between games that lasted longer than 30 seconds in the past month.