>school on a Saturday
Jesus Christ
School on a Saturday
It's not an amerishart thing I guess.
lol babby
No wonder their suicide rates are so high.
And people ask why Americans are so stupid.
>Have 3 years of high school instead of 4
I think Japan takes academics way too seriously.
Enjoy your suicide ratez
Don't they have the Wednesday off instead?
>Poland, Russia, and South Korea all have much higher rates of suicide
>Japan is still le kys xD country
I'll never understand American education.
Poland have higher rate of kys' than Japan?
To be fair, at least matatically america is falling every year.
>Comparing yourself to literal shitholes as a defense
I'd say kys but you already have that written down in your planner
Is this game an actual good JRPG? I don't know if Sup Forums keeps talking about it because it's good or just the PS4 hasn't had a good JRPG in a long time that Sup Forums will bite anything.
>Implying Japs are smart.
They graduate high school, go to college and get degrees on par with gender studies. They don't know how to program, they don't know anything about psychology as it's considered taboo, and for every other sector they hire Koreans and Chinese. They can't even build game consoles without Westerners, the same Westerners who built the PS3's cell processor.
Poland has almost double the suicide rate of Japan. Per 100,000 people 21 kill themselves in Japan while 37 kill themselves in Poland.
>when you're such a weeb you have to defend Japan
Good thing Japan has a defense force as we STILL won't let you have an army :)
Fucking idiot. SMT/Persona has been a staple of discussion on Sup Forums since you were in fucking diapers.
Yeah, it's actually good. The combat is stylish and smooth despite being turned based, and the Persona fusion mechanics are so in-depth you can spend hours just fucking around in the velvet room. Despite having huge appeal to waifufags characters are actually well-written and multidimensional, you'll actually want to get to know them more and it'll keep you coming back.
People in those countries kill themselves because they are barely livable shitholes. People in Japan kill themselves because they literally work themselves to death.
Enjoy your school shooting ratez
>I'm basing this purely on video game fields because I'm nerd lol
Well yeah, they're Polish. What could be more depressing?
>Barely livable shitholes
>American having room to talk
Detroit, niggers, literally school shootings every second tuesday and thursday, etc.
I'm not American, enjoy getting achmed'd
The JDF is one of the most well-equipped and technologically advanced militaries in the world. Pretty much the only things they're not allowed to have are ICBMs and aircraft carriers.
I'm not american.
suicide ratez has gone down over the years. now its south koreea and china who are in top.
And they are still retarded as shit. I was working in Japan for 7 months as a system-implementor / logistics consulter. Amount of retarded desicions higher-ups do is unbelievable and this for a country that revolutionized production with Kanban in the 80s.
>do analysis and give them my advice on how to do a warehouse so that they don't bleed money anymore
>show them 100 hours of analytic work I done and 50 hours of programming a beta of a new goods management tool
>muh ancestors did it that way
Fucking retarded nation, I can't beleive they still do strong with their conservative blindness.
>Acts retarded
>not American
Holy fuck it's true
>Japan is supposedly the king of suicide
>For the last decade white people have been trying to genocide themselves off the face of the planet
Are the whites really that angry that asians aren't BLACKING themselves en masse?
Yeah but that's fucking Poland, a shithole, only touted as a good place to live by Sup Forumsacks because muh ""white"" people. We're talking about a country that's advanced, yet still fucks up in that regard.
Uni has that for some special classes, m8. Even then, its usually one just one subject.course.
Welp, this thread is about to go down the shitter.
I actually never understood the whole "respect the high ups" mind set. Even when something is insane common sense, and 99% of the staff agrees it's a good idea, if the old guy in charge says "fuck off" they HAVE to do what he says? Fuckin' bullshit.
Lads, is there a point after the Apocalyptic Guide fight at the end of the game to save and heal?
Or should I run back down to Lavenza and save there?
Enjoy your niggers
It's because you're supposed to share your idea to the higher up so he can introduce it. Then when no one is looking he gives you a promotion and a big paycheck raise.
Angry autists go to work in Japan and act confused when they try to show up the boss and then complain when their ideas get shut down. Work in Japan involves pushing up the boss so he can pull you up with him.
The real igor reveals himself at the end of the game.
I'm clearly fucking past that, you moron, considering I know who Lavenza is.
You can see it in every huge corporation, but in Japan it's even more noticable. To them boss is fucking god. And stuff like this sucks even more for me, because I'm basically forced to do something retarded. I mean my job was just consulting, but there's no point in consulting somebody when he only has one vision anyway.
And their working hours are insane. I mean here in Germany I work for 8,5 hours / 5 days normally, perhaps up to 10 once a month when shit's burning. In Japan they are happy to work 12-14 hours a day. They don't even question it, it's mutual agreement. Once you are fired there it's over for you, getting new job after 30+ is extremely hard from what I understood from my coworkers during this project. Most of them were employeed right after finishing college/university and I'm quite sure from what I saw they will never leave the company.
It's nice to visit, but it's most romanticized country ever, even worse than France/Paris. Because working with them as a foreigner in field that isn't teaching is hell.
It's only a half day on saturday though i think
Okay but let's assume he's white and doesnt live in that one city out of thousands in america
>Is there a point after the Apocalyptic Guide fight at the end of the game to save and heal?
No, go and save.
They have longer vacations. When I went to school in Russia it was same - full day school Saturdays, but 3 months long vacation in summer.
