Do you train to get better in vidya?
Do you train to get better in vidya?
If I play the game a lot because I enjoy it, I end up getting better so
Oh hey, it's that artist that can literally only make comics about how miserable and talentless and full of self-doubt he is.
Nah. Most of the time I just get good with no real effort, just like in real life. It's funny to play with people, who have thousands of hours, but I'm still better or at least on par with them, even tho I have like
Of course someone who doesn't try would actually think people just have magic talent rather than a better aptitude for learning.
I love the irony that the artist is neither skilled nor talented at drawing. You can tell by the smug eyes in the first panel that he thinks he's the shit.
If you're talented at something you gain skill quicker in that field and have a higher ceiling than others, you couldn't just start on a whim and be as good as someone who's practiced in that field.
>doodle "artist" making shit tier comics thinks he is allowed to put his head next to skill
>Shits on """talent"""
>how miserable and talentless and full of self-doubt
thats like 90% of facebook memes. pretending that your life is awful but being able to laugh at is the cool thing to do now.
So, "she" has a dick? Or am I missing something here?
you don't know shit. some people are born with the knowledge of proper shading, dynamic posing, proper anatomy, color balance and good perspective while us others couldn't even learn these if we trained our whole lives.
He's unironically neo-antifa too, and told people on Twitter to go fight people at the free speech rally in Boston.
He's not wrong.
i suck at vidya
it hurts to admit it but i just suck
I never once had fun in a multi-player game because I always felt like people on the opposite team were just better than me, whenever I win it's just obvious that my teammates carried me and I had no value to the team.
I tried shooters, MOBAs, Fighting Games, Grand Strategy, I always end up getting my ass handed to me by the lowest skill level goons in the online matchmaking.
I never really thought about it but maybe there's actually something wrong with me, I've been playing online games for like, 10 years, and never got good in one of them even once.
Talent accelerates practice
You can overcome talent with hard work up until the very peak of the mountain
This isn't a roleplaying thread, user
That is the visual gag, yes. You figured it out
Except that's not how talent works at all. It just means you're predisposed aka you have a "knack" for something. Talent is not an equalizer for invested effort.
That feel
I can beat some of the harder single player games, but at multi player I suck balls.
I play with someone who's just absurdly good at anything they pick up, and it's really frustrating when I die and he carries me and keeps telling me I'm not bad just unlucky to be nice.
Having a head start doesn't guarantee you'll win the race
>at something entirely useless
It always makes me feel even better about myself, when people call "that" roleplaying. How does it feel like being shit-tier?
>Used to be really good at sniping in TF2 back when it released
>Now I can barely keep up with other people who seem like they are hacking to me
Getting older is a bitch, especially when it comes to playing competitive vidya.
If vidya is useless, then what is useful? Isn't usefulness and uselessness determined on a subjective level anyways?
made it better
No that's normal. Most people are fucking idiots.
Talent doesn't mean you start out good. It means you get good faster. Sometimes so fast that you can start years late and still catch up with people without talent. And we'd all be used to this if people would shut up with the HURR DURR IQ IS A MYTH WE'RE ALL EQUAL.
>be rts player
>pass 24
End my fucking life.
>I am the same exact thing as 70% of this website except a apply myself a little more
Yes, since I mostly play shmups and fighting games.
>talent is privilege now too
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. Maybe that will make the pain go away?
pretending to want to kill yourself is the coolest thing to do now
Haha, yeah bro, and I'm totes not a virgin living with his parents. Us chads, amirite? *high five*
There's absolutely no magical loss or ability at 24. You're just far more stressed and are far more tired from work/school and something bad is always on the back or your mind so you can't concentrate like you used to
```Talent``` is just a different name for either a) being good at learning things efficiently and always being critical of your own work, or b) having several years of learning behind you that didn't feel like practice because you did it for fun and not explicitly to practice.
I can pick up essentially any game and get extremely good at it in a very short time, but that's only because I've spent 80% of my life regularly playing video games.
I guess. I can beat Battletoads in under an hour.
Depends on your values. Some people value money, so skills that can make them money are useful to them. Some people value making a positive impact in the world, so skills that help other people are useful to them. Not really sure what values you'd need to have to make vidya useful. At best you can be completely nihilistic and say that nothing is useful, so vidya is no less worthwhile than anything else.
>getting good at vidya
>not just playing the most rng characters and acting like a pro when you high-roll
I'm pretty sure your reflexes and general attentiveness do deteriorate as you age, and someone who is 28 like me will not be as twitchy as someone who is 16. The difference might be negligible anywhere else, but in videogames where fractions of seconds can decide who gets shot first, it matters.
Yeah, I put in a lot effort in BlazBlue to get better with Valkenhayn. My execution and consistency still leave a lot to be desired, but I'm getting better all the time.
I'm gonna try my luck at EVO this year, just finished making reservations for my stay and flight yesterday. I'm gonna have to learn that optimal wolf brake corner before then and fix my shitty oki and defences somewhat.
I'll probably drown in pools like a chump, but it'll be a great experience, I'm sure.
