Defend this

Defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ice climbers have never won a major

I can't

Rosalina&Luma never won one until civilwar.

Just don't get grabbed.

Literally can't.
This cancer should be banned already. No one that unironically uses it is actually good at the game either.

You can't. Melee is a broken game full of horrible balance issues and glitches but the Melee community likes to overlook them despite shit like people falling through the middle of Pokemon Stadium actually costing rounds, or that time the Falcon spiked Luigi on FoD, but he straight up didn't go anywhere and won because of it.
The people who are like "just play around it" are the worst. Like, hey dude, all the pipes in the kitchen are leaking, there's a hole in the floor, and the fridge won't close all the way, and even though the stove releases this godawful stench when you turn it on, you can still cook with it, so it's fine.

Fox players are shit and should be ashamed of themselves.

Melee is an inherantly broken game, wobbling is far from the only jank in the game.

That doesn't mean it's not a good game, but you have to accept that nothing you see in competitive melee was intended by Sakurai or properly balanced.

>defending what is indefensible
no i'm good from the top platform, have fun chasing my wavelands