Who's gonna fuck up E3 the hardest?

Who's gonna fuck up E3 the hardest?

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Microsoft unless they have some amazing announcement they're holding onto.

Its literally going to be an entire conference about Scorpio.


MS and Nintendo are bringing their A game, Sony might have a few surprises. Ubisoft will be fine this yea, Bethesda will bomb though.

Literally all they have to do is announce the next Elder Scrolls and people will go apeshit. Like just show a logo.

It's always easy to pick on MS considering they would probably do this. I'm always excited to see new tech, granted I hope they have some games to back Scorpio up besides 4K multiplats.


They have a new Wolfenstein and Evil Within under their belt. I think they'll be fine.

Ubisoft fails by default every time they push out girl wood on stage.

I'm expecting nothing more of it being another Just Dance conference.

Nintendo and Microsoft.
They don't have anything new.

PC Gaming Show

>Nintendo and Microsoft.
>They don't have anything new.

What are you smoking? Microsoft has the Scorpio and games line-up, Nintendo has their first E3 with a new console, which means lots of games announcements.

I think Microsoft will try to grab a lot of multiplatform announcement.

Remember back in 2015 when Sony had Last Guardian, FFVII remake and Shenmue 3? They had fucking NOTHING for that Holiday season yet people still said they won E3 because they went hard on people's soft spots. If DMC5 gets announced at E3 I honestly think Microsoft might snag the announcement, its one of those "dream games" for a lot of people so it would earn them brownie points.

Xbox will shit the bed again

>They have nothing new
Sounds like you're just shitposting.

I can't see how anybody can be worse than Ubisoft. These are the same stupid cunts that insist on opening every event with a song and dance much to the displeasure of everybody watching.

EA will be the worst but that is just pandering to their audience.

>Holiday season
You do know E3 doesn't have anything to do with how the platform is doing at that time right? It has to do with who did E3 the best.

Stop conflating what winning E3 means.

Unless they have some interesting new IP it will be a boring scorpio fest

Its the most boring nothing-show

I expect they will have RDR2 dominating their show

I can't wait for Ubisoft to do a LARP multiplayer bullshot demo for one of their reskinned games.

I find the idea of a company "winning" E3 to be fucking stupid. This is like saying "This company advertised to be the best!"

Everything is a contest.

>"This company advertised to be the best!"
What do you think E3 is?

Its just for fun user. Anyone that takes E3 seriously is a moron.

In terms of the big three? Probably Microsoft. Nintendo can start announcing more Switch stuff/showing off already revealed games, Sony has The Last of Us 2 and another Uncharted(?), and Microsoft has...fuck all. I mean, I don't think they have a new Halo ready, and the only thing I can think of is that might be neat is that KI might have a new character/Season 4 of DLC.

EA will fuck up in terms of companies. It's always sportsshit and disappointing FPSes with them. Bethesda has DOOM, Wolfenstein, and whatever else, and even Ubisoft catches people's attention with Ghost Recon.

I'm just waiting for Bethesda to drop TES VI out of nowhere, I've waited enough

Microsoft or EA

Capcom with SFV. The Street Fighter 30th big announcement will probably another batch of costumes instead of an extra character or a revamp.

EA is not fair
Because an EA conference that would give everything to EA fans would be the worst conference judged by anyone with taste

I hope microsoft doesn't fuck up with the Scorpio
We need some competition for the PS4 since nintendo has gone full retard.

Spencer confirmed they have some AAA exclusives that they will announce. Playground Games became two studios and while one team worked on Forza Horizon 3 the other team worked on something else - a non-racing game.

Don't use spoilers as surprise boxes.

thats the magic of E3
you'll never know who's gonna be shit
can be an impresive show if they manage to show GAMES for scorpio, it can be also be a borning spec fest
>EA & Ubisoft
those are shit by default, specially Ubisoft
they understand how to make people excited now, its weird cause they used to have meh tier E3s like 4 years ago, but it can turn to be shit if they get too cocky
they can release a fucking skyrim logo and their drones will be loosing their minds, probably gonna be meh
its a mixed bag, can be pretty good, can be pretty shit, i feel like nintendo doesnt even understand their fanbase, that can be good or bad, it depends
>pc talk show
>talk show
>wining anything
no matter what, this is gonna happen
>microsoft anounces games that only xbots like
>the 3 xbots from this board gonna say that Microsoft won
>sony anounces game that only sonyfags can like
>sonyfags will say that sony won
>nintendo releases a game that only nintendofags like
>nintendofags will say that nintendo won
>bunch of falseflaggers on every side
every single year

>Microsoft has the Scorpio and games line-up
>being this delusional

Yeah so what "games" are they going to be showing.

>inb4 multiplats that nobody cares about because they'll be getting them on PS4 anyway

For every DECENT...not even good...DECENT X1 exclusive there's at least 3 PS4 exlcusives and at least 2 Nintendo exclusives that are better. Just face it MS ate shit and X1 is a failure. I'll at least give them credit for sticking by their failure though, unlike Nintendo prematurely launching another console early, just like the Wii U kek retards never learn.

dude brand loyalty lmao

>no matter what, this is gonna happen
That shit is why I watch E3 with Sup Forums then leave for a while until it calms down again.