It's about 3 months in america though
we need flags back on this board
I live in UK and no saturday schools too
inb4 inbreeding
Austria here, same thing. I guess our education is there more for brainwashing by libshits.
But this is still better to be brainwashed and mindbroken into future corporate wageslave happily working 60+ hours a week.
>Most of them were employeed right after finishing college/university and I'm quite sure from what I saw they will never leave the company.
I remember watching a documentary or report or something about this.
You could finish uni, apply for several jobs, get the one you wanted the least and just have to accept that you're going to be working there until pension.
If you're hired by a company you may rise within the ranks, but chances are you won't work for another company.
Some companies even holds single-worker-gatherings, since they'd like it if their employees were married to each other - they get to "keep it in the company", and the people don't have to spend time looking for a spouse.
meanwhile muraca has japan on a short leash
>Japan on a leash
Amazing what two bombs can get you, aint it?
I tell you something even more twisted. Company I planned warehouse for really fucking BTFOd others.
They married coworkers so that you have NO possibility to leave in the first place. Once you want to leave they pressure you to stay by kicking your wife out as well, once you are against higher ups same thing. Team-building and employer proposition were a mistake, happy that I'm half-freelancing not having to deal with this bullshit.
There's a reason P5 has an entire Palace about Japanese work culture.
Yes P5 basically says Japan is a shithole who knew?
Oh and to add.
Reason their birth-rates are so low aren't due to neets and animus but simply due to the fact that companies don't want them to have children so they can overwork their whole life. During my stay there weren't even a single female coworker in maternity stay.
>all this japan shilling
Top 10 Uni's in the world
>University of Oxford
>California Institute
>Stanford University of Technology
>University of Cambridge
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Harvard University
>Princeton University
>Imperial College London
>ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
>University of California, Berkeley
Where is japan you NEETS?
This is what happens when you live in a country where every fellow chink motherfucker walks, talks, and looks exactly like you
You get a fucking Anthill country
Also amazing how Americans managed to brainwash the Japanese in to loving americans and everything related to them, truly the ultimate cucks
Ivy League is education's oldest meme.
>university rankings
>mean anything
C'mon user, all of what said is entirely true.
according to who? american SJWs?
>Americans are dumb
>Americans organized one of the 21st century's crowning scientific achievements, the Manhattan Project, and used it
pick one
You should be able to solve this.
Someone post the GO TO SLEEP comic.
Gee, I wonder why?
I guess y'all should just stick to waifuposting, this thread's fucking cancer.
>mfw Ruyi Jingu Bang
Did Ryuji loot the gym he goes to for this fucking atrocity of a weapon?
What good in having all that advanced equipment if you overlord will never let you use it?
Don't a lot of Japanese students try to study abroad anyway? You would think with how high their population is that a lot of them probably would end up leaving Japan and finding work elsewhere.
It means best education institute, imagine going to school 6 days a week just so you go in to a shit tier uni
The first uni is not even american
>send calling card to Kamoshida on Sunday
>everyone's at school
Makes me wonder why didn't they disable the option to send this card when it's Saturday. Then again, it's not as bad as Goro being magically revived if you get to Shido's treasure but don't send the card.
>not having activities after school and on weekends
Lazy kids become lazy maladjusted and boring adults.
Probably why almost every western nation is shitting the bed right now.
This theread is in desperate need for more memes.
Hence, explains amount of chinks and japs in universities abroad. If their countries would have such a good education, why would they study abroad?
>Japan shilling.
most of this thread has been shitting on Japan and US.
>made by jews and German defectors
A lot of work in order to become a soulless salaryman working 18 hours a day without compensation
>It means best education institute
The methodology used in university rankings is completely meaningless drivel. They give points simply for a university being old, and points for the university's perceived 'prestige'. Less questionably, but still questionable, they give a lot of points for the size of the university's endowerment.
Quality of teaching only counts for like 5% of the ranking methodology. Literally meaningless shit.
Yep they even started a fight in their parliament when they decided to restore their army, can't find a country more cucked than japan
They have 4 years of middle school.
>Romancing the sex worker
Not implying americans are dumb, it was a joke dude, you're reading into it too much
The Nips aren't in the top ten. As far as I'm aware only China is the only one to stick out like a sore thumb when it comes to studying overseas. India is in second.
Well, prestige plays cruicial role for studying. Trust me, even if you got best degree in a university with good professors, somebody who studied in Harward will still get a job.
Employers don't fucking research if your Bampustan's Village City University of Science gives you good education, they know Harward gives good one simply due to common knowledge.
I mean whatever, their shit gets more popular every year here
Sushi and anime have been on the rise nonstop
Japan might get a cultural victory if we dont stop them, better send mssionaries
I don't live in America, but a country that hires people based on their personal merit instead of memes surrounding the university.
Nobody here cares where you studied as long as the university was accredited by the government.
>implying america isnt made up of immigrants anyway
For you
If you're gonna make up shit as being salty go and google it
>It means best education institute
It doesn't, it means which university graduates get into the highest paying jobs.
Which are obviously mostly western, since USA is the world superpower, followed by some European countries in some fields (like Austria with pharmacology and medicine).
And where do you live lad?
Anime and their overall culture really got quite mainstream due to ASAP memers and Yung Lean singing about Japanese designers liek Jun Takahashi and anime pussy in every song.
And don't forget amount of Japs living in Cali.
I desperately need more images like these holy shit