>Train for vidya
Never. If you can't learn jack in a few seconds of gameplay, then you should check your brain
holy shit this is so good
dammit, I should have done that
>Work hard and get good at something through years of practice
>People dismiss all that and pass it off as talent like if you popped from your mom's vagoo doing that something
Hedonists would value vidya because it's entertainment and thus pleasurable.
Sorry, user, but these "chads" don't go to med school. They are just as shit-tier as most of the people on this planet.
If someone's success manages to create this kind of a reaction, then shouldn't that be a warning sign for the person suffering from this critical reaction? :^)
It's fun to be so good, that it alone creates butthurt around other people.
What pain? I'm interning at Boeing right now with high prospects of getting to work there after graduation. Getting paid too. I'm currently 5725 MMR in Dota, and dip in and out of master league in legacy of the void since I don't have time to play as much, but at one point a fair bit of time ago I was in gm for a little. I've played SF4 on a competitive level at events before and won.
I bet you're just some loser who has a positive win ratio in league of legends in gold league or some other pathetic shit like that and think you're amazing. Sad.
Reflexes deteriorate towards the end of your 20s.
Is talent actually real? I'm doubtful.
Kinda, but that's because I like the process of exploring game mechanics. It may be weird, but I enjoy stuff like training mode in fighting games, or free building in RTS games, where I can look at all the available tools. For that reason I absolutely love The Last Remnant, that game is so full of hidden mechanics you play for hundreds of hours and you'll still be finding new things in it.
Only tedious kind of training I do is in WoW. As DPS class I spend long time at the mannequins trying out various builds and equipment to maximize my damage, because I don't want to let my guild down with bad performance.
Nyt viljami takas ylilaudalle. Ei jenkkejä saa röllätä, niille tulee paha mieli.
Lmao fucking #annihilated
Posting the best web comic artist/writer combo
I think talent is just "I did something a lot when I was young and now I'm good at it without realising it"
But that's completely subjective. If someone finds vidya useful, because of hedonistic reasons, then it isn't useless or wrong. If something so simple gives you pleasure, then shouldn't you do it? Assuming doing "it" doesn't consume your life and make you even more miserable in the end.
Step aside
yes billy, genetics do exist
some people natually do X things better, but it's all hard work usually. people often use word "talent" to dismiss hard work and feel better.
>he spent time and effort gittin gud in vidya to prove online fuccbois
>he still works at mcdonalds
why do people do this? addiction?
I only did it in high school
Yeah well I work for the CIA and have over 301 kills
Don't hit on me silly goys
I swear I've seen this pic before the one in the OP but you still managed to get the colors on the shirt/pants right. Impressive.
Either this or 'this requires a very specific skill set that I've already trained in, like hand-eye coordination"
Pakko kylvää jenkkeihin pyllykipua god-tier lääkiksen avulla. Mikään ei ole nautinnollisempaa kuin katsoa, kun amerifätit kärsii pyllykivusta.
Except that being good at vidya doesn't make it more pleasurable. It's almost the exact opposite. When you train, you have to be disciplined and keep at it even when you're not having fun, and when you finally git gud, the game gets boring because it can't challenge you anymore.
>claims to be successful
>still shitposts on /v*
Reminds me of the dad that wanted to prove anyone could because a grand chessmaster or something.
All his daughters got the title because the thought them when they were still kids
Aptitude has a noticeable affect in the early stages of development but it will never make you the master of anything alone. Practice trumps talent by a very, very large margin.
What does this mean, is she getting all of the panties, or is she forgoing them all together?
>Spend months training to get gud at fighting vidya
>Get asswooped online
I don't think thi semen slurping hobby is for me
S-stop interfering with my country
talent is a lie and aptitude is nothing without hard work to begin with
>He doesn't enjoy outplaying other people
The entertainment in competitive vidya comes from proving your superiority.
Talent is a multiplier, not a magical +10 to X trait.
>Niger Chad
He's a pretty funny guy. Why are you so resentful?
Results = Talent X Effort
Talent alone doesn't make you good at anything. It just means you have an easier time getting good at things.
Why not prove your superiority with something other people take as seriously as you?
The way I see it, we are born blank, but every little thing that we experience leaves some sort of imprint on us. From the very moment a human is born he absorbs information around him, which forms his mind processes and ways of thinking that may give him advantage in specific fields. And this is what creates perceived talent: a person whose mind was formed in a way that gives him advantage in something that he didn't intentionally pursue.
Lmao white men are so awful :'')
why would she be putting them on her face tho? I dont get it. Or is she worried about getting panty raided by elephants?
Like what? And why does it need to be something that OTHERS take seriously when you are the one that wants to be entertained?
i edit
dont FUCKING reply to me
Aren't you the same guy that shitposted on Sup Forums in a talent thread some time ago?
I guess he meant for casual engaging entertainment that most of the people do when it comes to vidya. If you were going for something competitive you would most likely train yes.
If reflexes go that much down how are there basketball players and boxers in their forties? Do they have no need for reflexes? Then again shooter players may need just that good reflexes, not strategy players though.
Imho talent is an ultimate ability to produce extraordinary work and you can't be sure that you are not talented until your last breath.
I no bro
That's cute and all but we all know luck is the most important factor in life.
Now you've triggered the americans