>Yeah so what "games" are they going to be showing.

As an idort Microsoft has potential to have one of the best conferences if Sony and Nintendo just plan to rev up what they have already shown. People forget Microsoft didn't show off anything new last year and saved it all for Scorpio launch.

-Ori and the Will of the Wisp
-Shadow of the Tomb Raider
-Forza Motorsports 7
-Crackdown 3
-Some new Halo annoucement that isn't Halo 6
-State of Decay 2
-Sea of Thieves

These are all the guaranteed ones we know of EXCEPT maybe the new Tomb Raider. Which is a solid lineup tbqh.

Hoping Sony has some fun VR games and Mario Odyssey ends up being GOTY.

>Literally what
>Dude HALO!
>Only ok title they have
>Literally what

Damn sony fans are really rabid haters of everything else

Out of the big three Microsoft has the most to worry about, given that they have to make up for the lost confidence in canceling half their games and make sure the Scorpio isn't another $599 PS3.

Sony just needs to show more gameplay of what they teased last year and Nintendo needs to show off a better games line up.


>Nintendo has their first E3 with a new console, which means lots of games announcements.

Nintendo has already tired to temper expectations by admitting they will only be focusing on games releasing this year. So that's basically ARMS, Splatoon 2, and Mario (Xenoblade 2 will likely be delayed).

As much as I hate Ubisoft, they give the most E3 presentations in terms of good cringe.

If Mario is playable, it doesn't fucking matter and you know it. People will still cum in their pants and talk about nothing else, just like with Zelda last year.

Nice argument.

>Literally what
>another Tomb Raider game
>another shitty racing game
>Crackdown is interesting
>another fucking Halo game
>I'll give you this
>another shitty game nobody has heard of or care about

So out of all that shit you named 2 games people would actually be looking forward too.

>mention that Nintendo has 2 good exclusives for every 1 decent X1 exclusive
>somehow that makes me a rabid hater of everything not Sony

You're delusional son.

capcom by not announcing dragon's dogma 2 or dmc 5

> unlike Nintendo prematurely launching another console early, just like the Wii U kek retards never learn.

>i feel like nintendo doesnt even understand their fanbase
I think it's true as far as Metroid is concerned. I'd be happy if Retro is working on a new IP though.
Of the big 3? Definitely Microsoft. I think the Scorpio or whatever their next Xbox is going to be is going to flop. The only way I can see it become successful is if they throw a lot of money behind Halo and make the series great again.

I bet on Ubisoft.

Last year they had an interesting game that was then overshadowed by BotW having its core mechanic as a mini game.
What happens in years, in which they don't even have an interesting game?

I'm not expecting anything but I'm still going to be disappointed

It's obviously EA and if you don't think so you've never followed E3:
Ubisoft while being cheesy at least announce games that might be good once patched;
Bethesda same as Ubisoft except people who think Bethesda will fix their games are delusional;
Microsoft will have Cuphead which will save them from losing the few fans they have left;
Sony will show Crash and FFVII Remake somehow forgetting to mention that the latter is split into epissodes and releasing in 2020;
Nintendo will show Mario Odyssey which alone could pull off a BotW at E3, and it's not the only game they're bringing

Why do they do this? It's always boring as fuck

>Pokemon Treehouse last year
>Spends 5 minutes of translating to inform us pokemon are in the grass and how the camera angles change during battles

You're probably right. Even the media is portraying Nintendo in a positive light these days, so it's not hard to picture them "winning" E3 two years in a row with only one game.

We may have reached the point where it really is okay when Nintendo does it.

>give them a compliment while acknowledging they shit the bed...twice

Somehow that makes me a hater? I literally just gave them a compliment before that it's not my fault they keep doing retarded shit regardless of how many decent exclusives they have retard. I'm not some blind Nintendo fan just like I realized how hard Sony shit the bed repeatedly with the PS3. I call shit how I see it cuck.

If they have no exclusive to sell there new console or if the Scorpio's price is too expensive
Same reason as the switch needs more games to bring people in
If they can't give 2017 release dates to some of the big games they showed off last year or if they spend too much time on vr
If what they show off isn't impressive or substantial enough to carry their show like last year
Same as Bethesda esspecially since Assassins creed skipped a year. Everyone is going to expect an improvement. Also give release dates
Who cares it will probably be shit like last year

Out of the big 3? Microsoft is the one I am banking on to not deliver anything worthwhile.

As a whole? EA. They always have the worst presentation out of all of them.

>good once patched

You mean once the uplay garbage has been removed?

