Chris Chan is back with brand-new Sonichu.
He livestreamed the drawing of quite a few new pages.
Expect them to be out anytime soon.
Any expectations, Sup Forums ?
Chris Chan is back with brand-new Sonichu
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What is the S for?
Nobody knows, but I'm sure she will explain.
How does he explain the cure for homosexuality?
Straight, Chris said it on his Twitter.
>even plain old normal people are part of the LGBTSJHKJDHJBKBJEBWFOIHFDSM,VCBCXM movement
So Chris-chan is now more inclusive than the actual LGBTBBQ community?
so is that sonichu's trans sister or something? also 10 bucks that Rosechu is now a lesbian with that tranny.
Not really, gays are still disgusting for him
That's his son. Rosechu isn't a lesbian but her and Sonichu's daughters probably is.
This must be the Sup Forums culture I've heard so much about
if you include straight people in the club that literally describes itself as the "non straight" people, doesn't that make it everybody? Who can't qualify as a member of slgbtq? robots?
It's funny that Sup Forums will mock Christine, when they are exactly the same degenerate, sissy trap-loving, AGP individuals that she is.
I meant the one standing next to Rosechu.
Kinda tempted to sign him up to a Trump news letter to get some funny videos again. He's just a boring tumblrite with autism now
Shitty projection post invalidated
This is Chris you're dealing with, don't try applying logic
It's more progressive to include everyone because people shouldn't be circlejerking due to shared sexualities anyway
He lives in Virginia, it's standard speech here.
>years ago chris chan disliked gays and non-whites
>now he's gay and wants to be non-white
maybe poltards can take a lesson from him
I'm dying
maybe in western virginia
I like that he first demanded 10k a month to start drawing again but now that he and Barbs are running out of money, he desperately forces himself to draw again in the hopes of getting more money.
Fuck off if you're from NOVA.
>a total autist include straight because he knows it's the right thing to do
>someone actually bought the sonic totem for 1500 dollary-doos
It still baffles me.
Hasnt he been drawing this shit for years? How come it looks exactly the same as it did since its first iteration? Is he incapable of learning? I mean i know he's a diagnosed retard but /ic/ must be rolling
I've heard Chris thrown in "Snowflake" in the ever expanding variants of LGBT acronym.
get out of my state faggot
and take CWC with you
That's funny
Aussies always have to find new and innovative ways to up their shitposting game.
Get with the times gramps, Sup Forums now loves based blacks and the cool gays like Milo
Asexuals, maybe?
I thought it was because straight people are the biggest faggots of them all.
He doesnt draw often enough to improve nor does he do much preparing like sketches.His grip is also hindering his already stagnating skills and due to his ego believes that he does everything perfectly on the first try.Watch his latest video and youll understand.
They add a new letter every couple of years to keep it fresh. High Functioning Chris is actually funny as shit.
CWC noob detected.
He still hates gay men, and he's always claimed to be a Cherokee Native American, not white. He just didn't want to fuck a non-white woman.
Did I imply gay men, retard?
>draw the same exact shit for 25 years with NO IMPROVEMENT
How is that even possible?
I thought he died of sepsis
Charles Schultz got away with it.
He still barely tolerate gays and hate men now but that would be funny if he was indeed better than most actual LGBT here.
Yes, you said he disliked gays and non-whites, and that now he's gay. Not true.
All this years drawing shit and its exactly the same shit
Is the blue-haired woman in the middle supposed to be him?
His style was good and changing it wouldn't be a good idea when you are such a brand.
He always claimed to be a prairie nigger, and always hated all men but especially gay men but loved lesbians.
Aside of the fact that now he claims to be a lesbian woman himself, none of that has changed. If anything he seems to hate men more now.
Wait, then what the fuck is the point of the acronym in the first place? Why don't you just say EVERYONE if you're going to include literally every identity out there?
But the style of the Peanuts changed a lot since its inception
I've always wondered why Tumblr types don't just say "non-straight" instead of having a 30 letter label that keeps getting longer.
Chris is an autist so he has an excuse.
Yeah, note the heterochromia.
>he wrote an F instead of an O for "any of" and scribbled over it
this is funnier than the drawing
>CWC trolling the LGBT community
I want this
Calling it non-straight would either imply straight as normal and everyone else as abnormal, or just flatly look like it's discriminating against straight.
Plus that would let people who claim pedophilia or rape as sexual preferences an in to join in.
