sup dood?
Sup dood?
inb4 lolis
>you will never marry a prinny
I know that feel, grape-kun.
I know that feel
>you will never BE a prinny
feels bad dood
It's easy to become a prinny:
1. Live a worthless life
2. Die
And you wouldn't be here if 1 wasn't already true.
Shoot me.
best girl
aren't prinnies just criminals inside a cute body?
well the criteria to become a prinny seems kinda broad. Basically you gotta sin to become a prinny. And killing one self is considered a sin.... which Laharl's mother did but for a really good reason.
Netherworld prinnies are. Celestial ones I think have regular humans' souls inside.
Well that way soul becomes special kinda of prinny. Same as with Kurtis becoming Green prinny.
Regular prinnies are usually have more common sins I guess.
whats the best disgaea?
should i get 5?
Not much, dood.
>there will never be a ZHP2
just kill me dood
mechanically - 5. Content wise - 4. story - depends, most people agree on 1.
cool thanks
just if you go with 4, get Vita version.
It got all DLCs and additional content.
if go with 1st - PSP or PC version.
if go with 5 - whatever, Switch ones comes with all DLCs, but if you look for a sale you can get PS4 + season pass for it for relatively same price.
for full enjoyment I'd recommend not to go to try and learn all mechanics instantly to play as optimized as possible. All fun is in exploration of how you can exploit game mechanics in your favor.
Can anyone explain that meme to me ?
Watch Kemono friends.
20 year old penguin falls in love with 2d penguin loli cutout to the point where they have to physically separate them.
He has good taste
>20 year old penguin falls in love with 2d penguin loli cutout to the point where they have to physically separate them.
>physically separate
fucking monsters
He stopped eating because it took time away from his waifu. They had to do it to save his life.
Godspeed you glorious penguin bastard.
That's misinformation, they just have to put the penguins behind that net every night after closing. Grape-kun still stands next to his waifu every day.
>Grape-kun fanart
>Godspeed you glorious penguin bastard.
the hero we need, but don't deserve.
Thank god, there is still some justice in this world
I would use etna's panties to filter my coffee!
That doesn't sound very sanitary.
I need to 100% D4... as well as all other Disgaea...
If only I had all time in the world, or was just a neet
>Fuka talking shit about anybody
I benched that annoying cunt as soon as post game started.
I'm usually pretty open to English dubs but after playing the Disgaea 5 demo I can say that the voices of the two leads are doing an awful job.
I like Seraphina's. It's not that bad.
>not using best D4 girl
shame on you
hell, I get that you may dislike character and such, but her attacks animations are basically the best thing since sliced bread
Dat theme song tho.
Who would really win?
My vote is on Etna.
Are you retarded?
Maybe he's Hululu, so yes.
>Just got to the disgaea 4 postgame
>mfw there's so much shit to do
I don't even know where to start sometimes.
Thinking I'll just abuse item world stuff since I'm still trying to get Kurtis. Reverse pirating seems helpful but I don't really understand the point of it.
This is one of the few points in my life where I want the weekend to end already. I want to play Disgaea 5.
I'd save reverse pirating for later, I tried it while I was unprepared and got my shit pushed in immediately, it's fun but if you're going for Statisticians and have D4 on Vita, there's a faster way.
Hang out in the item world though, try to hunt pirates while you're at it, they spawn during the first 3 turns of each floor, so it's not a bad idea to just wait it out on every floor, especially when you hit 80+ floors, because you wanna find the Meowkin Pirates as fast as possible.
how do i get a prinny gf?
Play ZHP
>This is one of the few points in my life where I want the weekend to end already. I want to play Disgaea 5.
Same. I ended up getting the LE, but would legit buy the game again, whenever I get a PS4.
>>I don't even know where to start sometimes.
>Thinking I'll just abuse item world stuff since I'm still trying to get Kurtis. Reverse pirating seems helpful but I don't really understand the point of it.
I'm still stuck on grinding to level 5k on D4, I really wish I had a Vita, because apparently they patched out the exploit that allowed you to dupe items and get statisticians easily, on PS3.
Reverse-pirating for statisticians takes forever, along with level grinding, but goddamn there's a lot of shit to do in D4. While I also played DD2 and greatly enjoyed the post-game/cheat-engine there, the story for D4 was just so much better.
>I ended up getting the LE
So basically be an autist who posts on 4 chan, right?
Because I couldn't get the PS4 LE thanks to scalpers.