>I call shit how I see it
I'm doing the same

It's just fucking a cringe-fest sometimes

remember that spastic guy that announced some indie ps4 title with his red little puppet. Guy looked like he was about to shit his pants and drop the spaghetti

>microsoft has scorpio and probably some other shit
>sony is going to push vr hard, probably show off more gow4
>nintendo will announce a game or two but mostly focus on the shit they announced last time
>ea has DUDE SPORTS and bioware's public image plummeted after andromeda
>bethesda has all of id's shit under their belt to play with, may announce a new elder scrolls or something to that degree

If it would have betrayed any of my expectations, I would have said EA. For now, I'll probably pin it on Microsoft.

can be an impresive show if they manage to show GAMES for scorpio, it can be also be a borning spec fest
>EA & Ubisoft
those are shit by default, specially Ubisoft
Death Stranding
they can release a fucking skyrim logo, new Wolfenstein
some weebshit

Misusing words like this should be a bannable offence.


I whole heartedly expect EA to have a horrible conference. They have nothing. We are going to see Battlefield Vietnam and that's it outside of sports.

Unravel, Mirrors Edge, and Andromeda all flopped regardless of being decent games. EA is going to stick to their money makers and it's going to be lame as fuck. Also that whatever Need for Speed Underground sequel nobody wanted is coming too.

>Why do they do this?

To make up for not having an actual conference. That godforsaken card Sup Forums sent them didn't help either.

That's like 1000% weebshit

The answer is ALWAYS Nintendo, because nobody has worthwhile expectations for Microsoft or any of the publisher shows. Personally, I can't wait for Nintendo to only show Mario, Splatoon, and Arms at E3, because anyone who bought a Wii 2.0 deserves to be openly ridiculed and mocked for their blind stupidity.

>Why do they do this?
What? Play and show some games?

Do you honestly think that them showing only these will make people mad? Just mario is enough for people to praise them, just like BotW

I know it will cause Metroid, F-Zero, etc, fans to go completely feral, so that is good enough for me.

>mfw people are actually this fucking stupid

We're getting a Platinum Games port announced at E3 though.

Nigger they're not going to E3 without exclusives.

You know this event exists to announce games and that's what they're gonna do, dumb Sonyrandy.

>We're getting a Platinum Games port announced at E3 though.

>being a literal brain dead nigger

I feel so sorry for you.

Mario Oddesey delayed.

What would it be? The only game remotely normalfag friendly enough for a big announcement was Vanquish and that's already done

cant wait for e3, not even that hyped for the games but the threads are comfy

Why is E3 such a big thing? Isn't it just a bunch of big publishers announcing the next Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed?
I've never quite understood the ALL of the hype behind the event, but I guess it might be more of a console thing.

well.. yeah, I kinda see your point
now that I think about it, I always try to not miss Ubisoft conference for all the cringe material

t.no fun allowed

This will be the year Sony fucks up. Nothing new to show. VR VR VR. Another Kojimbles trailer for a game not out in 2020. And 30 minutes of COD and Destiny. And Neofag pretending they won after Nintendmination.

>a bunch of big publishers announcing the next Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed

That's just the boring part

If MCC isn't announced on PC I'm ending it.

Should be the other way around becasue ps4 won

The hype is silly, it's just a big marketing event and so the actual shows don't matter, but given that new games get announced at E3 it's not surprising that people are interested in it

You know, there's some people that actually like games and waiting any shit that they prefer
Even I'm waiting for AC and I don't give a fuck what you're thinking about it, because I like games and play anything that is good and fun for me. Just hope that this E3 Sony actually shows something and not just fucking shit like Naughty Dog games or God of War, something more like Armored Core and Tenchu for instance

And this is bad how? You'd rather see them drop support for yet ANOTHER hardware instead?

Not that they will fuck up E3 persay
but they will do what they always do
by releasing trailers for games thatll end up broken

Does it really matter what Sony shows?

They have marketing rights for Cod, Destiny 2 and RDR 2 and will announce an exclusive game from From Software and probably other surprises as well.

Sup Forums will always downplay everything or hate everything they show

It's not like it really matters, for the average normie consumer, Sony only exists and if they get their Spiderman, God of War and dudebro games, Sony easily wins for them.

Sony will easily win e3

Sony is literally obliterating the competition, over 60 million consoles sold and they are projecting to sell a total of 80 million consoles by March 2018.

Your opinion doesn't matter Sup Forums

You are irrelevant Sup Forums

Sony has the normie and weeab crowd, and if both get the games they want, they will easily win.

>Nintendo will show Mario Odyssey which alone could pull off a BotW at E3
nah, and im aware that mario sells more than zelda
mario sells well thanks to soccer moms and manchildren, zelda sells for nostalgiafags and we gamers amirite fags
E3 is filled with the later and that caused the last years event

It's fun seeing "professionals" make total asses out of themselves live on stage. Unfortunately, they seem to have gotten their collective shit together last year. I don't remember hearing about any major faux pas, at least.

>A game

Breath of the wild is already out, no other games are for shitch

Two estrogen pills have been placed in your account

Are you triggered?

Also, who makes those pics? they are cringe as fuck

nigga Ill cut you, he was cute af

how many days until e3?


>that compilation of virgins weeb faggots


>Sony has the normie and weeab crowd
They won't have the weeb crowd for long when Switch outsells the PS4 and eats the Vita for breakfast. Besides, the reason why nobody cares about Sony is that the announce games that won't come out for 2-5 years, sometimes longer.

Xenoblade won't be delayed

>t. i know about ubisoft games because of the memes