Konami Love Thread
RIP Kojima Thread
No Flying Fish Thread
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>you got your fallout in my metal gear
If the game was a "survive" game like all the hot new fps games are on pc (think unknownplayers battleground) Id actually probably plau Survive.
5s gameplay is supreme. And if the game got turned into a pvp survival game with a team based FoB building station and there were also the weird zombie things and boss enemies the game would actually be pretty good. Since the movement, stealth, and gunplay all work so well together and have an amazing gamefeel it would translate perfectly into a pvp battleroyal gamemode.
But all its going to be is a stupid zombie survival game with literally no challenge whatsoever with little reward for doing anything and no stakes overall.
>little reward for doing anything and no stakes overall.
What gives you this impression?
Because the zombies aren't going to be challenging to fight. Just run away from them and shoot in the head. Wow. So hard. Or they're going to be easy to sneak around because casual retards won't be able to handle an actual challenge in their game and would just complain until they're nerfed.
The main story might be a little fun to play through, but I don't see the need for it really. What rewards would even be worth getting for a single player game of this type? A stronger base? Who cares? It won't be hard anyway.
If it was a battle royal game, where each time you spawned in, there were two random bases for 5-10 players (per team) had to go out and gather resources for the base while avoiding zombies, gathering on site weapons/ammo/etc, and fighting each other (or not) would be way more interesting.
Then there could be a time limit of like 20 or 40 mins to gather shit, get back to the base, fortify, then fight each other + a strong hoard or a boss zombie, then there would be reason to play. Stakes, fun, etc. But a single player zombie game is just not fun anymore; it's all been done before.
desu a PUBG style game with gunplay and polish of mgsv would be kinda sick
>Polish without Kojima
>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location)
>the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy)
>moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations
>kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times
>has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was)
>the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)"
>before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped
>the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord
>time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment
>when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up
>ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985
>new playstation ad has the old kojima productions logo in the background
>the contractor who trademarked sony's "v" is also responsible for death stranding and decima
Then check out the poster. PT. Reverse Death Stranding. You get SD.
The events of Phantom Pain were a coma nightmare. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills. On top of that the REAL MGS5 will be coming out next year.
To add to this:
>mads slipped up and said kojima has 300 people at his tokyo offices working on death stranding
>kojima has claimed only 100 people are, to keep up the illusion this is a new independent studio
>a gz prisoner mumbles about the schrodinger equation
>"last year i thought i lost everything but i...*laughs*...didn't lose anything" - this is what kojima actually said at dorito pope's show
>the pt system crash screen is signed by "j", the letter j is on the bridge toro enters in the ds trailer 2, "J-san" recently joined the survive team pushing nuclear disarmament
>jordan vogt-roberts laughs when asked about the konami / kojima split 39:08 of youtu.be
>the only emblem that's left in the game's coding that hasn't be released for TPP is a picture of Kojima's head, it's going to be released on the first day of E3
>the kojima productions website was created a month before kojima's departure and is set to expire 30/11/2017
>the head transplant doctor said his patient will learn how to move after surgery using VR, TPP is likely a VR simulation
Kojima Producions is literally not recorded as a private independent business nor holding company nor any fucking entity in Japan's registration bureau or anywhere else in the world
They also use front organizations to sell their products and those organizations refuse to tell you the name of who owns the intellectual property.
Also to make matters worse; Kojima's logo and name trademark for his team got turned down for copyright. And KONAMI still owns the name "Kojima Productions."
Feel free to mention this to him or his team members in Twitter. They won't dare respond to you.
Dorito Pope also slipped up in when being interviewed about how he got involved in the Moby Dick ruse when he said Kojima approached him and told him he wanted to do MGSV in 3 parts (Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain, so what's Part 3).
Survive looks good. Glad they continued on without kojima. Day 1 buy. Interested to see where they take the series without him. Good for them.
If you ignore him, he will go away.
What's this thread about? I mean yeah, MGSurvive, sure, but we havn't seen anything new of it yet, have we? An announcement trailer and some gameplay footage. Not much to discuss.
E3 my dude. Konami will be there.
man you need to let it go
theres no secret cloak and dagger stuff going on here it's all purely coincidental
J will be there.
Yeah their new online community director will probably be there promoting their new metal gear survive game. Thanks for pointing that out.
Hey, dummy, Kojima's head is already avaliable and you can use it as an emblem.
Caramel, buddy.
We've all seen this post a hundred times now, please try to tone it down a bit. We know what your point is by now, can we just talk about other aspects of the games?
but its the japanese community manager only
Yeah because MGS4 and V were realllllly good and polished thanks to Kojima :^)
J signed the PT system crash screen.
J is on the entrance to the bridge Del Toro enters.
J-san has joined the Survive team and is pushing nuclear disarmament.