Including straight people and not demonizing them leaves Chris looking honestly more reasonable than the usual SJW LGBBQT tranny
His drawing skills just don't improve
>imply straight as normal and everyone else as abnormal
But this is true.
Everything that is not the norm is abnormal by definition but most people tend to think abnormal = bad so obviously the LGBT are avoiding it.
>Get with the times gramps, Sup Forums now loves based blacks and the cool gays like Milo
Gas yourself degenerate. Those are just redditfags shitting up Sup Forums
Where's the video games?
CWC is an important part of Sup Forums's culture.
You mean, 90% of Sup Forums?
What the hell does queer even mean? ive heard and said it all my life but I never really got it. My friend told me it meant not straight but isn't that the literal definition of being a homo which is already included in LGBT because of lesbian and gay
when you're not actually gay but are too much of a snowflake to be called straight
I'll never fucking get over how he draws himself as a svelte woman, like he has no idea that he's actually shaped like a potato and is 1/4 bald
Did a literal retard just invent a brand new way to troll liberals?
holy kekeroony
Does having autism prevents you from drawing good? Because this is still toddler levels of drawing skills. If you can even call that skills at all.
>i'm too retarded to appreciate art
I've always thought of Queer and Camp as acting gay but not actually being gay. Like the old Batman villains from the 60s
LMAO lets push this and watch the left eat itself alive
Straight (women)
Some oldfag probably had compassion with a broken and lost soul that provided him entertainment in his dark teenage years
>Literal retard is more progressive than most SJWLGBTQWTFBBQs
Like pottery
Because Chris doesn't really consider quality anyways. Notice how even though he makes comics he doesn't have a creator's perspective at all. He doesn't use words like 'improve' or 'better', or judge something for it's quality. The only problem Chris has with anything is if it's got some bizarre technical foul like blue arms or something that makes it not canon to him.
Just look at his PSN and lego wall. He doesn't know that things can be good or bad, better or worse. Remember, Chris actually believed Sonichu was an instant hit and that it had a sincere worldwide following, almost immediately when he put his first comics up. Chris has no standards or idea of worth. He doesn't even know that his work could be bad.
Not really, Chris just has an enormous ego and a lifetime of being coddled has rendered him deaf to criticism.
>will never get another comic of Chris violently executing people he stole a character from
>we will never see another comic of Chris going on a mass killing spree and a forced sterlization of homosexuals
Those were the good old days.
>tfw a literal austist is ten thousand times more reasonable and better than SJWs and Tumblr combined
I remember during one of the calls with Alec he thought his birthday should be of equal or greater importance then Mexico Flag Day.
Queer is a blanket term for everything that doesn't fall under L G B or T but still isn't straight. Its a catchall to prevent an overlu lng acronym
No they weren't you fag, they were forced out by trolls pushing Chris to the limit and they resulted in his complete burn out. The comics where trolls didn't try to interfere with everything and it was just Chris retelling times of his IRL tard rages with Sonichu inserted were the best
Good old capitalism will bring our boy back
On my planet, it means "hope"
Used to just be a derogatory term for gays, but now it more or less means "I dunno but not straight"
Are you seriously trying to tell me that some comic about how a mall cop told him he couldn't solicit sex in the mall is better then him destroying a building killing hundreds of people only because they made a site making fun of him? Besides the whole forced sterlization of homosexuals wasn't even because of trolls. People asked him legit questions of why he hated homosexuals instead of giving the bullshit "just because" answer he always gives.
You know it'd really get him mad if you insinuated that him making the G in SLGBTQ yellow was him implying that sonichu is gay.
Since the red one is straight the one wearing blue is 'trans' and presumably the pruple one is 'Q'.
Just throwing that out there.
Yeah the mall cop, Mary Lee Walsh and Graduon stuff comics are uniquely hilarious in that it's truly the everyday delusions and projections of a completely clueless idiot who lives in his own head. The troll stuff is also great but that was a different flavor of internet rage, unlike the down to earth slice of life daily diary original Sonichu was. Original Sonichu was just Chris accidentally telling the most hilarious embarrassing real story about himself, the troll arc was all just him blowing up usernames he hated.
Nigga why the fuck does his new art look exactly as awful as his first issues? Hasn't he been doing this for a decade by now?
why does Sup Forums follow this fruitcake?
he's been out of it for a long time