If I could get them both I would.
I think just buying regular switch version and getting harada's artbook separately would've been better deal than poster made for faggots
but whatever works for you
Not him but I really want that lapel set.
That sets you on the prinny route yes, however if you die doing an act of bravery or if you have sacrificed yourself on the behalfs of others you are locked off of it.
fiiiine, I guess I just not fond of pins
but really, wtf with those posters
Don't you just become a pink/green/insert color here Prinny that way?
Switch 10 Lapel Pin Set >>>>> Cheap Cunny Bunny fig.
PS4 LE Waifufaggot Posters >>>>> Switch Faggotfaggots Posters.
They're both shit LEs, if not for the Hard Cover art-book. If anything a real LE should have a combination of everything listed both pics.
If anything you could just buy the posters separate, on the PS4, along with a copy of the artbook and a bargain bin copy of D5; and hopefully get a discount on the Season Pass, for the DLC
The Switch on advantage is that everything will be new, but eh, it's a port, so it comes down to if really buy into supporting NIS vs what actual consoles you have.
>better than small figure
also artbook is shit, buy Harada's Artworks
>actually decent fanart
quite a rarity
IMO the PS4 LE would had been perfect if the poster only had the cunny bunny in it. It's annoying how all Disgaea posters always get ruined by some cowtits bitch in it.
So, for the people who already played D5, on the PS4, what did you think about the story/characters compared to the other Disgaea games? I honestly care even less about the MC and 'stuck-up-princess overlord' less than D2 and that's considering Adel and Ros were pretty entertaining characters in themselves.
Hopefully, the rest of the cast doesn't even up as obnoxious as Fuka, from D4, Mao from D3 or Sicily from DD2.
Did he really do anything that was wrong?
>Sicily from DD2.
that would imply that something about DD2 isn't obnoxious as fuck.
which isn't true
It's kinda iffy whether Rozalin can canonically use her Zenon powers at will after D2. If so, she wins hands-down. Etna wins otherwise.
Love conquers all.
Though we all know Pram would kick everyone's asses
At the start of the game, I hated everyone except Seraphina. But they develop pretty nicely, and by the end I liked everyone else, but hated Seraphina. Funny how that works.
Usalia is the one to get the most development aside from Killia thanks to her relationship with Majorita and her dead parents.
Red Magnus is probably the one with the least development but thankfully his japanese VA ( Takehito Koyasu ) is very talented and makes up for it.
Zeroken is okish, sometimes annoying, sometimes not.
Seraphina is a bit of an oddball, you could argue that she is shit and all, and sometimes a bit entertaining.
Same here.
Also, sometimes I feel like the only one that really dug the cast and story of 4, Fuka aside. Valvatorez especially was great, though the sardines joke did get run into the ground.
Aside from genocide? Not really, his end goal was actually forgiveable but the means to it where the problem.
best male character of whole franchise coming thru
He bullied best girl.
The D4 characters were just spread a bit too thin. They were all fairly likable initially, but as the story went on, they just became ground down into one joke that was repeated ad-nauseum. I really liked Fenrich in the beginning, with his sarcasm and way of politely talking down to Val. But that all disappeared as soon as Artina showed up, and he just turned into Valvatorez' jealous ex-boyfriend.
>best male character
You shittin' me?
>best male character of whole franchise
you are just a faggot, sorry to break that down to you
Soul Nomad deserved more.
I generally agree, I just enjoyed how much of a weirdo Val was while being overly charismatic over the dumbest shit and hitting like a freight train.
>Gender Bender Evility
Archer is best boy(female)!
>I just enjoyed how much of a weirdo Val was while being overly charismatic over the dumbest shit and hitting like a freight train.
I think he is.
>You will never drink Taro's milk.
How the fuck does that Body work
What are you, gay?
Just wait till you hear Usalia she has this weird tick in her speech and they decided to translated it as "Plip". Its grating as fuck and after a few cutscenes with her is where I switched to Jap voices. Things like that don't translate well at all to english and just end up being irritating.
I actually don't mind the voice actor its matches her character but whoever thought translating her character like that should be fired
>what is stylization
Can't be as bad as this.
What am i looking at?
The-Tama from the-World of Final the-Fantasy.
Character from World of Final Fantasy that inserted the word the into every single line she has.
left or right?
Left, I'll take that cute cat.
Because Disgaea characters never have been translated that way before, zam, dood.
when is D5 coming to Vita dood?