I don't think the franchise will survive this game.
Nice seeing you again
Check this out.
This Konami job recruitment page was posted three days after youtube.com
You got Kojima's name plastered all over it.
I'm pretty sure you've seen this get brought up by Python, though I think I've first seen it in a very old /mgg/ thread
When is it coming back?
I actually don't recall Python ever mentioning this but that's a great find.
The logo is literally Venom's forehead shrapnel
But E3 has not happened yet? Yeah, Sherlock, I already had figured out that they'd eventually talk about this game!
But as of now, what is there to discuss?
Or is this just a retarded speculation thread? Hypocrites of Sup Forums, usually moaning about all those dumb normies wasting their cash on overprized pre-orders, now once more putting gas into the fire of the hype machine!
No it's not.
You don't have to try so hard to fit in.
Oh I'm not trying to do anything besides trying to understand what you people are talking about!
I got 700+ hrs in MGSV, it's one of my mast favorite games. I got properly hyped when the announcement trailer for MGSurvive dropped.
But that doesn't change that there's NOTHING to talk about? What do you do in these threads?
Just post retarded comments like ?
Do people in Japan really grunt and moan in real life from daily living as they do in video games and anime?
Uhh, hmm, hnnng, gaahhh, OOOOOOUUUU
shit i thought it was a gun
wtf is happening
how large is the scope of this ruse?!
>without Kojima
>expanding on the various dimensions Kojima has been hinting with DS
>having an alternate reality in a MG game
>fucking FISH swimming in the sky but none of the devs even tried to point that one
This smells too much like Kojima.
Go to some other thread and complain about why people are talking about video games in Sup Forums.
survive -- death stranding
i cant find my way home -- i'll keep coming
flying fish -- dead fish
flaming whale -- digital whale
worm holes -- worm holes
v abdomen scar -- t abdomen scar
stolen babies -- stolen babies
bloody eye man controlling the dead -- bloody eye man controlling the dead
skull face logo -- skull face logo
kojima productions -- kojima productions
If half of what he is saying is true, there IS something very fishy going on...
We are just bullying this autist.
MGSurvive ain't no videogame. It's a developement project aiming to eventually create and release a video game.
Which you could talk about all day long if there was anything to fucking talk about.
Kojima isnt this clever.
Imagine if co-op missions were in MGSV instead of that lameass FOB shit and CoD-lite deathmatch multiplayer.
Jesus Christ, you are the biggest autist in Sup Forums right now, congratulations, you even beat the theory guy.
brainlet detected.
The co-op mission shown in the Survive gameplay footage looks dope. And it's only one of the modes.
So why not engage in a conversation with me regarding the topic of MGSurvive instead of arguing against my point that there's nothing to talk about?
Oh yeah right, because there's nothing to talk about.
Hope it flops.
You're missing one glaring hole in your theory.
They are taking pre orders for survive.
If its not the game they are already taking peoples money for, its called false advertising and its illegal.
Gg idiots.
It's almost as if pre-orders can be cancelled or something.
Haha fucking rekt
Survive is real. It's coming this year.
And Kojima had nothing to do with it - we swear!!
Id like to see him talk his way out of this one. Hahahaha
theyre all real games
>If its not the game they are already taking peoples money for, its called false advertising and its illegal.
>It's almost as if pre-orders can be cancelled or something.
Why are you pretending to not understand what false advertising means? It doesn't matter if pre-orders can be cancelled. If you're just trolling and forcing this meme for (You)s, i can assure (You) - nobody finds it funny or interesting.
It gets cancelled
You cannot take money for anything that isn't coming out. There is a reason they do pre-orders and the very reason that publishers do pre-orders is reason why it is so fucking illegal to do what you just suggested.
Got eeeem
>in Metal Gear SurVive, you progress though the story by completing missions
>in its story, Mother Base soldiers fight to stay alive as they try to return home after being transported to an alternate world
>other people and objects from VARIOUS WORLDSSS end up here after being transported by wormholes as well
>the soldiers have to fight, gather and survive as they search for a way back to their world
Kek, either Konami analysed Death Stranding's trailers and realised alternate worlds and things from other worlds being "stranded" though wormholes would be something atractive to fans, or Kojima is literally working on this as well.
Feel free to try it out yourself.
Fucking hell it's like a homeless guy cosplaying pls delet
Or maybe we'll ses content from Metal Gear games other than V.
I hope theres a grey fox skin in survive. I wanna slash with that katana
This was before kojima left....
Are you aware that the V logs or whatever they're called on the nip MGSV site still have a final unused 36th entry?
Kojima wanted a game cartridge to make a room smell like blood and people doubt that this has some solid foundations. TopKek!
What really triggers my autism is that wormhole technology just appears out of nowhere, never touched upon in dialogue or even handwave lore. add literally nothing to the game, and is now a central premise for another game that is sort of a part of the franchise.
I bet fucking Kojima planned this retardation, and then Konami decided to hack it off and sell as a separate game.
ITT: clash of the autists
I hope they do an E3 game demo for Survive and it turns full Death Stranding like the end of PT. Both games get released and I'm happier than I could ever be. Then Silent Hills is just round the corner.
It was three days after Kojima announced his partnership with Sony.
You'll also find a kp_job_01 inside it.
It's becoming painfully obvious at this point.
You guys realise that this dude just keeps turning his trip off and agreeing with himself right? Just ignore him and he will stop
Mgsv. The game so bad, it literally drove a few people insane.
>when death stranding releases it won't be mgs related
>when mg survive releases it will actually turn out to be a shameless cash grab that has nothing to do with the actual series
>rusefags still believe that something's going on
>after death stranding flops due to its over inflated budget and kojima is let go by Sony, it will be part of the ruse
>when that doctor gets called out as being a hack and never goes through with his head transplant operation it will be a part of the ruse
>when Kojima retires from games and spends the rest of his days burger tweeting full-time, it will be a part of the ruse
>when Kojima finally dies from old age, it will be a part of the ruse
>mfw rusefags will literally go to their graves still believing that their ruse cruise is coming into port
went through his tweets and didn't find anything
I guess the credit is split between ps and this guy
might want to add it to the list
Not really, I saw the thread he created yesterday and I can't help but think this is a possibility. The only thing I don't get is why would Konami agree with this? Every media roasted them as much as they could in the past year or so and that probably isn't good for their reputation or sales.
Care to try explaning that Caramel?
Japs take that shit like nobody so long as they get the last laugh. He was also VP remember he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
The scale of all this is juat unrealistic. All of this would have to had been approved by a board of directors, investors, sony board of directors, website creators, game coders, artists, and hundreds more people involved with game creation. Its literally childish to think this all would have been approved.
Re think your life my friends. Its just not possible.
>Care to try explaning that Caramel?
Already did, read the thread.
>The only thing I don't get is why would Konami agree with this? Every media roasted them as much as they could in the past year or so and that probably isn't good for their reputation or sales.
Konami do not give a fuck about a bunch of nerds on the internet spamming them on Twitter and Facebook. When it all turns out to be a ruse everyone will love them even more than before for having the balls to go along with such a stunt. The controversy was spread using second hand sources and rumors. The truth will be spread using the biggest gaming event in the world.
No I did not turn my tripcode off, shut up.
It was real once before user. It can be real again.
Notice that it is the ID that is named Kojima. It just means that the ID of the style/model is called Kojima. It could have been made years ago so it isn't proof that Kojima is involved in any way.
"kojima" is japanese for "table"
>Konami do not give a fuck about a bunch of nerds on the internet spamming them on Twitter and Facebook
>a publicly traded company doesn't care about their reputation
you're a fucking moron
shareholders would never allow this.
>When it all turns out to be a ruse everyone will love them even more than before for having the balls to go along with such a stunt.
Why? Why would anyone "love" them for that? Flipping a monster truck is a "stunt", this isn't a "stunt", even if everything about this turned out to be true, Konami would be ridiculed even more, because it's confusing and without purpose.
All i am saying is that anyone who has ever used CSS or whatever, knows that the naming of the ID's is not something you change around often. The entire style of that image is the same as what was in the MGSV trailers so it would make sense that they called it Kojima because his team made it.
All he is saying is they might have had a japanese web designer.
Kojima warned you about misinformation spreading on the internet in MGS2 yet you still fall for it. Foolish subhuman.
>shareholders would never allow this.
Do you even understand what the shareholders will be seeing her? Oh they cancelled that Silent Hills game? Okay, whatever, let's see, the Pachinko sector is doing good, the usual PES game is selling very nicely, okay.
Then when the ruse is revealed.
Oh, what's this? MGS5? Another installment of their popular Metal Gear series? Okay, excellent news. Now what's this? Silent Hills? Hmm, this series hasn't had a new entry in a long time but the internet went crazy when they released the demo for it. Excellent.
Moron. You know nothing about how the real world works.
Holy fuck imagine if it actually is a shit survival game like Rust and has steam tags like "survival, open-world, crafting"
>YFW there's a ruse
>but it isn't a MGS or silent hills game
>but a ZOE game
I'm just going to believe you're trolling because I don't think anyone can be this incredibly obliviously stupid.
Great argument.
>caramel makes these threads to b8 other anons
>You know nothing about how the real world works.
So, the joke here is that you pretend to be mentally retarded and that's the punchline? Cause i've seen you post this several times. You need to polish this shit my dude, because the irony is lost on everyone.